포카이아: 두 판 사이의 차이

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편집 요약 없음
12번째 줄:
기원전 500년 포카에아는 페르시아에 대해 [[이오니아 반란]]에 참여하였다. 도시의 해군력의 증거로서 포카이아인 디오니시스는 494년 결정적인 라데 전투에서 이오니아 함대를 지휘하엿다.
그러나 포카이아는 3척의 배만을 기여하였는데 전체 함대는 353척이였다.
이오니아 함대는 패하였고 반란은 곧 제압되엇다제압되었다.
기원전 480년 그리스의 크세르크세스 1세가 패하고 아테네의 결과적인 권려 상승후에 포카이아는 델리안 동맹에 참여하고 아테네에 2 탈란트의 조공을 하였다.
기원전 412년 펠로폰네소스 전쟁시에 스파르타의[[스파르타]]의 도움으로 포카이아는 이오니아와[[이오니아]]와 함께 반란 하였다반란하였다.
According to [[Herodotus]] the Phocaeans were the first Greeks to make long sea-voyages, having discovered the coasts of the [[Adriatic]], [[Tyrrhenia]] and Spain. Herodotus relates that they so impressed [[Arganthonios]], king of [[Tartessus]] in [[Spain]], that he invited them to settle there, and, when they declined, gave them a great sum of money to build a wall around their city.<ref>Herodotus [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?lookup=Hdt.+1.163.1 1.163]</ref>
Their sea travel was extensive. To the south they probably conducted trade with the Greek colony of [[Naucratis]] in [[Egypt]], which was the colony of their fellow Ionian city [[Miletus]]. To the north, they probably helped settle [[Amisos]] (Samsun) on the [[Black Sea]], and [[Lampsacus]] at the north end of the [[Hellespont]] (now [[Dardanelles]]). However Phocaea's major colonies were to the west. These included [[Alalia]] in [[Corsica]], Emporion in Spain, and especially Massalia ([[Marseille]]) in France.<ref>Stilwell [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0006%3Aid%3Dphokaia "Phokaia"]</ref>
Rather than submit to Persian rule, the Phocaeans abandoned their city. Some may have fled to [[Chios]], others to their colonies on [[Corsica]] and elsewhere in the [[Mediterranean]], with some eventually returning to Phocaea. Many however became the founders of [[Elea]], around [[540 BC]].<ref>For Herodotus' account of the flight of the Phocaeans, see: [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?lookup=Hdt.+1.164.1 1.164&ndash;168]</ref>
During the [[Hellenistic period]] it fell under [[Seleucid Empire|Seleucid]], then [[Attalid dynasty|Attalid]] rule.
It was later briefly under the control of [[Benedetto Zaccaria]], the [[Genoa]]n ambassador to [[Byzantium]]; Zaccaria amassed a considerable fortune from his properties there. It remained a Genoese colony until it was taken by the Turks in [[1455]].<ref>{{CathEncy|wstitle=Phocæa}}</ref> It is a [[titular see]] of the [[Roman Catholic Church]].<ref>{{CathEncy|wstitle=Phocæa}}</ref>
Following the Lydians, the Phocaeans were among the earliest in the world to make and use coins as money. Its coins were made of [[electrum]], an alloy of silver and gold. The [[British Museum]] has a Phocaean coin containing the image of a seal<ref>''phoca'' means "seal" in Greek</ref> dating from [[600 BC|600]]&ndash;[[550 BC]].<ref>[http://www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk/worldofmoney/world_wom.html The British Museum]</ref>