타지크인: 두 판 사이의 차이

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편집 요약 없음
1번째 줄:
{{민족 정보
|민족= 민족명 =타지크인
| 현지어명 = {{lang|tg|Тоҷик}}
|그림 = Tajik people.jpg
| 기 = Flag of Tajikistan.svg
|인구전체 = 약 1,800~2,600만 명 (추산)
| 기설명 = 타지크인의 국민국가 [[타지키스탄의 국기]].
|인구거점 = {{국기|아프가니스탄}} 860만 명 <br />{{국기|타지키스탄}} 584만 명<br />{{국기|우즈베키스탄}} 140만 명<br />{{국기|파키스탄}} 122만 명<br />{{국기|이란}} 50만 명<br /> {{국기|러시아}} 12만 명<br /> {{국기|독일}} 9만 명<br />{{국기|카타르}} 8.7만 명<br />{{국기|미국}} 5.2만 명<br />{{국기|중국}} 4.1만 명<br />
| 문장 =
|언어= [[타지크어]]: 약 4,380,000([[1991년]] 자료)
| 그림 = Одежда невесты (Гиссар).JPG
|종교= 주로 [[이슬람교]]를 믿는다.
| 그림설명 =
|관련민족= [[이란]]계 [[민족]]이다.
| 총인구 = 1800만-2700만 명
| 지역1 = {{국기|아프가니스탄}} | 인구1 = 9,450,000–11,550,000 (2014)<ref name="atlas-afghanistan-153">Country Factfiles.&nbsp;— Afghanistan, page 153. // Atlas. Fourth Edition. Editors: Ben Hoare, Margaret Parrish. Publisher: Jonathan Metcalf. First published in Great Britain in 2001 by Dorling Kindersley Limited. London: [[Dorling Kindersley]], 2010, 432 pages. {{ISBN|9781405350396}} "Population: 28.1 million<br />Religions: Sunni Muslim 84%, Shi'a Muslim 15%, other 1%<br />Ethnic Mix: Pashtun 38%, Tajik '''25%''', Hazara 19%, Uzbek, Turkmen, other 18%"</ref>
| 지역2 = {{국기|타지키스탄}} | 인구2 = 6,787,000 (2014)<ref name=CIA-tj />
| 지역3 = {{국기|우즈베키스탄}} | 인구3 = 1,420,000 (2012)<ref name=Foltz>{{cite journal|authorlink=Richard Foltz|author=Richard Foltz|title=The Tajiks of Uzbekistan|journal=Central Asian Survey|volume= 15|issue=2|pages= 213–216 |year=1996|doi=10.1080/02634939608400946}}</ref><ref name="Karl Cordell 1999. pg 201">Karl Cordell, "Ethnicity and Democratisation in the New Europe", Routledge, 1998. p. 201: "Consequently, the number of citizens who regard themselves as Tajiks is difficult to determine. Tajikis within and outside of the republic, Samarkand State University (SamGU) academic and international commentators suggest that there may be between six and seven million Tajiks in Uzbekistan, constituting 30% of the republic's 22 million population, rather than the official figure of 4.7%(Foltz 1996;213; Carlisle 1995:88).</ref><ref name="Lena Jonson 2006. pg 108">Lena Jonson (1976) "Tajikistan in the New Central Asia", I.B.Tauris, p. 108: "According to official Uzbek statistics there are slightly over 1 million Tajiks in Uzbekistan or about 3% of the population. The unofficial figure is over 6 million Tajiks. They are concentrated in the Sukhandarya, Samarqand and Bukhara regions."</ref>
| 지역4 = {{국기|파키스탄}} | 인구4 = 300,000–1,200,000
| 지역5 = {{국기|러시아}} | 인구5 = 201,000
| 지역6 = {{국기|미국}} | 인구6 = 52,000<ref>This figure only includes Tajiks from Afghanistan. The population of people from Afghanistan the United States is estimated as 80,414 (2005). {{cite web|url=http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/IPTable?_bm=y&-reg=ACS_2005_EST_G00_S0201:501;ACS_2005_EST_G00_S0201PR:501;ACS_2005_EST_G00_S0201T:501;ACS_2005_EST_G00_S0201TPR:501&-qr_name=ACS_2005_EST_G00_S0201&-qr_name=ACS_2005_EST_G00_S0201PR&-qr_name=ACS_2005_EST_G00_S0201T&-qr_name=ACS_2005_EST_G00_S0201TPR&-ds_name=ACS_2005_EST_G00_&-TABLE_NAMEX=&-ci_type=A&-redoLog=true&-charIterations=045&-geo_id=01000US&-format=&-_lang=en|author=United States Census Bureau|title=US demographic census|accessdate=2008-01-23}} Of this number, approximately 65% are Tajiks according to a group of American researchers (Barbara Robson, Juliene Lipson, [[Farid Younos]], Mariam Mehdi). [http://www.cal.org/co/afghan/apeop.html Robson, Barbara and Lipson, Juliene (2002) "Chapter 5(B)- The People: The Tajiks and Other Dari-Speaking Groups"] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100127081653/http://www.cal.org/co/afghan/apeop.html |date=2010-01-27 }} ''The Afghans&nbsp;– their history and culture'' Cultural Orientation Resource Center, Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, D.C., [http://worldcat.org/oclc/56081073 OCLC 56081073].</ref>
| 지역7 = {{국기|키르기스스탄}} | 인구7 = 47,500<ref name=ethnic>{{cite web|url=http://www.stat.kg/stat.files/din.files/census/5010003.pdf |title=Ethnic composition of the population in Kyrgyzstan 1999–2007 |format=PDF |date= |accessdate=2012-06-11}}</ref>
| 지역8 = {{국기|중화인민공화국}} | 인구8 = 39,642<ref>{{cite web|title=塔吉克族|url=http://www.gov.cn/test/2006-04/14/content_254445.htm|website=www.gov.cn|accessdate=6 December 2016}}</ref>
| 지역9 = {{국기|캐나다}} | 인구9 = 15,870<ref>This figure only includes Tajiks from Afghanistan. The population of people with descent from Afghanistan in Canada is 48,090 according to Canada's 2006 Census. Tajiks make up an estimated 27% of the population of Afghanistan. The Tajik population in Canada is estimated from these two figures. [http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census06/data/highlights/ethnic/pages/Page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo=PR&Code=01&Data=Count&Table=2&StartRec=1&Sort=3&Display=All&CSDFilter=5000 Ethnic origins, 2006 counts, for Canada].</ref>
| 지역10 = {{국기|우크라이나}} | 인구10 = 4,255<ref>[http://2001.ukrcensus.gov.ua/results/nationality_population/nationality_popul1/select_5/?botton=cens_db&box=5.1W&k_t=00&p=75&rz=1_1&rz_b=2_1%20%20%20&n_page=4 State statistics committee of Ukraine&nbsp;– National composition of population, 2001 census] (Ukrainian)</ref>
| 언어 = [[타지크어]], [[다리어]], [[파슈토어]], [[러시아어]], [[우즈베크어]]
| 종교 = 주로 [[이슬람교]]를 믿는다.
| 민족계통 = [[이란족]]
| 기원발상 =
| 근연민족 =
'''타지크인'''({{llang|tg|Тоҷик}}, {{llang|fa|تاجيک}}, {{llang|ru|Таджики}}, {{llang|zh|塔吉克族}}, {{llang|en|Tājik people}})은 [[중앙아시아]]에 있는 민족이다. [[타지키스탄]]에서 가장 높은 인구율을 보이지만 [[아프가니스탄]]에 사는 타지크인이 더 많다. 타지크인의 조상은 [[박트리아]]인으로 [[이란]]계다. [[인구]]는 2,850만 명으로 추정되고 있다.