궤도: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
편집 요약 없음
176번째 줄:
이것은 타원궤도에 대한 반장축 a와 구형의 물체 주변의 작은 물체에 대한 반지름 r, 그리고 평균밀도 σ, T는 궤도 주기로 구성된다. 케플러의 제3법칙도 함께 보자.
== 같이 보기 ==
* [[케플러의 행성운동법칙]]
== 참고문헌 ==
Abell, Morrison, and Wolff (1987). Exploration of the Universe (fifth ed.). Saunders College Publishing.
1.# ^orbit (astronomy) – Britannica Online Encyclopedia
2.# ^Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1968, vol. 2, p. 645.
3.# ^ M Caspar, Kepler (1959, Abelard-Schuman), at pp.131–140; A Koyré, The Astronomical Revolution: Copernicus, Kepler, Borelli (1973, Methuen), at pp.277–279.
4.# ^ Kuhn, The Copernican Revolution, pp 238, 246–252
5.# ^Jones, Andrew. "Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion" (in en). about.com. Retrieved 2008-06-01.
6.# ^ See pages 6 to 8 in Newton's "Treatise of the System of the World" (written 1685, translated into English 1728, see Newton's 'Principia' – A preliminary version), for the original version of this 'cannonball' thought-experiment.
7.# ^ Pogge, Richard W.; “Real-World Relativity: The GPS Navigation System”. Retrieved 25 January 2008.
8.# ^Fitzpatrick, Richard (2006-02-02). "Planetary orbits". Classical Mechanics – an introductory course. The University of Texas at Austin. Archived from the original on 2006-05-23.
9.# ^F. Varadi, B. Runnegar, M. Ghil (2003). "Successive Refinements in Long-Term Integrations of Planetary Orbits". The Astrophysical Journal592: 620–630. doi:10.1086/375560.