소련의 역사 (1917년 ~ 1927년): 두 판 사이의 차이

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== 신경제정책 ==
1917년 ~ 1921년의 내전 기간동안 볼셰비키의 정책은 전시공산주의(War Communism)라 불린다. 이 기간동안 볼셰비키는 농민층의 토지를 몰수하는 등 강력한 정책을 폈으며, 이것이 크론슈타트 반란 등을 불러일으켰다. 물론 이 반란은 트로츠키가 이끄는 적군에 의해 신속하게 진압되었지만, 전시공산주의에 대한 농민층의 민심 이반은 확실하게 보여준 사례였다. 또한 내전 기간동안 볼셰비키의 핵심 지지층이었던 혁명적 노동자 계급의 다수가 사망하거나 해체됨으로써, 내전 이후 볼셰비키의 지지기반은 오히려 더 약화되었다.
이러한 상황을 극복하기 위해 열린 10번째 당 대회에서 전시공산주의의 종료와 신경제정책(New Economic Policy, 약칭 NEP)의 수립이 선언되었다. 이 정책은 제한적으로 [[자본주의]]의 요소를 도입하는 것으로, 소규모의 사기업의 운영이 허용되었으며, 정치활동의 제약도 어느 정도 누그러졌다.
물론 이 기간동안 국가 기간산업에 대한 국유화는 계속 유지되었다.
However, the key shift involved the status of agricultural surpluses. Rather than simply requisitioning agricultural surpluses in order to feed the urban population (the hallmark of War Communism), the NEP allowed peasants to sell their surplus yields on the open market. Meanwhile, the state still maintained state ownership of what Lenin deemed the "commanding heights" of the economy: heavy industry such as the coal, iron, and metallurgical sectors along with the banking and financial components of the economy. The "commanding heights" employed the majority of the workers in the urban areas. Under the NEP, such state industries would be largely free to make their own economic decisions.
The Soviet NEP (1921-29) was essentially a period of "market socialism" similar to the Dengist reforms in Communist China after 1978 in that both foresaw a role for private entrepreneurs and limited markets based on trade and pricing rather than fully centralized planning. As an interesting aside, during the first meeting in the early 1980s between Deng Xiaoping and Armand Hammer, a U.S. industrialist and prominent investor in Lenin's Soviet Union, Deng pressed Hammer for as much information on the NEP as possible.
During the NEP period, agricultural yields not only recovered to the levels attained before the Bolshevik Revolution, but greatly improved. The break-up of the quasi-feudal landed estates of the Tsarist-era countryside gave peasants their greatest incentives ever to maximize production. Now able to sell their surpluses on the open market, peasant spending gave a boost to the manufacturing sectors in the urban areas. As a result of the NEP, and the breakup of the landed estates while the Communist Party was consolidating power between 1917-1921, the Soviet Union became the world's greatest producer of grain.
Agriculture, however, would recover from civil war more rapidly than heavy industry. Factories, badly damaged by civil war and capital depreciation, were far less productive. In addition, the organization of enterprises into trusts or syndicates representing one particular sector of the economy would contribute to imbalances between supply and demand associated with monopolies. Due to the lack of incentives brought by market competition, and with little or no state controls on their internal policies, trusts were likely to sell their products at higher prices.
The slower recovery of industry would pose some problems for the peasantry, who accounted for eighty percent of the population. Since agriculture was relatively more productive, relative price indexes for industrial goods were higher than those of agricultural products. The outcome of this was what Trotsky deemed the "scissors crisis" because of the scissors-like shape of the graph representing shifts in relative price indexes. Simply put, peasants would have to produce more grain to purchase consumer goods from the urban areas. As a result, some peasants withheld agricultural surpluses in anticipation of higher prices, thus contributing to mild shortages in the cities. This, of course, is speculative market behavior, which was frowned upon by many Communist Party cadres, who considered it to be exploitative of urban consumers.
In the meantime the party took constructive steps to offset the crisis, attempting to bring down prices for manufactured goods and stabilize inflation, by imposing price controls on key industrial goods and breaking-up the trusts in order to increase economic efficiency.
== 레닌의 사망과 스탈린의 집권 ==