유대 고대사: 두 판 사이의 차이

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편집 요약 없음
5번째 줄:
두 번째 열 권은 성경 본문을 넘어 유대인의 역사를와 [[유타 전쟁|유대 전쟁]](첫 번째 유대인과 로마 전쟁, 66년에서 73년) 를 포함하고 있다. 이 작품외에 요세프스의 작품 유대 전쟁사도 초대 기독교시대와 유대주의 이해를 위하여 역사가들에게 가치있는 배경적 자료를 제공한다.
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== 함께보기 ==
* [[로마 편년사|''Annals'' (Tacitus)]]
* [[요세푸스의 예수|Josephus on Jesus]]
* [[플라비우스 요세푸스]]
== 각주 ==
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== 외부 링크 ==
* [http://sacred-texts.com/jud/josephus/index.htm#aoj Whiston translation of ''Antiquities of the Jews'']
* [[iarchivehttps://archive.org/details/L242JosephusVJewishAntiquities13| Loeb Classical Library Josephus Volume 4 ''Antiquities of the Jews'' Books 1-4]]
* [[iarchivehttps://archive.org/details/L281JosephusVIIJewishAntiquities78| Loeb Classical Library Josephus Volume 5 ''Antiquities of the Jews'' Books 5-8]]
* [[iarchivehttps://archive.org/details/L490JosephusVIJewishAntiquities46| Loeb Classical Library Josephus Volume 6 ''Antiquities of the Jews'' Books 9-11]]
* [[iarchivehttps://archive.org/details/L365JosephusJewishAntiquitiesIX1213| Loeb Classical Library Josephus Volume 7 ''Antiquities of the Jews'' Books 12-14]]
* [https://pace.webhosting.rug.nl/york/york/showText?text=anti The Judean Antiquities at PACE]  [{{dead link]|date=February 2017}}
* {{Gutenberg|no = 2848|name = Antiquities of the Jews}}
* <span{{librivox class="citationbook gutenberg"> ''[[gutenberg:2848| title=The Antiquities of the Jews]]'' at| [[Projectauthor=Flavius Gutenberg]]</span>JOSEPHUS}}
* [[iarchivehttps:completeworksofj03jose//archive.org/details/completeworksofj01jose/page/n9|n21 Complete works of Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews, Volume ThreeOne, Books XVIII-XX]VIII]
* {{librivox book|title=The Antiquities of the Jews|author=Flavius JOSEPHUS}}
* [[iarchivehttps:completeworksofj01jose//archive.org/details/completeworksofj02jose/page/n21|n9 Complete works of Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews, Volume OneTwo, Books IIX-VIII]XVI]
* [[iarchivehttps:completeworksofj02jose//archive.org/details/completeworksofj03jose/page/n9| Complete works of Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews, Volume TwoThree, Books IXXVII-XVI]XX]
* [[iarchive:completeworksofj03jose/page/n9|Complete works of Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews, Volume Three, Books XVII-XX]]
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[[분류:1세기 역사책]]