야지디: 두 판 사이의 차이

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잔글 봇: 틀 이름 및 스타일 정리
17번째 줄:
[[파일:Yezidis of Jabal.jpg|섬네일|230px|1920년 이라크의 예지디 사진]]
'''예지디''' ({{llang|en|Yezidi}}, {{llang|ar|يزيدية}}, {{llang|ku|ئێزیدی}}) 또는 '''야지디'''는 [[쿠르드인]]<ref>Iraklii CHIKHLADZE, Giga CHIKHLADZE [http://www.ca-c.org/journal/2003/journal_eng/cac-03/23.chieng.shtml THE YEZIDI KURDS AND ASSYRIANS OF GEORGIA: THE PROBLEM OF DIASPORAS AND INTEGRATION INTO CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY]; ca-c.org; accessed June 11, 2015.</ref><ref>David Szakonyi [http://www.ecmi.de/fileadmin/downloads/publications/JEMIE/2007/2-2007-Szakonyi.pdf Ethnic Mobilization in Post-Soviet Georgia: The Case of the Yezidi-Kurds], ecmi.de; accessed June 11, 2015.</ref><ref>Carole A.O'Leary [http://www.rubincenter.org/meria/2002/12/oleary.pdf THE KURDS OF IRAQ:RECENT HISTORY, FUTURE PROSPECTS]</ref>이면서 야지디교를 믿는 [[민족종교집단]]<ref name="YAZIDIS i. GENERAL">[http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/yazidis-i-general-1 YAZIDIS i. GENERAL], iranicaonline.org; accessed June 11, 2015.</ref>이다. 야지디교는 [[조로아스터교]]와 옛 메소포타미아 종교들의 영향을 받았으나, 야지디인들은 독자적인 종교 커뮤니티와 그들의 문화를 가지고 있다.<ref name="PalmerBurgess2012">{{cite서적 book인용|last1=Palmer|first1=Michael D.|last2=Burgess|first2=Stanley M.|title=The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Social Justice|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ptYpOSKPCgMC&pg=PA404|accessdate=February 25, 2014|date=2012-03-12|publisher=John Wiley & Sons|isbn=9781444355369|page=405}}</ref><ref name="Guardian2007">{{cite web인용|url=http://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/aug/15/iraq|title=Background: the Yezidi|accessdate=2014-08-09|date=2007-08-15|publisher=The Guardian}}</ref><ref name="BBC_Magazine">{{cite web인용|url=http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-28686607|title=Who, What, Why: Who are the Yazidis?|accessdate=2014-08-08|publisher=BBC World News}}</ref> 그들은 먼저 [[이라크]]의 [[니네베 평원]]에 살고 있으며, 그 외에 [[아르메니아]], [[조지아]], [[터키]], [[이란]], [[시리아]]에 거주하며 1990년대 이후로는 [[유럽]] 특히 [[독일]]로 이주하고 있다.<ref name="spiegel">{{cite뉴스 news인용|last1=Gezer|first1=Özlem|title=From Germany to Iraq: One Yazidi Family's War on Islamic State|url=http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/a-german-yazidi-family-is-torn-apart-by-islamic-state-a-998441.html|accessdate=June 24, 2015|work=[[Der Spiegel]]|date=October 23, 2014}}</ref> 아르메니아에서는 야지디는 독자적인 민족집단으로 간주되며 [[쿠르드인]]으로는 간주되지 않는다.<ref>{{cite뉴스 news인용|last1=Serinci|first1=Deniz|title=The Yezidis of Armenia Face Identity Crisis over Kurdish Ethnicity|url=http://rudaw.net/english/people-places/28052014|agency=[[Rudaw Media Network]]|date=28 May 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite뉴스 news인용|last1=Green|first1=Emma|title=The Yazidis, a People Who Fled|url=http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/08/the-yazidis-a-people-who-fled/375964/|work=[[The Atlantic]]|date=13 August 2014|quote=Recently, Yazidis in Armenia tried to establish themselves as an independent, non-Kurdish ethnic group for political reasons...}}</ref> 아르메니아에서 이런 주제는 논쟁적이며 매우 정치적이다.<ref>{{cite뉴스 news인용|last1=Krikorian|first1=Onnik|title=Armenia: Yezidi Identity Battle|url=https://iwpr.net/global-voices/armenia-yezidi-identity-battle|agency=[[Institute for War and Peace Reporting]]|date=3 November 2006}}</ref>
야지디교는 일신교(一神敎)이다.<ref name="Monotheism">*[https://books.google.com/books?ei=AScPVMjKKeGu8AH7m4CoDA&id=_47XAAAAMAAJ&dq=yezidi+monotheist&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=monotheistic ''The Religion of the Yezidis: Religious Texts of the Yezidis: Translation, Introd. and Notes'', by Giuseppe Furlani, J.M. Unvala, 1940 -- "The religion of the Yezidis is monotheistic" pg. 3]
24번째 줄:
*[https://books.google.com/books?id=PIq-whVzNxoC&lpg=PA212&dq=yezidi%20monotheist&pg=PA213#v=onepage&q=yezidi%20monotheist&f=false ''Religious Freedom in the World'', by Paul A. Marshall, Rowman & Littlefield, 2000 -- "The Ezidi ("Yezidi") religion, a monotheistic faith..." p. 212]</ref> 신이 이 세계의 창조자라고 믿으며, 일곱의 신성한 존재(천사)가 있다고 본다. 그 천사의 필두는 [[공작새]]로 묘사되는 [[멜렉 타우스]](Melek Taus)이다.
[[2014년]] 8월 이후, [[이라크 레반트 이슬람 국가]](ISIL, Daesh)는 야지디가 살고 있는 신자르 산맥 일대를 점령하고, 야지디를 박해하며 근절하려 시도하고 있다.<ref>{{cite web인용|title=Who Are the Yazidi, and Why Is ISIS Targeting Them?|accessdate=July 3, 2015|url=http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/iraq-turmoil/who-are-yazidi-why-isis-targeting-them-n175621}}</ref>
== 신앙 ==
[[File파일:Melek tausi.gif|thumb|right|멜렉 타우스]]
야지디교도들은 일신교(一神敎)이다.<ref name="Monotheism"/> 그 신은 세계를 창조했으며,
세계를 보통 [[천사]], 또는 ''heft sirr''로 알려진 일곱 성스러운 존재의 손에 위임했다고 믿는다. 그 천사들의 수장은 '[[공작새]] 천사'인 "[[멜렉 타우스]](Melek Taus, 또는 Tawûsê Melek)"이다.<ref>{{cite뉴스 news인용|last1=Asher-Schapiro|first1=Avi|title=Who Are the Yazidis, the Ancient, Persecuted Religious Minority Struggling to Survive in Iraq?|url=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/08/140809-iraq-yazidis-minority-isil-religion-history|accessdate=24 June 2015|work=[[National Geographic Society|National Geographic]]|date=11 August 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite뉴스 news인용|last1=Thomas|first1=Sean|title=The Devil worshippers of Iraq|url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1560714/The-Devil-worshippers-of-Iraq.html|accessdate=24 June 2015|work=[[The Daily Telegraph]]|date=19 August 2007}}</ref>
야지디교의 경전은 ''Kitêba Cilwe''(야지디 계시록)과 ''Mishefa Reş''(야지디 흑서(黑書))이다.
== 위계 ==
야지디 사회는 위계적이다. 세속의 지도자는 세습적인 [[에미르]](또는 prince), 종교 지도자는 대(大) [[셰이크]](chief sheikh)이다. 야지디교도들은 엄격한 동족혼을 지키며 세 계층(murid, sheikh, pir)들은 그들 사이에서만 결혼한다. 2015년 현재 전세계 야지디교도의 에미르는 타흐신 사이드(Tahseen Said) 공이며,<ref>{{cite web인용|url=http://www.aina.org/news/20140805220106.htm|title=Assyrian International Newsagency (AINA), '&#39;Iraqi Yazidi MP: We Are Being Butchered Under the Banner of 'There is No God But Allah'|publisher=AINA|accessdate=2014-08-18}}</ref> 야지디교도의 종교 지도자인 바바 셰이크(Baba Sheikh)는 쿠르토 하지 이스마일(Khurto Hajji Ismail)이다.<ref>[http://kristof.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/06/24/islamic-extremists-pose-new-risks-for-religious-minorities-in-iraq/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0|Cale Salih, "Islamic Extremists Pose New Risks for Religious Minorities in Iraq"], ''New York Times'', 24 June 2014.</ref>
== 종교적 예식 ==
=== 기도 ===
[[File파일:Dergehê perestgeha Lalishê 1 2012.JPG|thumb|180px|랄리시(Lalish)의 사원 입구]]
야지디교도들은 하루에 다섯 번 기도한다.<ref name="yeziditruth_religious">{{cite web인용|url=http://www.yeziditruth.org/yezidi_religious_tradition|title=Yezidi Religious Tradition|work=The Truth about the Yezidis|publisher=YezidiTruth.org}}</ref>{{quote|''Nivêja berîspêdê'' (새벽 기도), ''Nivêja rojhilatinê'' (일출 기도), ''Nivêja nîvro'' (정오 기도), ''Nivêja êvarî'' (오후 기도), ''Nivêja rojavabûnê'' (일몰 기도) 이다. 그러나, 대부분의 야지디교도들은 하루에 두 번, 일출과 일몰 기도만 드린다.}} 기도하는 사람들은 그들의 얼굴을 태양을 향하게 한다. 단, 정오 기도 때만은 얼굴이 성지(聖地) 랄리시(Lalish)를 향한다. 일상적인 기도는 이방인들 앞에서는 하지 않는다. [[수요일]]이 성스러운 날이지만, [[토요일]]이 휴일이다.<ref name="yeziditruth_religious"/><ref>{{cite뉴스 news인용|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B00E5DF1E3FF930A35752C0A9659C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all|title=Bashiqa Journal: A Sect Shuns Lettuce and Gives the Devil His Due|first=Neill|last=MacFarquhar|authorlink=Neil MacFarquhar|work=[[The New York Times]]|date=2003-01-03|accessdate=2008-03-31|quote=Yazidis pray three times a day, at dawn, midday and sunset, facing the direction of the sun each time. 'The sun is very holy to us,' said Walid Abu Khudur, the stocky, bearded guardian of the temple built in honor of a holy man here. 'It is like the eye of God, so we pray toward it.'... They have adopted Christian rituals like baptism and a smattering of practices from Islam ranging from circumcision to removal of their shoes inside their temples. The importance of fire as a divine manifestation comes from Zoroastrianism, the ancient Iranian faith that forms the core of Yazidi beliefs. Indeed their very name is likely taken from an old Persian word for angel.}}</ref>
=== 성지순례 ===
[[File파일:Lalish.jpg|thumbnail|[[랄리시]]에 있는 셰이크 아디 이븐 무사피르(Sheikh Adi ibn Musafir) 영묘(靈廟: 일명 ''Şêx Adî'')]]
가장 중요한 의식은 매년 일주일간, [[모술]] 북쪽의 [[랄리시]]에 있는 셰이크 아디 이븐 무사피르의 영묘(靈廟, 일명 ''Şêx Adî'')를 순례하는 것이다.<ref name="yeziditruth_religious"/><ref>{{cite뉴스 news인용|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F0CE5DA133FF932A05756C0A965958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all|title=Sheik Adi Journal: Satan's Alive and Well, but the Sect May Be Dying|first=Chris|last=Hedges|authorlink=Chris Hedges|work=[[The New York Times]]|date=1993-05-31|accessdate=2007-07-21|quote=The Yazidis, who are part of Iraq's Yazidi minority, had 100 of 150 villages demolished during the counterinsurgency operation against the Kurdish rebel movement that reached its peak in 1988. The campaign, which moved hundreds of thousands of people to collective villages, saw 4,000 Yazidi villages dynamited into rubble. ... The sect follows the teachings of Sheik Adi, a holy man who died in 1162, and whose crypt lies in the shrine in the Lalish Valley, about 15 miles east of Mosul. The shrine's graceful, fluted spires poke above the trees and dominate the fertile valley. ... Like Zoroastrians they venerate fire, the sun and the mulberry tree. They believe in the transmigration of souls, often into animals. The sect does not accept converts and banishes anyone who marries outside the faith. Yazidis are forbidden to disclose most of their rituals and beliefs to nonbelievers.}}</ref>