루돌프 크로이처: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
편집 요약 없음
태그: m 모바일 웹
16번째 줄:
독일의 작곡가인 [[루드비히 판 베토벤|베토벤]]에게서 [[바이올린 소나타 9번 (베토벤)|바이올린 소나타 9번]], [[작품번호]]47 (1803)를 헌정받았지만, 그는 한번도 연주하지 않았다고 한다. 크로이처와 베토벤은 [[칼 14세 요한|장 바티스트 쥘 베르나도트]](훗날의 스웨덴과 노르웨이 왕)<ref>{{저널 인용| last1 = Schwarz | first1 = Boris| doi = 10.1093/mq/XLIV.4.431| title = Beethoven and the French Violin School| journal = [[The Musical Quarterly]]| issue = 4|volume=XLIV| pages = 431–447| year = 1958| pmid =| pmc =}}</ref>이 프랑스 대사로 있던 1798년, [[오스트리아]] [[빈]]에서 알게되었다. 베토벤은 처음에는 [[조지 브리지타워]]에게 곡을 헌정할 생각이었지만, 첫 연주 이후 그와 사이가 나빠져 당대 최고의 바이올리니스트였던 크로이처에게 헌정하였다.
루돌프 크로이처는 1766년 [[프랑스]] [[베르사이유]]에서 프랑스 궁정 예배당 악단원인 [[실레시아]] 출신의 [[독일인]] 아버지의 아들로 태어났다. who was a musician in the royal chapel, with later lessons from [[Anton Stamitz]]. He became one of the foremost violin virtuosos of his day, appearing as a soloist until 1810. He was a violin professor at the [[Conservatoire de Paris]] from its foundation in 1795 until 1826. He was co-author of the Conservatoire's violin method with [[Pierre Rode]] and [[Pierre Baillot]], and the three are considered the founding trinity of the French school of violin playing. For a time, Kreutzer was leader of the [[Paris Opera]], and from 1817 he conducted there too. He died in [[Geneva]] and is buried in Paris at the [[Père Lachaise Cemetery]].
He was well known for his style of [[Bowing (music)|bowing]], his splendid tone, and the clearness of his execution. His compositions include nineteen [[violin concerto]]s and forty [[opera]]s. His best-known works, however, are the ''[[42 études ou caprices]]'' (''42 [[Étude]]s or [[Capriccio (music)|Capriccios]]'', 1796) which are fundamental pedagogic studies.
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