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편집 요약 없음
태그: m 모바일 웹 고급 모바일 편집
7번째 줄:
I want to make Wikipedia, which children can also be easier. Write a negative word and I haven't been getting much I want to edit is solely to Wikipedia policy, but I'll do my best. Block someone using coarse language or talking about blocking users to mutilation, or I'll talk about the administrator. And I think if you have too many multiple account not in my story in the debate please. I will delete the account! And I started Wikipedia in the introductory - 03 - 2020 - 31 users. Please tell me many things to me to discussion document.}}
[[파일:Baguette_mie.jpg|섬네일|right|215px|바게트처럼 달달해지기부드러워지기 위해 노력할게요.]]
{{User th-1}}