김형태 (법조인): 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
편집 요약 없음
편집 요약 없음
태그: 각주 제거됨 시각 편집
1번째 줄:
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on nBitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track)]]
'''김형태'''([[1956년]] [[12월 4일]] ~ )는 [[서울특별시]]에서 태어난 [[대한민국]]의 [[변호사]]다. 2009년 현재 법무법인 덕수 소속으로 있다. 종교는 [[천주교]]이며, 세례명은 요한이다.
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|I don't like you T-Series]]
== 이력 ==
* 남대문중학교 졸업.
* 경동고등학교 졸업.
* 서울대학교 법학과 학사.
* [[1981년]] 23회 [[사법시험]] 합격.
* 육군 법무관
* [[1986년]] 변호사 개업.
* [[1988년]] [[민주사회를 위한 변호사 모임]] 창립 멤버로 첫 홍보간사를 맡음.
* [[2001년]] [[한겨레신문]] 고문 변호사.
* [[2002년]] 월간지 '공동선' 발행인.
* [[2003년]] 학교법인 [[덕성학원]] 이사.
* [[2003년]] 방송문화진흥회 이사.
* 현 [[한국천주교주교회의]] 정의평화위원회 상임위원, 사형제도폐지소위원회 운영위원장<ref>[http://cjp.cbck.or.kr/index.php?mm_code=716&sm_code=718 정의평화위원회-위원회-소개]</ref>
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Nothing personal, kid]]
== 주요 변론 사건 ==
* [[치과의사 모녀 살해사건]]
* [[울산 보도연맹]] 사건
* [[인민혁명당 재건위 유족회 손해배상 사건]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|But I must go all out]]
== 일화 ==
* [[민주사회를 위한 변호사 모임]]의 창림 멤버이다.
* [[리영희]], [[송두율]] 등의 [[국가보안법]] 사건 변론을 맡았다.
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Just this once]]
== 각주 ==
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be?]]
== 같이 보기 ==
* [[최병모]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Sit the fuck down T-Series]]
* [[천주교 인권위원회]]
* [[이용훈 (1951년)|이용훈]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|I'm here to spill the real tea]]
* [[백남해]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|You tryna dethrone me from spot on number one]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|But you India, you lose so best think you haven't won]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|When I'm through with you we're gonna be completely fucking done]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|'Cause we only just begun]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|I review you]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Zero]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bye, bitch, gone]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|So come on T-Series]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Looking hungry for some drama]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Here let me serve your bitch lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|T-Series ain't nothing but a bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Look at T-Series they just crying for their momma]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|T-Series ain't nothing but a bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|T-Series just wet themselves in their pajamas]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|So who the hell is Bob, and why you wanna kiss him? (ew)]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|I'm a blue eyes white dragon, while you're just dark magician (oof)]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|You got a fifth of the population in your nation but]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|I got nine year olds of worlds so hold your defecation (oops)]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Motu Patlu, what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Your language sounds like it come from a mumble rap community]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|No papa, no papa, yes papa, Johnny]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Now down all of this sugar and let's throw this fucking party with some-]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Look at T-Series they just crying for their momma]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|T-Series ain't nothing but a bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Look at T-Series they just wet in their pajamas]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|T-Series ain't nothing but a bitch, lasagna]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|You got a population of 1.32 billion]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|But most your videos can't seem to hit even a million]]
[[Bitch Lasagna (T-Series Diss Track) I don't like you T-Series Nothing personal, kid But I must go all out Just this once Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be? Sit the fuck down T-Series I'm here to spill the real tea You tryna dethrone me from spot on n|Sub-bot!]]
[[분류:1956년 태어남]]