모세관 현상: 두 판 사이의 차이

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편집 요약 없음
2번째 줄:
[[파일:Capillarity.svg|thumb|[[물]]과 [[수은]]의 모세관 현상]]
'''모세관 현상'''(毛細管現象, Capillary action)은 모세관을 [[액체]] 속에 넣었을 때, 관 속의 액면(液面)이 관 밖의 액면보다 높아지거나 낮아지는 현상 혹은 분자 사이의 인력과 분자와 가느다란 관의 벽 사이에 작용하는, 서로 간의 인력에 의해 가느다란 관을 채운 액체가 올라가거나 내려가는 현상을 말한다. 예를 들어 [[식물]] 뿌리에 있는 물이 줄기에서 이루어지는 모세관 현상으로 줄기 위로 공급된다.
== 역사 ==
최초로 모세관 현상을 관찰, 기록한 사람은 [[레오나르도 다빈치]]이다.<ref>See:
* Manuscripts of Léonardo de Vinci (Paris) , vol. N, folios 11, 67, and 74.
* Guillaume Libri, ''Histoire des sciences mathématiques en Italie, depuis la Renaissance des lettres jusqu'a la fin du dix-septième siecle'' [History of the mathematical sciences in Italy, from the Renaissance until the end of the seventeenth century] (Paris, France: Jules Renouard et cie., 1840), vol. 3, [https://books.google.com/books?id=PE8IAAAAIAAJ&vq=Vinci&pg=PA54#v=onepage&q&f=false page 54]. From page 54: ''"Enfin, deux observations capitales, celle de l'action capillaire (7) et celle de la diffraction (8), dont jusqu'à présent on avait méconnu le véritable auteur, sont dues également à ce brillant génie."'' (Finally, two major&nbsp;observations, that of capillary action (7) and that of diffraction (8), the true author of which until now had not been recognized, are also due to this brilliant genius.)
* C. Wolf (1857) "Vom Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Erscheinungen in Haarröhrchen" (On the influence of temperature on phenomena in capillary tubes) ''Annalen der Physik und Chemie'', '''101''' (177) : 550–576 ; see footnote on [https://books.google.com/books?id=H17kAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA551#v=onepage&q&f=false page 551] by editor Johann C. Poggendorff. From page 551: ''" ... nach Libri (''Hist. des sciences math. en Italie'', T. III, p. 54) in den zu Paris aufbewahrten Handschriften des grossen Künstlers Leonardo da Vinci (gestorben 1519) schon Beobachtungen dieser Art vorfinden; ... "'' ( ... according to Libri (''History of the mathematical sciences in Italy'', vol. 3, p. 54) observations of this kind [i.e., of capillary action] are already to be found in the manuscripts of the great artist Leonardo da Vinci (died 1519), which are preserved in Paris; ... )</ref><ref>More detailed histories of research on capillary action can be found in:
* David Brewster, ed., ''Edinburgh Encyclopaedia'' (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Joseph and Edward Parker, 1832), volume 10, [https://books.google.com/books?id=xQ0bAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA805#v=onepage&q&f=false pp. 805–823].
* The 1911 ''Encyclopædia Britannica'', volume 5, [[s:1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Capillary Action]] .
* John Uri Lloyd (1902) [https://books.google.com/books?id=OWBBAAAAYAAJ&pg=RA1-PA102#v=onepage&q&f=false "References to capillarity to the end of the year 1900,"] ''Bulletin of the Lloyd Library and Museum of Botany, Pharmacy and Materia Medica'', '''1''' (4) : 99–204.</ref>
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