바닥앞뇌: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
편집 요약 없음
편집 요약 없음
6번째 줄:
바닥앞뇌의 주요핵인 전뇌기저핵(nucleus basalis , 앞뇌바닥핵)은 핵 기저의 출력에 중심을 둔 중추 신경계(CNS)의 주요 콜린성 출력으로 간주된다.<ref name="Goard">{{저널 인용|last1=Goard |first1=M |last2=Dan |first2=Y |title=Basal forebrain activation enhances cortical coding of natural scenes. |journal=Nature Neuroscience |date=November 2009 |volume=12 |issue=11 |pages=1444–9 |doi=10.1038/nn.2402 |pmid=19801988|pmc=3576925 }}</ref> 피질로 돌출하는 비 콜린성 뉴런의 존재는 콜린성 뉴런과 함께 작용하여 피질에서의 활동을 동적으로 조절하는 것으로 밝혀졌다.<ref name="Lin">{{저널 인용|last1=Lin |first1=SC |last2=Brown |first2=RE |last3=Hussain Shuler |first3=MG |last4=Petersen |first4=CC |last5=Kepecs |first5=A |title=Optogenetic Dissection of the Basal Forebrain Neuromodulatory Control of Cortical Activation, Plasticity, and Cognition. |journal=The Journal of Neuroscience |date=14 October 2015 |volume=35 |issue=41 |pages=13896–903 |doi=10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2590-15.2015 |pmid=26468190|pmc=4604228 }}</ref>
*(Histaminergic descending inputs to the mesopontine tegmentum and their role in the control of cortical activation and wakefulness in the cat , JS Lin, Y Hou, K Sakai and M Jouvet - Journal of Neuroscience 15 February 1996, 16 (4) 1523-1537; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.16-04-01523.1996) https://www.jneurosci.org/content/16/4/1523
*(Sleep. 1995 Jul;18(6):478-500. Magnocellular Nuclei of the Basal Forebrain: Substrates of Sleep and Arousal Regulation
R Szymusiak ,PMID: 7481420 DOI: 10.1093/sleep/18.6.478)https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7481420/
* [[망상체 활성화 시스템]]
*(Histaminergic descending inputs to the mesopontine tegmentum and their role in the control of cortical activation and wakefulness in the cat , JS Lin, Y Hou, K Sakai and M Jouvet - Journal of Neuroscience 15 February 1996, 16 (4) 1523-1537; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.16-04-01523.1996) https://www.jneurosci.org/content/16/4/1523
*(Sleep. 1995 Jul;18(6):478-500. Magnocellular Nuclei of the Basal Forebrain: Substrates of Sleep and Arousal Regulation
R Szymusiak ,PMID: 7481420 DOI: 10.1093/sleep/18.6.478)https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7481420/