자유지상주의: 두 판 사이의 차이

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태그: m 모바일 웹
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태그: m 모바일 웹
1번째 줄:
'''자유지상주의'''(自由至上主義, {{llang|en|Libertarianism|리버테리아니즘}}) 또는 '''자유의지주의'''(自由意志主義)는 자유를 핵심원칙으로 간주하는 정치 철학과 운동의 집합체를 말한다.<ref>{{웹 인용|title=Libertarianism|url=http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/339321/libertarianism|work=Encyclopædia Britannica|author=Boaz, David|author-link=David Boaz|date=January 30, 2009|accessdate=February 21, 2017|quote=...libertarianism, political philosophy that takes individual liberty to be the primary political value.}}</ref> 자유지상주의자는 정치적 자유와 자율성을 극대화 시키고자 하며, 선택의 자유, 자발적 결사 같은 개인의 권리를 중시하며 [[개인주의]]를 강조한다.<ref>{{서적 인용|last=Woodcock|first=George|title=Anarchism: A History Of Libertarian Ideas And Movements|year=2004|publisher=Broadview Press|location=Peterborough, Ont.|isbn=9781551116297|page=16|quote=for the very nature of the libertarian attitude—its rejection of dogma, its deliberate avoidance of rigidly systematic theory, and, above all, its stress on extreme freedom of choice and on the primacy of the individual judgment}}</ref><ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/key-concepts-libertarianism|title=Key Concepts of Libertarianism|last=Boaz|first=David|date=1999|website=Cato Institute|accessdate=25 January 2017}}</ref><ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://theihs.org/who-we-are/what-is-libertarian/|title=What Is Libertarian?|website=Institute for Humane Studies|accessdate=16 February 2017}}</ref> 자유지상주의자는 권위와 국가권력에 회의적이지만, 이들은 현존 정치, 경제 체제에 대하여 반대하는 것에서 서로 다른 입장 취한다. 다양한 학파의 자유지상주의자들은 국가의 합법적 기능과 사적 권력에 대하여 다양한 견해를 제시하며, 종종 강제적 사회 기관에 대한 제한이나 해체를 주장한다.<ref>Long, Joseph.W (1996). "Toward a Libertarian Theory of Class." ''Social Philosophy and Policy''. '''15''':2 p. 310. "When I speak of 'libertarianism'... I mean all three of these very different movements. It might be protested that LibCap ["libertarian capitalism"], LibSoc ["[[libertarian socialism]]"] and LibPop ["[[Right-wing populism|libertarian populism]]] are too different from one another to be treated as aspects of a single point of view. But they do share a common—or at least an overlapping—intellectual ancestry."</ref> '''[[좌파 자유지상주의|좌파 자유지상주의자]]'''들은의 경우 자본주의의 폐지를 지향하고 생산수단의 사적소유에 반대하며, 생산수단에 대한 공유를 지지한다. 이들은 사유재산이 진정한 자유를 가로막는 장벽이라고 생각한다.<ref name="wrmiller">Carlson, Jennifer D. (2012). "Libertarianism". In Miller, Wilburn R., ed. ''The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America''. London: Sage Publications. p. 1007. {{ISBN|1412988764}}. "There exist three major camps in libertarian thought: right-libertarianism, socialist libertarianism, and left-libertarianism ... socialist libertarians ... advocate for the simultaneous abolition of both government and capitalism."</ref><ref>{{서적 인용|title=Anarchism: A Collection of Revolutionary Writings|last=Kropotkin|first=Petr|publisher=Courier Dover Publications|year=1927|isbn=9780486119861|page=150|quote=It attacks not only capital, but also the main sources of the power of capitalism: law, authority, and the State}}</ref><ref>{{서적 인용|title=Radical priorities|last=Otero|first=Carlos Peregrin|publisher=[[AK Press]]|others=Noam Chomsky (book author)|year=2003|isbn=1-902593-69-3|editor=Carlos Peregrin Otero|edition=3rd|location=Oakland, CA|page=26|chapter=Introduction to Chomsky's Social Theory}}; {{서적 인용|title=Radical priorities|last=Chomsky|first=Noam|publisher=[[AK Press]]|year=2003|isbn=1-902593-69-3|editor=Carlos Peregrin Otero|edition=3rd|location=Oakland, CA|pages=227–28}}<!-- Verified 22 November 2011 --></ref><ref>{{백과사전 인용|title=Libertarianism|encyclopedia=[[Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy|The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy]]|publisher=[[Stanford University]]|location=Stanford, CA|url=http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2009/entries/libertarianism/|accessdate=5 March 2010|last=Vallentyne|first=Peter|date=March 2009|edition=Spring 2009|quote=Libertarianism is committed to full self-ownership. A distinction can be made, however, between right-libertarianism and left-libertarianism, depending on the stance taken on how natural resources can be owned|editor=Edward N. Zalta}}</ref> 미나키즘(Minarchism)이나 아나코 캐피날리즘 같은 '''[[우파 자유지상주의|우파 자유지상주의자]]'''의 경우 반대로 자유방임[[자유 자본주의를방임]] 및 [[자본주의]]를 지지하며 사유재산을[[사유재산]]을 강하게 옹호한다.<ref>{{서적 인용|last=Hussain|first=Syed B.|title=Encyclopedia of Capitalism. Vol. II : H-R.|year=2004|publisher=Facts on File Inc|location=New York|isbn=0816052247|page=492|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=FbVZAAAAYAAJ|quote=In the modern world, political ideologies are largely defined by their attitude towards capitalism. Marxists want to overthrow it, liberals to curtail it extensively, conservatives to curtail it moderately. Those who maintain that capitalism is a excellent economic system, unfairly maligned, with little or no need for corrective government policy, are generally known as libertarians.}}</ref> 자유주의(liberalism)와 자유지상주의(libertarianism)는 그 기원과 운동의 역사적 맥락에 있어서 분명하게 구분되어야 하지만, 한국에서는 모두 자유주의라고 광범하게 오역되고 있다.
== 어원 ==