롬인: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
Asdf0101 (토론 | 기여)
잔글편집 요약 없음
편집 요약 없음
1번째 줄:
{{민족 정보
| 너비민족명 = 롬인
| 현지어명 = Romani
| 민족 = 롬인<br />''Rromane dźene''
| 기 = Flag_of_the_Romani_people.svg
| 그림 = [[파일:Roma flag.svg|300px]]
| 문장 =
| 그림설명 = 롬의 깃발
| 그림 =
| 인구전체 = 약 1,100만-2,000만 명
| 인구거점그림설명 =
| 총인구 = 200만-2000만<ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.ethnologue.com/language/rmy |format = online |editor-last = Lewis |editor-first = M. Paul |year = 2009 |title = Ethnologue: Languages of the World |edition = 16th |place = Dallas, [[Texas|TX]] |publisher = SIL |quote = [[Ian Hancock]]'s 1987 estimate for 'all Gypsies in the world' was 6 to 11 million. |accessdate = 15 September 2010 }}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url = https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12977975 |work = BBC News |title = EU demands action to tackle Roma poverty |date = 5 April 2011 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title = The Roma |url = http://www.nationalia.info/new/8761/peoples-and-nations-today-the-roma |publisher = Nationalia |accessdate = 20 November 2015 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.britannica.com/topic/Rom |title = Rom |website = Encyclopædia Britannica |quote = ... estimates of the total world Roma population range from two million to five million. |accessdate = 15 September 2010 }}</ref>
| 지역1 =
| 지역2 =
| 지역1 = {{국기|이집트}} | 인구1 = 1,700,000<ref>{{cite web |url = http://joshuaproject.net/people_groups/11597/EG |title = Romani, Domari in Egypt |first = Joshua |last = Project |date = |website = joshuaproject.net |accessdate = 13 September 2018 }}</ref>
| 지역3 =
| 지역2 = {{국기|미국}} | 인구2 = 1,000,000<ref>{{Cite book |url = https://books.google.com/books?id=WwPgRtjxKJ8C&pg=PA117&lpg=PA117 |title = The Marginalization of Shadow Minorities (Roma) and Its Impact on Opportunities |page = 117 |website = Books.google.com |date = |accessdate = 27 July 2016 |isbn = 978-1-109-78487-9 }}</ref><ref name="time">{{cite news |author = Kayla Webley |url = http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2025316,00.html |title = Hounded in Europe, Roma in the U.S. Keep a Low Profile |agency = Time |date = 13 October 2010 |accessdate = 3 October 2015 |quote = Today, estimates put the number of Roma in the U.S. at about one million. }}</ref>
| 지역4 =
| 지역3 = {{국기|브라질}} | 인구3 = 800,000<ref>{{cite web |trans-title = Lack of public policy for Romani is a challenge for the administration |url = http://noticias.r7.com/brasil/noticias/falta-de-politicas-publicas-para-ciganos-e-desafio-para-o-governo-20110524.html |language = Portuguese |title = Falta de políticas públicas para ciganos é desafio para o governo |publisher = R7 |year = 2011 |accessdate = 22 January 2012 |quote = The Special Secretariat for the Promotion of Racial Equality estimates the number of "ciganos" (Romanis) in Brazil at 800,000 (2011). The 2010 [[Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics|IBGE]] Brazilian National Census encountered gypsy camps in 291 of Brazil's 5,565 municipalities. |archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20120111101119/http://noticias.r7.com/brasil/noticias/falta-de-politicas-publicas-para-ciganos-e-desafio-para-o-governo-20110524.html |archive-date = 11 January 2012 |dead-url = yes |df = dmy-all }}</ref>
| 언어 = [[롬어]]
| 지역4 = {{국기|스페인}} | 인구4 = 750,000–1,100,000<ref>{{cite web |title = Roma integration in Spain |url = https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/combatting-discrimination/roma-and-eu/roma-integration-eu-country/roma-integration-spain_en |website = European Commission – European Commission |language = en }}</ref><ref name=immigration /><ref>Estimated by the [[Society for Threatened Peoples]] [http://www.gfbv.it/3dossier/sinti-rom/img/n7a.jpg]</ref><ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.eumap.org/reports/2002/eu/international/sections/spain/2002_m_spain.pdf |title = The Situation of Roma in Spain |publisher = Open Society Institute |year = 2002 |quote = The Spanish government estimates the number of ''Gitanos'' at a maximum of 650,000. |format = PDF |accessdate = 15 September 2010 |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20071201172552/http://www.eumap.org/reports/2002/eu/international/sections/spain/2002_m_spain.pdf |archivedate = 1 December 2007 }}</ref><ref name="Diagnostico Social de la Comunidad Gitana en Espana – CIS">{{cite web |url = http://www.mscbs.gob.es/ssi/familiasInfancia/inclusionSocial/poblacionGitana/docs/diagnosticosocial_autores.pdf |title = Diagnóstico social de la comunidad gitana en España : Un análisis contrastado de la Encuesta del CIS a Hogares de Población Gitana 2007 |format = PDF |website = mscbs.gob.es |year = 2007 |quote = Tabla 1. La comunidad gitana de España en el contexto de la población romaní de la Unión Europea. Población Romaní: 750.000 [...] Por 100 habitantes: 1,87% [...] se podrían llegar a barajar cifras [...] de 1.100.000 personas }}</ref>
| 현지어 =
| 지역5 = {{국기|루마니아}} | 인구5 = 619,007<ref>{{cite web |title = Roma integration in Romania |url = https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/combatting-discrimination/roma-and-eu/roma-integration-eu-country/roma-integration-romania_en |website = European Commission – European Commission |language = en }}</ref><ref name=immigration /><ref>[[2011 Romanian Census|2011 census]] data, based on [http://www.recensamantromania.ro/rezultate-2/ table 7 Population by ethnicity], gives a total of 621,573 Roma in Romania. This figure is disputed by other sources, because at the local level, many Roma declare a different ethnicity (mostly Romanian, but also Hungarian in Transylvania and Turkish in Dobruja). Many are not recorded at all, since they do not have ID cards [http://www.edrc.ro/docs/docs/Romii_din_Romania.pdf]. International sources give higher figures than the official census([http://europeandcis.undp.org/uploads/public/File/rbec_web/vgr/chapter1.1.pdf UNDP's Regional Bureau for Europe] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20061007102931/http://europeandcis.undp.org/uploads/public/File/rbec_web/vgr/chapter1.1.pdf |date=7 October 2006}}, [http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/ECAEXT/EXTROMA/0,,contentMDK:20333806~menuPK:615999~pagePK:64168445~piPK:64168309~theSitePK:615987,00.html World Bank], [http://www.msd.govt.nz/documents/publications/msd/journal/issue25/25-pages154-164.pdf International Association for Official Statistics] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20080226202154/http://www.msd.govt.nz/documents/publications/msd/journal/issue25/25-pages154-164.pdf |date=26 February 2008}}).</ref><ref>{{cite web |format = XLS |url = http://www.recensamantromania.ro/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/sR_Tab_8.xls |title = Rezultatele finale ale Recensământului din 2011 – Tab8. Populația stabilă după etnie – județe, municipii, orașe, comune |date = 5 July 2013 |accessdate = 18 December 2013 |publisher = [[National Institute of Statistics (Romania)]] |language = Romanian }} However, various organizations claim that there are 2 million Romanis in Romania. See [http://www.gandul.info/stiri/recensamant-2011-doua-treimi-dintre-romi-se-declara-romani-700-000-2-000-000-3-000-000-cati-romi-traiesc-in-romania-8883047]</ref>
| 종교 = [[기독교]], [[이슬람교]], [[샥티파]]
| 지역6 = {{국기|터키}} | 인구6 = 500,000–2,750,000<ref name=immigration>{{cite web |format = PDF |url = http://rm.coe.int/CoERMPublicCommonSearchServices/DisplayDCTMContent?documentId=0900001680088ea9 |title = Roma and Travellers Team. TOOLS AND TEXTS OF REFERENCE. Estimates on Roma population in European countries |postscript = Council of Europe Roma and Travellers Division }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/topic,4565c2253b,4677ea9b2,46ef87ab32,0.html |title = Archived copy |accessdate = 17 June 2014 |deadurl = yes |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20121010211734/http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/topic,4565c2253b,4677ea9b2,46ef87ab32,0.html |archivedate = 10 October 2012 |df = }}</ref><ref name="Turkey">{{cite web |url = http://www.milliyet.com.tr/turkiye-deki-kurtlerin-sayisi-/yasam/magazindetay/06.06.2008/873452/default.htm |title = Türkiye'deki Kürtlerin sayısı! |trans-title = The number of Kurds in Turkey! |date = 6 June 2008 |accessdate = 2 January 2016 |language = Turkish }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title = Türkiye'deki Çingene nüfusu tam bilinmiyor. 2, hatta 5 milyon gibi rakamlar dolaşıyor Çingenelerin arasında |url = http://webarsiv.hurriyet.com.tr/2005/05/08/639714.asp |newspaper = Hurriyet |place = [[Turkey|TR]] |language = tr |date = 8 May 2005 |accessdate = 2 January 2016 }}</ref>
| 관련민족 =
| 지역7 = {{국기|프랑스}} | 인구7 = 350,000–1,200,000<ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.euractiv.com/security/situation-roma-france-crisis-proportions-report/article-150507 |title = Situation of Roma in France at crisis proportions |publisher = EurActiv Network |quote = According to the report, the settled Gypsy population in France is officially estimated at around 500,000, although other estimates say that the actual figure is much closer to 1.2 million. |date = 7 December 2005 |accessdate = 21 October 2015 }}</ref><ref name="350000 en France en 2010">{{cite web |first = Bernard |last = Gorce |url = http://www.la-croix.com/Actualite/France/Roms-gens-du-voyage-deux-realites-differentes-_NG_-2010-07-22-603910 |title = Roms, gens du voyage, deux réalités différentes |publisher = [[La Croix]] |date = 22 July 2010 |accessdate = 21 October 2016 |quote = <small>[MANUAL TRANS.]</small> The ban prevents statistics on ethnicity to give a precise figure of French Roma, but we often quote the number 350,000. For travellers, the administration counted 160,000 circulation titles in 2006 issued to people aged 16 to 80 years. Among the travellers, some have chosen to buy a family plot where they dock their caravans around a local section (authorized since the Besson Act of 1990). }}</ref>
| 지역8 = {{국기|불가리아}} | 인구8 = 325,343–750,000<ref name="NSI">{{cite web |url = http://censusresults.nsi.bg/Census/Reports/2/2/R7.aspx |script-title = bg:Население по местоживеене, възраст и етническа група |trans-title = Population by place of residence, age and ethnic group |language = bg |website = Bulgarian National Statistical Institute |accessdate = 22 June 2015 }} Self declared</ref><ref>{{cite press release |url = http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-14-249_en.htm |title = Roma Integration – 2014 Commission Assessment: Questions and Answers |publisher = European Commission |location = Brussels |date = 4 April 2014 |accessdate = 28 April 2016 }} EU and Council of Europe estimates</ref>
| 지역9 = {{국기|헝가리}} | 인구9 = 309,632-870,000<ref name="KSH">{{cite book|last=Vukovich|first=Gabriella|format=PDF|url=http://www.ksh.hu/docs/hun/xftp/idoszaki/mikrocenzus2016/mikrocenzus_2016_12.pdf|title=Mikrocenzus 2016 - 12. Nemzetiségi adatok|trans-title=2016 microcensus - 12. Ethnic data|language=hu|work=Hungarian Central Statistical Office|location=Budapest|year=2018|accessdate=9 January 2019|isbn=978-963-235-542-9}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1 = János |first1 = Pénzes |last2 = Zoltán |first2 = István |last3 = Patrik |first3 = Tátrai |title = Changes in the Spatial Distribution of the Roma Population in Hungary During the Last Decades |journal = Területi Statisztika |doi = 10.15196/TS580101 |url = http://www.ksh.hu/docs/hun/xftp/terstat/2018/01/ts580101.pdf |doi-broken-date = 2018-09-22 }}</ref>
| 지역10 = {{국기|그리스}} | 인구10 = 300,000<ref>{{cite web |title = Greece NGO |newspaper = Greek Helsinki Monitor |place = LV |publisher = Minelres |url = http://www.minelres.lv/reports/greece/greece_NGO.htm }}</ref>
| 지역11 = {{국기|아르헨티나}} |인구11 = 300,000<ref name="Hazel Marsh" />
| 지역12 = {{국기|영국}} |인구12 = 225,000<ref>{{cite web |title = Roma integration in the United Kingdom |url = https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/combatting-discrimination/roma-and-eu/roma-integration-eu-country/roma-integration-united-kingdom_en |website = European Commission – European Commission |language = en }}</ref><ref name=immigration /><ref>{{Citation |contribution = RME |contribution-url = http://www.ethnologue.com/language/rme |title = Ethnologue }}</ref>
| 지역13 = {{국기|러시아}} |인구13 = 205,007-825,000<ref name=immigration />
| 지역14 = {{국기|세르비아}} |인구14 = 147,604-600,000<ref>{{cite web |format = PDF |url = http://webrzs.stat.gov.rs/WebSite/userFiles/file/Aktuelnosti/Prezentacija_Knjiga1.pdf |script-title = sr:Попис становништва, домаћинстава и станова 2011. у Републици Србији: Национална припадност |trans-title = Census of population, households and apartments in 2011 in the Republic of Serbia: Ethnicity |language = sr |publisher = State Statistical Service of the Republic of Serbia |page = 8 |date = 29 November 2012 |accessdate = 17 July 2017 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |format = PDF |url = http://www.errc.org/cms/upload/file/serbia-country-profile-2011-2012.pdf |title = Serbia: Country Profile 2011–2012 |website = European Roma Rights Centre |page = 7 |accessdate = 17 July 2017 }}</ref><ref name=immigration />
| 지역15 = {{국기|이탈리아}} |인구15 = 120,000–180,000<ref name=DiGiacomo>{{cite web |url = http://www.21luglio.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Rapporto-annuale-Associazione-21-luglio.pdf |title = Giornata Internazionale dei rom e sinti: presentato il Rapporto Annuale 2014 (PDF) }}</ref><ref name=immigration />
| 지역16 = {{국기|독일}} |인구16 = 105,000<ref name=immigration /><ref>{{Citation |contribution-url = http://www.berlin-institut.org/online-handbuchdemografie/bevoelkerungsdynamik/regionale-dynamik/roma-in-deutschland.html |publisher = Berlin-Institut für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung |title = Regionale Dynamik |contribution = Roma in Deutschland }}</ref>
| 지역17 = {{국기|슬로바키아}} |인구17 = 105,738=490,000<ref>{{cite web |title = Roma integration in Slovakia |url = https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/combatting-discrimination/roma-and-eu/roma-integration-eu-country/roma-integration-slovakia_en |website = European Commission – European Commission |language = en }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |publisher = Statistics |place = [[Slovakia|SK]] |format = PDF |url = http://portal.statistics.sk/files/Sekcie/sek_600/Demografia/SODB/Tabulky/Tabulky_AJ_SODB/tab11.pdf |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20070715152521/http://portal.statistics.sk/files/Sekcie/sek_600/Demografia/SODB/Tabulky/Tabulky_AJ_SODB/tab11.pdf |archivedate = 15 July 2007 |title = Population and Housing Census. Resident population by nationality }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |website = SME |place = SK |url = http://romovia.sme.sk/c/6947495/po-deviatich-rokoch-spocitali-romov-na-slovensku-ich-zije-viac-ako-400-tisic.html |title = Po deviatich rokoch spočítali Rómov, na Slovensku ich žije viac ako 400-tisíc |language = Slovak |date = 25 September 2013 |accessdate = 25 September 2013 |publisher = SITA }}</ref>
| 지역18 = {{국기|이란}} |인구18 = 100,000–110,000<ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.iranian.com/SaeedTavakkol/2005/October/Gypsy/index.html |title = Gypsy |deadurl = yes |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20170515170948/http://www.iranian.com/SaeedTavakkol/2005/October/Gypsy/index.html |archivedate = 15 May 2017 |df = dmy-all }}</ref>
| 지역19 = {{국기|마케도니아}} |인구19 = 53,879-197,000<ref name=immigration /><ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.stat.gov.mk/english/glavna_eng.asp?br=18 |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20040621055714/http://www.stat.gov.mk/english/glavna_eng.asp?br=18 |archivedate = 21 June 2004 |title = The 2002-census reported 53,879 Roma and 3,843 'Egyptians' |publisher = Republic of Macedonia, State Statistical Office |accessdate = 17 September 2010 }}</ref>
| 지역20 = {{국기|스웨덴}} |인구20 = 50,000-100,000<ref name=immigration /><ref>{{Citation |contribution-url = http://minoritet.prod3.imcms.net/1013 |title = Minoritet |contribution = Sametingen. Information about minorities in Sweden |language = sv |publisher = IMCMS }}</ref>
| 지역21 = {{국기|우크라이나}} |인구21 = 47,587–260,000<ref name=immigration /><ref>{{cite web |url = http://2001.ukrcensus.gov.ua/results/nationality_population/nationality_popul1/select_5/?botton=cens_db&box=5.1W&k_t=00&p=100&rz=1_1&rz_b=2_1%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20&n_page=5 |script-title = uk:Всеукраїнський перепис населення '2001: Розподіл населення за національністю та рідною мовою |trans-title = Ukrainian Census, 2001: Distribution of population by nationality and mother tongue |language = uk |publisher = State Statistics Service of Ukraine |place = [[Ukraine|UA]] |date = 2003 |accessdate = 15 September 2017 }}</ref>
| 지역22 = {{국기|포르투갈}} |인구22 = 40,000–52,000<ref name=immigration /><ref name="minorityrights.org" />
| 지역23 = {{국기|코소보}} |인구23 = 36,000<ref name=immigration /><ref>{{Cite book |url = https://books.google.com/books?id=tQKyAAAAQBAJ&pg=PA142 |title = Historical Dictionary of the Gypsies (Romanies) |edition = 2nd |publisher = Scarecrow Press |isbn = 978-0-8108-6440-5 |last1 = Kenrick |first1 = Donald |date = 5 July 2007 |page = 142}}</ref>
| 지역24 = {{국기|네덜란드}} |인구24 = 32,000–40,000<ref name=immigration />
| 지역25 = {{국기|아일랜드}} |인구25 = 22,435-37,500<ref name=immigration />
| 지역26 = {{국기|폴란드}} |인구26 = 17,049-32,500<ref name=immigration /><ref>{{cite web |url = http://countrystudies.us/poland/32.htm |title = Poland – Gypsies |website = Country studies |place = [[United States|US]] |accessdate = 28 August 2015 }}</ref>
| 지역27 = {{국기|크로아티아}} |인구27 = 16,975–35,000<ref name=immigration /><ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.dzs.hr/Eng/censuses/census2011/results/htm/e01_01_05/E01_01_05.html |title = POPULATION BY ETHNICITY – DETAILED CLASSIFICATION, 2011 CENSUS |publisher = Croatian Bureau of Statistics |accessdate = 21 June 2015 }}</ref>
| 지역28 = {{국기|멕시코}} |인구28 = 15,850<ref>{{cite web |url = http://www.ipsnews.net/2010/10/gypsies-or-how-to-be-invisible-in-mexico |author = Emilio Godoy |title = Gypsies, or How to Be Invisible in Mexico |date = 12 October 2010 |publisher = Inter Press Service |accessdate = 30 July 2016 }}</ref>
| 지역29 = {{국기|몰도바}} |인구29 = 107,100-12,778<ref name=immigration />
| 지역30 = {{국기|우즈베키스탄}} |인구30 = 13,000<ref>{{cite web |last1 = Project |first1 = Joshua |title = Romani, Domari in Uzbekistan |url = https://joshuaproject.net/people_groups/11597/UZ |language = en }}</ref>
| 언어 = [[롬어]], 거주지 현지어
| 종교 = [[기독교]], [[이슬람교이슬람]], [[힌두교]] [[샥티파]], [[롬 신화]] 등
| 민족계통 = [[인도아리아족]]
| 기원발상 =
| 근연민족 = [[돔인]], [[보샤인]], [[돔바인]]