알테어 베이직: 두 판 사이의 차이

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{{소프트웨어 정보|name=|logo=<!-- Image name is enough -->|screenshot=Altair Basic Sign.jpg<!-- Image name is enough -->|caption=알테어 베이직을 생성하는 [[어셈블리어]] 코드의 타이틀 페이지|author=[[마이크로소프트]](Micro-Soft)|developer=[[빌 게이츠]], [[폴 앨런]], [[몬트 데이비도프]](Monte Davidoff)<ref>[https://www.theregister.co.uk/2001/05/13/raiders_of_the_lost_altair/ Raiders of the Lost Altair BASIC Source Code], Andrew Orlowski, 13 May 2001, The Register</ref><ref>[https://archive.org/stream/bitsavers_mitsMITSAl_6669937/MITS_AltairBASIC_1975#page/n3/mode/1up Altair 8800 BASIC Reference_Manual 1975], Page 3 of PDF, ''...and the joint authors of the ALTAIR BASIC interpreter, Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Monte Davidoff, will be glad to assist you.''</ref>|released=2.0 (4K 및 8K 에디션) {{시작 날짜와 나이|1975|07|01}}<ref>[http://news.microsoft.com/2000/05/09/microsoft-fast-facts-1975/ Microsoft Fast Facts: 1975], Posted May 9, 2000, ''Bill Gates and Paul Allen complete BASIC and license it to their first customer, MITS of Albuquerque, N.M., the manufacturer of the Altair 8800 personal computer. This is the first computer language program written for a personal computer.'', ''Gates and Allen’s BASIC officially ships as version 2.0 in both 4K and 8K editions.''</ref><ref>[http://www.thocp.net/companies/microsoft/microsoft_company.htm microsoft's timeline from 1975 - 1990] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20080514211138/http://www.thocp.net/companies/microsoft/microsoft_company.htm |date=2008-05-14 }}, ''July 1, Bill Gates' and Paul Allen's BASIC officially ships as version 2.0 in both 4K and 8K editions.''</ref><ref>[https://archive.org/stream/Computer_Notes_1975_01_05#page/n13/mode/1up Computer_Notes 1975 01 05], Page 14, ''ALTAIR BASIC, CLAIM: Not just anybody's BASIC, FACT: Not just anybody's BASIC, BY: KEITH BRITTON ,ROBERT MULLEN, ''Altair BASIC version 2.0 had a serious problem in that a jump out of a FOR.... NEXT loop left garbage on the stack. . Do this too often and the stack would grow relentlessly down from high memory until it ate the program. This has been fixed in version 3.0, according to Paul Allen''</ref><ref>[https://archive.org/stream/Computer_Notes_1975_01_05#page/n14/mode/1up Computer_Notes 1975 01 05], Page 15, Advert: Altair BASIC]</ref>|discontinued=|latest release version=5.0|latest release date={{시작 날짜와 나이|1978|07|14|df=yes}}|latest preview version=|latest preview date=<!-- {{시작 날짜와 나이|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes/no}} -->|status=|programming language=|operating system=|platform=[[알테어 8800]]|size=|language=|genre=|license=|website=<!--{{URL|example.org}}-->|standard=}}
'''알테어 베이직'''(Altair BASIC)은 [[MITS]]사의 [[앨테어 8800|알테어 8800]] 및 후속 [[S-100 버스]] 컴퓨터에서 실행되는 [[베이직]] 프로그래밍어의 대한 [[인터프리터]] 프로그램으로 현재는 단종되었다. [[마이크로소프트]](Micro-Soft(MS))사의 첫 제품으로 MITS사와의 계약하에 배포되었다. 알테어 베이직은 다양한 [[마이크로소프트 베이직]] 제품군의 시작이었다.
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