히피아스 (소피스트): 두 판 사이의 차이

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Yknok29 (토론 | 기여)
새 문서: '''엘리스의 히피아스''' ({{lang-el|Ἱππίας}})는 그리스소피스트로, 기원전 5세기 중반(대략 460 BCE)에 태어났으며, [[...
Yknok29 (토론 | 기여)
편집 요약 없음
1번째 줄:
'''[[엘리스]]의 히피아스''' ({{lang-el|Ἱππίας}})는 [[고대 그리스|그리스]]의 [[소피스트]]로, 기원전 5세기 중반(대략 460 BCE)에 태어났으며, [[프로타고라스]]와 [[소크라테스]]의 동시대 사람으로 두 사람보다 나이는 어렸다.
그는 굉장히 다재다능한 사람이었고, 그를 따르는 시민들의 존경을 받아 여러 차례 다른 도시에 도시를 대표하는 외교관으로 파견되었다. 그는 [[아테네]]에서 태어났다.
He was born in Athens. There he made the acquaintance of Socrates leading thinkers. With an assurance characteristic of the later sophists, he claimed to be regarded as an authority on all subjects, and lectured, at all events with financial success, on poetry, grammar, history, politics, archaeology, mathematics and astronomy.
He boasted that he was more popular than [[Protagoras]], and was prepared at any moment to deliver an extempore address on any subject to the assembly at [[Olympia, Greece|Olympia]]. His aim was not to give knowledge, but to provide his pupils with the weapons of argument, to make them fertile in discussion on all subjects alike. It is said that he boasted of wearing nothing that he had not made with his own hands.
11번째 줄:
[[Friedrich Ast]] denies their authenticity, but they must have been written by a contemporary writer (as they are mentioned in the literature of the 4th century), and undoubtedly represent the attitude of serious thinkers to the growing influence of the professional Sophists.
There is, however, no question that Hippias did a real service to Greek literature by insisting on the meaning of words, the value of rhythm and literary style. He is credited with an excellent work on [[Homer]], collections of Greek and foreign literature, and archaeological treatises, but nothing remains except the barest notes. He forms the connecting link between the first great sophists, Protagoras and [[Prodicus]], and the innumerable [[eristic]]s who brought their name into disrepute. {{Fact|date=March 2008}}