사용자:Jjw/연습장: 두 판 사이의 차이

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15번째 줄:
기원전 55년 늦여름 카이사르는 전쟁을 치르기엔 늦은 계절이었음에도 브리튼섬 정찰을 결정하였다. 그는 브리튼섬과 교역하는 상인들을 불러모아 브리튼족의 관습이나 흔히 쓰는 전략, 쓸만한 항구의 상황 등을 물었지만 그들은 도움이 될만한 정보를 내놓지 않았다. 그때까지 독점하고 있던 해협 양안의 무역을 잃고 싶지 않았기 때문이다. 카이사르는 [[호민관]] 가이우스 볼루세누스에게 전함 한 척을 내주어 정찰을 시켰다. 그는 [[하이드 (켄트주)|하이드]]에서 [[샌드위치 (켄트주)|샌드위치]]사이로 짐작되는 [[켄트]] 연안을 정찰하였지만 삼엄한 경계 때문에 상륙할 수는 없었고 닷새 뒤 카이사르에게 돌아가 수집한 정보를 보고하였다.<ref>''Commentarii de Bello Gallico'' [[Wikisource:Commentaries on the Gallic War/Book 4#22|4.22]]</ref>
이때 브리튼족 나라들 가운데 한 곳이 침략이 임박했다는 상인의 경고에 따라 복속을 약속하는 대사를 보내왔다. 카이사르는 By정복에 then,도움을 ambassadors from것이라고 some판단하고 of the British states, warned by merchants of the impending invasion, had arrived promising their submission. Caesar sent them back, along with his ally동맹이었던 [[Commius아트레바트족]], king of the Gallic [[Atrebates코미우스]], to use their influence to win over as many other그들과 states함께 as브리튼으로 possible보냈다.
카이사르는 로마 군단의 제7군단과 제10군단 He gathered a fleet consisting of eighty [[troopship|transport ships]], sufficient to carry two [[Roman legion|legions]] ([[Legio VII Claudia|Legio VII]] and [[Legio X Equestris|Legio X]]), and an unknown number of warships under a [[quaestor]], at an unnamed port in the territory of the [[Morini]], almost certainly [[Itius Portus|Portus Itius]] ([[Boulogne-sur-Mer|Boulogne]]). Another eighteen transports of cavalry were to sail from a different port, probably [[Ambleteuse]].<ref>Frere, ''Britannia'', p. 19</ref> These ships may have been [[trireme]]s or [[bireme]]s, or may have been adapted from Venetic designs Caesar had seen previously, or may even have been requisitioned from the Veneti and other coastal tribes. Clearly in a hurry, Caesar himself left a garrison at the port and set out "at the third watch" – well after midnight – on 23 August<ref>{{cite web |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7483566.stm |title=Doubt over date for Brit invasion |publisher=[[BBC News]] |date=1 July 2008 |accessdate=2 July 2008}} See also: {{cite web |url=http://www.txstate.edu/news/news_releases/news_archive/2008/06/Caesar062308.html |title=Tide and time: Re-dating Caesar’s invasion of Britain |publisher=[[Texas State University]] |date=23 June 2008 |accessdate=2 July 2008}}</ref> with the legions, leaving the cavalry to march to their ships, embark, and join him as soon as possible. In light of later events, this was either a tactical mistake or (along with the fact that the legions came over without baggage or heavy siege gear)<ref>''Commentarii de Bello Gallico'' [[Wikisource:Commentaries on the Gallic War/Book 4#30|4.30]]</ref> confirms the invasion was not intended for complete conquest.