그리스-페르시아 전쟁: 두 판 사이의 차이

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107번째 줄:
*[http://www.ancient.eu/Persian_Wars/ 페르시아 전쟁 - 고대 역사 백과사전]
* [http://www.iranchamber.com/history/articles/persian_wars1.php 이란 역사 학회의 페르시아 전쟁]
* [httphttps://waybackweb.archive.org/web/20071020061207/http://tovima.dolnet.gr/print_article.php?e=B&f=13917&m=Y08&aa=1 Article in Greek about Salamis, includes Marathon and Xerxes's campaign]
* [http://edsitement.neh.gov/view_lesson_plan.asp?id=735 EDSITEment Lesson 300 Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae: Herodotus' Real History]
* Batchelor, J. [http://cliojournal.wikispaces.com/The+Graeco-Persian+Wars+Compared The Graeco–Persian Wars Compared]. Clio History Journal, 2009.