기독교 수도주의: 두 판 사이의 차이

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"Christian monasticism" 문서를 번역하여 만듦
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[[파일:'St._Paul_the_Hermit_Fed_by_the_Raven',_after_Il_Guercino,_Dayton_Art_Institute.JPG|섬네일|까마귀에 의해서 음식을 제공받는 은둔자 사도 바울, Dayton Art Institute ]]
'''기독교 수도원주의''' (Christian monasticism)는[[ 기독교]] [[예배]]에 헌신하는 수도원이나[[수도원]]이나 금욕적인 삶을 사는 사람들의 헌신된 실천을 말한다.  구약성서에서 성경적인 예와 개념은 나타나며 초기 기독교회에서 발전되었다. 수도원제도를 최초로 만든사람은 이집트의 안토니우스(Anthony the Great)이다. 남성형 단어인  monk 라는 말은 헬라어 monahos에서 았는데왔는데 수도사라는 말 monk를 의미하며, 이 단어는 혼자(alone)라는 monos에서 왔다.<ref>{{OEtymD|monk}}</ref><ref>Corbishley, Mike.Monks lived a very strict and regulated life.Life in a monastery included prayer,manualwork, and this promoted the idea of the dignity and labour. Cultural Atlas for Young People The Middle Ages Revised Edition. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2004, page 38.</ref>
Monks did not live in monasteries at first, rather, they began by living alone, as the word ''monos'' might suggest. As more people took on the lives of monks, living alone in the wilderness, they started to come together and model themselves after the original monks nearby. Quickly, the monks formed communities to further their ability to observe an [[금욕주의|ascetic]] life.<ref>Rowling, Marjorie. Everyday Life in Medieval Times. London: Jarrold and Sons Ltd, 1968, page 125.</ref> According to Christianity historian Robert Louis Wilken, "By creating an alternate social structure within the Church they laid the foundations for one of the most enduring Christian institutions . . ."<ref>{{cite book|last1=Wilken|first1=Robert Louis|title=The First Thousand Years: A Global History of Christianity|publisher=Yale University Press|location=New Haven and London|isbn=978-0-300-11884-1|pages=100}}</ref> Monastics generally dwell in a [[승원|monastery]], whether they live there in community (cenobites), or in seclusion (recluses).{{Reflist|30em}}