테툼어: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
Cbarom (토론 | 기여)
→‎발음: 번역 안 된 부분 지움
18번째 줄:
포르투갈어는 [[포르투갈령 티모르]]에서 사용되었고, Tetun-Prasa는 ''lingua franca''의 주요 방언이 되었다. <!--When Indonesia invaded and occupied East Timor, declaring it to be the Republic's '27th Province', the use of Portuguese was banned. However, the [[가톨릭교]], instead of adopting [[인도네시아어]] as its liturgical language, adopted Tetum, thereby making it a focus for cultural and national identity.-->
== 발음 ==
<!--The Tetum name for East Timor is ''Timor Lorosa'e'' or "land of the rising sun"; ''lorosa'e'' comes from ''loro'' ("sun"). The Tetum word for "word" is ''liafuan'', from ''lia'' ("voice") and ''fuan'' ("fruit").
*''barak'' - "much"
*''boot'' - "big"
*''ki'ik'' - "little"
*''mane'' - "man"
*''fetu'' - "woman"
*''foho'' - "mountain"
*''tasi'' - "sea"
*''rain'' - "country"
[[Image:Kursu_portuges_5.jpg|thumb|300px|right|Tetum and Portuguese]]
Words derived from Portuguese:
*''aprende'' - "learn" (from ''aprender'')
*''demais'' - "too much"
*''entaun'' - "so", "well" (from ''então'')
*''eskola'' - "school" (from ''escola'')
*''igreja'' - "church"
*''istória'' - "history" (from ''história'')
*''paun'' - "bread" (from ''pão'')
*''povu'' - "people" (from ''povo'')
*''relijiaun'' - "religion" (from ''religião'')
*''serveja'' - "beer" (from ''cerveja'')
*''tenke'' - "must" (from ''tem que'')
*''ajuda'' - "help"
As in Indonesian, the sound {{IPA|[z]}} of Portuguese words, originally written ''s'' or ''z'', often changed to {{IPA|[ʒ]}} in Tetum, written ''j'': for example ''meja'' ("table") from ''mesa'', and ''kemeja'' ("shirt") from ''camisa''. The Portuguese letters ''b'' and ''v'' were often exchanged, as in ''serbisu'' ("work") from the Portuguese ''serviço''.
Words derived from Malay include:
*''barak'' - "much" (from ''banyak'')
*''bele'' - "can" (from ''boleh'')
*''uma'' - "house" (from ''rumah'')
*''dalan'' - "street" (from ''jalan'')
*''karreta'' - "car" (from ''kereta'')
*''lima'' - "five" (from ''limah'')
*''oan'' - "person" (from ''orang'')
*''tulun'' - "help" (from ''tolong'')
*''malae'' - "foreign" (from ''melayu'' = "Malay")
*''ida'' - "one"
*''rua'' - "two"
*''tolu'' - "three"
*''haat'' - "four"
*''lima'' - "five"
*''neen'' - "six"
*''hitu'' - "seven"
*''ualu'' - "eight"
*''sia'' - "nine"
*''sanulu'' - "ten"
*''ruanulu'' - "twenty"
However, Tetum speakers often use Malay/Indonesian words instead, such as
''duapuluh'' ("twenty") instead of ''ruanulu''; especially for numbers over one thousand.
== Grammar ==
Grammar in Tetum is comparatively simple, there being no genders or verb conjugations. There is no definite article, so ''fetu'' can be transtaled as "woman" or "the woman", depending on the context. There is no verb "to be" as such, although the word ''la'ós'' (which translates as "not to be") is used to express the negative:
* ''Timoroan la'ós Indonézia-oan''
* "The Timorese are not Indonesians."
* ''Lia-indonézia la'ós sira-nia lian.''
* "Indonesian is not their language."
Similarly, ''maka'' (which roughly translates as "who is" or "what is") can be used with an adjective for emphasis:
* ''Xanana Gusmão maka ita-nia Prezidente.''
* "It's Xanana Gusmão who is our President".
* ''João sé maka gosta serveja.''
* "John is the one who likes beer."
The interrogative is formed by using the word ''ka'' ("or") or ''ka lae'' ("or not").
* ''O bulak ka?'' - "Are you crazy?"
* ''O gosta ha'u ka lae?'' - "Don't you like me?"
The plural is not normally used for nouns, although the word ''sira'' ("they") can be used for emphasis.
* ''fetu'' - "woman"
* ''fetu sira'' - "women"
In the case of words of Portuguese origin, the distinct plural (ending with the letter ''s'') is used;
* ''Estadus Unidus'' - "United States" (from ''Estados Unidos'')
* ''Nasoens Unidas'' - "United Nations" (from ''Nações Unidas'')
To turn an adjective into a noun, the word ''oan'' is added:
* ''malae'' - "foreign"
* ''malae-oan'' - "foreigner"
Similarly, "Timorese" is ''Timor-oan'', as opposed to the country of Timor, ''Rai-Timor''.
The past tense is not usually used except for emphasis, when the word ''ona'' ("already") is added at the end of the sentence.
* ''Ha'u han.'' - "I eat."
* ''Ha'u han etu.'' - "I eat / ate rice."
* ''Ha'u han etu ona.'' - "I ate / have eaten rice."
Like Malay, Tetum has two forms of "we": ''ami'' (equivalent to Malay "kami") which is exclusive (eg: "just you and me"), and ''ita'' (equivalent to Malay "kita"), which is inclusive (eg: "you, me, and them").
* ''ami-nia karreta'' - "our [family's] car."
* ''ita-nia rain'' - "our country."
The word "nia" is used as the possessive.
The genitive is formed by using "nian", hence:
* ''povu Timór Lorosa'e nian'' - "the people of East Timor"
== Basic phrases ==
[[Image:Kursu_portuges_4.jpg|thumb|300px|right|Tetum and Portuguese]]
*''Bondia'' - "Good day." (from Portuguese ''bom dia'')
*''Di'ak ka lae?'' - "How are you?" (literally ''are you well or not?'')
*''Ha'u di'ak ''- "I'm fine."
*''Obrigadu ''- "Thank you." (from Portuguese ''obrigado'')
*''Ita bele ko'alia Tetun?'' - "Can you speak Tetum?"
*''Loos'' - "Yes."
*''Lae'' - "No."
*''Ha'u' [la] komprende'' - "I [do not] understand." (from Portuguese ''compreender'')
== Orthography ==
As Tetum did not have any official recognition or support under either Portuguese or Indonesian rule, it is only recently that a standardised orthography has been established by the [[National Institute of Linguistics, Timor|National Institute of Linguistics]] (INL). However, there are still widespread variations in spelling.
The current orthography originates from the spelling reforms unertaken by [[Fretilin]] in [[1974]], when it launched literacy campaigns across East Timor during that year, and also from the system used by the Catholic Church when it adopted Tetum as the liturgical language during the Indonesian occupation. These involved the [[transliteration]] of many Portuguese words that were formerly written in the original spelling, for example, ''educação'' ("education") → ''edukasaun'', and ''colonialismo'' ("colonialism") → ''kolonializmu''.
More recent reforms by the INL include the replacement of the digraphs ''nh'' and ''lh'' (borowed from Portuguese and pronounced [ɳ] "ny" and [ʎ] "ly") by ''ñ'' and ''ll'', respectively (as in [[Spanish language|Spanish]] and [[Galician language|Galician]]). Thus, Portuguese ''senhor'' ("mister") became ''señór'' in Tetum, and ''trabalhador'' ("worker", "hard-working") became ''traballadór''.
Some linguists favoured ''ny'' (used by [[Catalan language|Catalan]]) and ''ly'' for these sounds, but these spellings were rejected as being similar to the Indonesian system. The letter ''ñ'' was also used in [[Filipino language|Filipino]], but this was recently replaced by ''ny''.
In fact, the Tetum pronunciations of these letter combinations are closer to [yl] and [yn], hence ''señor'' is prounced as [sey'nor] in Tetum, and ''trabalhador'' as [trabayla'dor].
The sound [ʃ], written ''ch'' or ''x'' in Portuguese, is written ''x'' in Tetum (as in Galician and in the [[Konkani language|Konkani]] language of [[Goa]]), as in ''xá'' ("tea"), from Portuguese ''chá''.
The sounds of ''j'' and ''z'' are often confused, so that the Portuguese-derived word ''exemplu''<!--SHOULDN'T THIS BE ''ezemplu''?--> or "example" may be pronounced in Tetum as [eʒemplu], and, conversely, ''Janeiru'' or "January" as [zaneiru].
=== 테툼어의 이름 ===
<!--The spelling of the name of the language as ''Tetum'' is a reflection of Portuguese pronunciation, in which 'm' is pronounced as a nasal sound, rather than that in the language itself. Consequently, some people regard ''Tetun'' as more appropriate. Although favoured by Indonesian speakers, ''Tetun'' has also been used by Portuguese speakers such as [[José Ramos Horta]] and [[Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo]], in Portuguese as well as English.
Similar disagreements over [[nomenclature]] have emerged in other indigenous languages, such as ([[스와힐리어]]) and ([[펀자브어]]).-->
== 발언 ==