정미현: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
잔글편집 요약 없음
34번째 줄:
# Kirche,”Consultation on “The Church in thepluralistic Society“ between the Presbyterian Church in the Republic ofKorea, the Presbyterian Church of Korea and the Federation of Swiss ProtestantChurches at Cret-Berard, Vaud, (1997.4.19).
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#“Christinnen am Anfang derkoreanischen Kirche,”Consultation on “The Church in thepluralistic Society“ between the Presbyterian Church in the Republic ofKorea, the # Presbyterian Church of Korea and the Federation of Swiss ProtestantChurches at Cret-Berard, Vaud, (1997.4.19).
#“My Korean Understanding ofHromadka's theology,”From the Reformation to tomorrow. Josef L. Hromadka.Studies from the World Alliance of reformed Churches. Geneva, 1999.
#“Was heisst fuer mich reformiertsein,”''Die Reformierten: Suchbilder einer Identitaet'', (TVZ, 2002) =
#“Feministische Theologie in Korea,”''Wereld en Zending,'' 2002,3.
#How can I understand Karl Barth's Theology as Korean Feminist Theologian,”  ''Theology between East and West. ARadical Heritage'', ed. by F.D. Macchia, (Wipf Stock, 2002).
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#“Jesus Christus: Wer sagt denn ihr, dass ich sei?” ''Leben&Glauben,'' 44/04(2004,10).
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#“Frauensolidaritaet und Frieden-eine Auslegung zum Ruth 1, 16,”''Auftrag'', 43(2008).