안득호이: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
편집 요약 없음
편집 요약 없음
5번째 줄:
1820년 그것은 [[부하라]]에 속하였지만 그해 마흐부드 간이 그곳을 4개월간 포위하고 질풍처럼 접수한후 폐허만을 남겼다.
완전한 파괴로부터 자신을 보전하기위해 칸은 아프간의 군대로 귀순하였다.
안득휘가 위치한 곳은 비옥하지만 속담에 나올 정도로 건강에 좋지않다. 페르시아인들은 뜨러운 모래와 소금기 있는 물, 파리와 전갈 때문에 그곳을 지상의 지옥으로 설명하엿다.
<!-- The tract in which Andkhui stands is fertile, but proverbially unhealthy; the [[Persia]]ns account it "a hell upon earth" by reason of its scorching sands, brackish water, flies and scorpions. The district was allotted to Afghanistan by the Russo-Afghan boundary commission of [[1885]].Renovation of Andkhoy started in 1959, mainly at the eastern parts of the old town. The original plan of the infrastructure was reconditioned and reduced to half its volume of the developments to take place. The property owners refused to sell their land for further developments and the plan consequently failed. The infrastructure remained poor; for example, in 1973 only 13% of the houses had access to electricity and only at night. Lack of sanitary drinking water remained a major problem. The 15 meter deep wells had salty and awfully bad tasting water and the trenches had only twenty days running water in a month. To counteract this, there were water pools to preserve water for bad days to come every month.
1885년 러시아 아프가니스탄 국경회의에의해 구역은 아프가니스탄에 할당되엇다.
안득호이의 혁신은 1959년 주로 동부에서 시작되었다.
사회간접자본, 인프라구조의 원래 계획은 재조정되고 반감되었다.
추가의 개발을 위한 자산 소유자들이 그들의 땅을 팔기를 거부하였다. 결국 계획은 실패하고 인프라구조는 빈곤하게 남았다.
<!-- ; for example, in 1973 only 13% of the houses had access to electricity and only at night. Lack of sanitary drinking water remained a major problem. The 15 meter deep wells had salty and awfully bad tasting water and the trenches had only twenty days running water in a month. To counteract this, there were water pools to preserve water for bad days to come every month.
== Education ==
줄 16 ⟶ 22:
[[Category:아프가니스탄의 도시]]