토성: 두 판 사이의 차이

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22번째 줄:
== 물리적인 특성 ==
토성의 [[밀도]]는 태양계 행성들 중 가장 낮다. 자전 속도는 빠르며 표면은 고체가 아니다. 이러한 요소들이 결합하여 토성의 외관은 [[회전 타원체]] 형태로 눌려 있다. 토성의 극반지름과 적도 반지름은 대략 10% 정도 차이가 나는데, 극에서 54,364km임에 반해 적도 반지름은 60,268km에 이른다. 다른 가스 행성들도 찌그러진 것은 마찬가지이나, 토성처럼 심한 경우는 없다. 토성의 중심핵 부분의 밀도는 높을 것으로 예상되지만, 전체적인 토성의 밀도는 0.69g/mL에 불과하다. 따라서 토성의 질량은 지구의 95배 정도이다.([[목성]]의 질량은 지구의 318배에 이르지만, 반지름은 토성보다 20퍼센트 더 큰 정도이다)토성은 물에 Saturn's volume is about 750 times that of Earth, and the density of Saturn is smaller than all the heavenly bodies in the solar system, as well as water. Saturn's atmosphere, like Jupiter, is dominated by hydrogen and helium, with some methane and ammonia added. Saturn's surface temperature is minus 180 degrees Celsius. Saturn's temperature is low because it is too far away from the sun, so the Earth receives only a hundredth of the heat it receives from the sun.Saturn's volume is about 750 times that of Earth, and the density of Saturn is smaller than all the heavenly bodies in the solar system, as well as water. Saturn's atmosphere, like Jupiter, is dominated by hydrogen and helium, with some methane and ammonia added. Saturn's surface temperature is minus 180 degrees Celsius. Saturn's temperature is low because it is too far away from the sun, so the Earth receives only a hundredth of the heat it receives from the sun.Saturn's volume is about 750 times that of Earth, and the density of Saturn is smaller than all the heavenly bodies in the solar system, as well as water. Saturn's atmosphere, like Jupiter, is dominated by hydrogen and helium, with some methane and ammonia added. Saturn's surface temperature is minus 180 degrees Celsius. Saturn's temperature is low because it is too far away from the sun, so the Earth receives only a hundredth of the heat it receives from the sun.Saturn's volume is about 750 times that of Earth, and the density of Saturn is smaller than all the heavenly bodies in the solar system, as well as water. Saturn's atmosphere, like Jupiter, is dominated by hydrogen and helium, with some methane and ammonia added. Saturn's surface temperature is minus 180 degrees Celsius. Saturn's temperature is low because it is too far away from the sun, so the Earth receives only a hundredth of the heat it receives from the sun.Saturn's volume is about 750 times that of Earth, and the density of Saturn is smaller than all the heavenly bodies in the solar system, as well as water. Saturn's atmosphere, like Jupiter, is dominated by hydrogen and helium, with some methane and ammonia added. Saturn's surface temperature is minus 180 degrees Celsius. Saturn's temperature is low because it is too far away from the sun, so the Earth receives only a hundredth of the heat it receives from the sun.Saturn's volume is about 750 times that of Earth, and the density of Saturn is smaller than all the heavenly bodies in the solar system, as well as water. Saturn's atmosphere, like Jupiter, is dominated by hydrogen and helium, with some methane and ammonia added. Saturn's surface temperature is minus 180 degrees Celsius. Saturn's temperature is low because it is too far away from the sun, so the Earth receives only a hundredth of the heat it receives from the sun.Saturn's volume is about 750 times that of Earth, and the density of Saturn is smaller than all the heavenly bodies in the solar system, as well as water. Saturn's atmosphere, like Jupiter, is dominated by hydrogen and helium, with some methane and ammonia added. Saturn's surface temperature is minus 180 degrees Celsius. Saturn's temperature is low because it is too far away from the sun, so the Earth receives only a hundredth of the heat it receives from the sun.Saturn's volume is about 750 times that of Earth, and the density of Saturn is smaller than all the heavenly bodies in the solar system, as well as water. Saturn's atmosphere, like Jupiter, is dominated by hydrogen and helium, with some methane and ammonia added. Saturn's surface temperature is minus 180 degrees Celsius. Saturn's temperature is low because it is too far away from the sun, so the Earth receives only a hundredth of the heat it receives from the sun. 띄워진다고들 하지만 토성은 물에 띄워지는 성질이 아니고, 밀도만 따지면 그렇다. 토성을 담을정도의 물은 액체상태를 유지할수 없다.
=== 내부 구조 ===