모듈:Citation/CS1/Configuration: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
Namoroka(토론)의 19339774판 편집을 되돌림
잔글편집 요약 없음
(같은 사용자의 중간 판 8개는 보이지 않습니다)
29번째 줄:
local messages = {
['agency'] = '$1 $2', -- $1 is sepc, $2 is agency
['archived-dead'] = '$2에 $1에서 보존된 문서',
['archived-not-deadlive'] = '$2에 $1',
['archived-not-dead'] = '$2에 $1', -- DEPRECATED
['archived-missing'] = '$2에 원본$1에서 보존된 문서',
['archived'] = '보존된 문서',
줄 43 ⟶ 45:
['inactive'] = '년 이후로 접속 불가',
['inset'] = '$1 inset',
['interview'] = '$1의 인터뷰',
['lay summary'] = '요약문',
['newsgroup'] = '[[뉴스그룹]]: $1',
['original'] = '원본 문서',
['origyear'] = ' [$1]',
['published'] = '$1에 출판됨',
['retrieved'] = '$1에 확인함',
줄 51 ⟶ 55:
['section'] = '§ $1',
['sections'] = '§§ $1',
['series'] = '시리즈 $1 $2',
['seriesnum'] = '시리즈 $1',
['translated'] = '$1 번역',
['type'] = ' ($1)', -- for titletype
['written'] = '$1에서 작성',
줄 67 ⟶ 73:
['pp-prefix'] = "$1 $2쪽", -- $1 is sepc
['j-page(s)'] = ': $1', -- same for page and pages
['n-page(s)'] = '$1 $2면', -- same for page and pages -- DEPRECATED
['sheet'] = '$1 Sheet $2', -- $1 is sepc
줄 100 ⟶ 106:
['bare_url_no_origin'] = 'Bare url found but origin indicator is nil or empty',
--[=[-------------------------< E T _ A L _ P A T T E R N S >--------------------------------------------------
This table provides Lua patterns for the phrase "et al" and variants in name text
(author, editor, etc.). The main module uses these to identify and emit the 'etal' message.
TODO: detect wikilinked et al.: [[et al]].
local et_al_patterns = {
"[;,]? *[\"']*%f[%a][Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll][%.\"']*$", -- variations on the 'et al' theme
"[;,]? *[\"']*%f[%a][Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll][Ii][Aa][%.\"']*$", -- variations on the 'et alia' theme
"[;,]? *%f[%a]and [Oo]thers", -- and alternate to et al.
--[[--------------------------< E D I T O R _ M A R K U P _ P A T T E R N S >----------------------------------
This table provides Lua patterns for the phrase "ed" and variants in name text
(author, editor, etc.). The main module uses these to identify and emit the
'extra_text_names' message. (It is not the only series of patterns for this message.)
local editor_markup_patterns = { -- these patterns match annotations at end of name
'%f[%(%[][%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]?$', -- (ed) or (eds): leading '(', case insensitive 'ed', optional 's', '.' and/or ')'
'[,%.%s]%f[e]eds?%.?$', -- ed or eds: without '('or ')'; case sensitive (ED could be initials Ed could be name)
'%f[%(%[][%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]?$', -- (editor) or (editors): leading '(', case insensitive, optional '.' and/or ')'
'[,%.%s]%f[Ee][Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%.?$', -- editor or editors: without '('or ')'; case insensitive
-- these patterns match annotations at beginning of name
'^eds?[%.,;]', -- ed. or eds.: lower case only, optional 's', requires '.'
'^[%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]', -- (ed) or (eds): also sqare brackets, case insensitive, optional 's', '.'
'^[%(%[]?%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%A', -- (editor or (editors: also sq brackets, case insensitive, optional brackets, 's'
'^[%(%[]?%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Ee][Dd]%A', -- (edited: also sq brackets, case insensitive, optional brackets
--[[--------------------------< P R E S E N T A T I O N >------------------------------------------------------
줄 114 ⟶ 158:
['hidden-error'] = '<span style="display:none;font-size:100%" class="error citation-comment">$1</span>',
['visible-error'] = '<span style="font-size:100%" class="error citation-comment">$1</span>',
['hidden-maint'] = '<span class="cs1-maint citation-comment">$1</span>',
['accessdate'] = '<span class="reference-accessdate">$1$2</span>', -- to allow editors to hide accessdate using personal css
줄 123 ⟶ 168:
['format'] = ' <span style="font-size:85%;">($1)</span>', -- for |format=, |chapter-format=, etc
-- various access levels, for |access=, |doi-access=, |arxiv=, ...
-- narrow no-break space &#8239; may work better than nowrap css. Or not? browser support?
['ext-link-access-signal'] = '<span class="$1" title="$2">$3</span>', -- external link with appropriate lock icon
['free'] = {class='cs1-lock-free', title='무료로 이용 가능'}, -- classes defined in Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css
['registration'] = {class='cs1-lock-registration', title='등록 필요 (무료)'},
['limited'] = {class='cs1-lock-limited', title='제한적으로 이용 가능 (일반적으로 구독 필요)'},
['subscription'] = {class='cs1-lock-subscription', title='구독 필요 (유료)'},
['interwiki-icon'] = '<span class="$1" title="$2">$3</span>',
['class-wikisource'] = 'cs1-ws-icon',
['italic-title'] = "&#12298;$1&#12299;", -- 《 》
줄 130 ⟶ 187:
['kern-left'] = '<span style="padding-left:0.2em;">$1</span>$2', -- spacing to use when title contains leading single or double quote mark
['kern-right'] = '$1<span style="padding-right:0.2em;">$2</span>', -- spacing to use when title contains trailing single or double quote mark
-- these for simple wikilinked titles [["text]], [[text"]] and [["text"]]
-- span wraps entire wikilink
['kern-wl-left'] = '<span class="cs1-kern-wl-left">$1</span>', -- when title contains leading single or double quote mark
['kern-wl-right'] = '<span class="cs1-kern-wl-left">$1</span>', -- when title contains trailing single or double quote mark
['kern-wl-both'] = '<span class="cs1-kern-wl-left cs1-kern-wl-right">$1</span>', -- when title contains leading and trailing single or double quote marks
['nowrap1'] = '<span class="nowrap">$1</span>', -- for nowrapping an item: <span ...>yyyy-mm-dd</span>
줄 137 ⟶ 200:
['parameter'] = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>',
['ps_cs1'] = '.'; -- cs1 style postscript (terminal) character
['ps_cs2'] = ''; -- cs2 style postscript (terminal) character (empty string)
['quoted-text'] = '<q>$1</q>', -- for wrapping |quote= content
['quoted-title'] = '&ldquo;$1&rdquo;', -- “ ”
['sep_cs1'] = '.', -- cs1 element separator
['sep_cs2'] = ',', -- cs2 separator
['sep_nl'] = ';', -- cs1|2 style name-list separator between authors is a semicolon
['sep_name'] = ', ', -- cs1|2 style last/first separator is <comma><space>
['sep_nl_vanc'] = ',', -- Vancouver style name-list separator between authors is a comma
['sep_name_vanc'] = ' ', -- Vancouver style last/first separator is a space
['trans-italic-title'] = "&#91;''$1''&#93;", -- ['' '']
줄 164 ⟶ 237:
['Authors'] = {'authors', 'people', 'host', 'credits', '인물', '제작진'},
['BookTitle'] = {'book-title', 'booktitle'},
['Callsign'] = {'call-sign', 'callsign', '콜사인', '호출부호'}, -- cite interview -- DEPRECATED
['Cartography'] = {'cartography', '지도제작'},
['Chapter'] = {'chapter', 'contribution', 'entry', 'article', 'section', '장', '항목'},
['ChapterFormat'] = {'chapter-format', 'contribution-format', 'section-format'};
['ChapterURL'] = {'chapter-url', 'chapterurl', 'contribution-url', 'contributionurl', 'section-url', 'sectionurl', '장url'},
['ChapterUrlAccess'] = {'chapter-url-access', 'contribution-url-access', 'entry-url-access', 'article-url-access', 'section-url-access'},
['City'] = {'city', '도시'}, -- cite interview
['City'] = {'city', '도시'}, -- cite interview -- DEPRECATED
['Class'] = {'class', '분류'}, -- cite arxiv and arxiv identifiers
['Coauthors'] = {'coauthors', 'coauthor', '공저자'}, -- coauthor and coauthors are deprecated; remove after 1 January 2015? -- DEPRECATED
['Collaboration'] = 'collaboration',
['Conference'] = {'conference', 'event', '콘퍼런스', '컨퍼런스', '행사'},
줄 178 ⟶ 252:
['Contribution'] = 'contribution', -- introduction, foreword, afterword, etc; required when |contributor= set
['Date'] = {'date', 'air-date', 'airdate', '날짜', '일자'},
['DeadURL'] = {'dead-url', 'deadurl', '깨진링크', '죽은링크', '깨진url', '죽은url'}, -- DEPRECATED
['Degree'] = {'degree', '학위'},
['DF'] = 'df',
['DisplayAuthors'] = {'display-authors', 'displayauthors', '저자표시'},
['DisplayContributors'] = 'display-contributors',
['DisplayEditors'] = {'display-editors', 'displayeditors', '편집자표시'},
['DisplayInterviewers'] = 'display-interviewers',
['DisplayTranslators'] = 'display-translators',
['Docket'] = 'docket',
['DoiBroken'] = {'doi-broken', 'doi-broken-date', 'doi-inactive-date', 'doi_brokendate', 'doi_inactivedate', 'doi_깨진날짜'},
줄 205 ⟶ 282:
['MapFormat'] = 'map-format', -- cite map only
['MapURL'] = {'mapurl', 'map-url', '지도url'}, -- cite map only
['MapUrlAccess'] = 'map-url-access', -- cite map only
['MessageID'] = {'message-id', '메시지id'},
['Minutes'] = {'minutes', '분'},
['Mode'] = {'mode', '모드'},
['Month'] = {'month', '월', '달', '작성월', '발행월'}, -- 임시 -- DEPRECATED
['NameListFormat'] = {'name-list-format', '이름목록형식'},
['Network'] = {'network', '네트워크'},
줄 223 ⟶ 301:
'저널', '뉴스', '신문', '잡지', '작품', '웹사이트', '백과사전', '메일링리스트'},
['Place'] = {'place', 'location', '위치', '장소'},
['Program'] = {'program', '프로그램'}, -- cite interview -- DEPRECATED
['PostScript'] = {'postscript', '추신'},
['PublicationDate'] = {'publicationdate', 'publication-date', '출판날짜', '출판일자'},
줄 233 ⟶ 311:
['Scale'] = {'scale', '축척'},
['ScriptChapter'] = 'script-chapter',
['ScriptPeriodical'] = {'script-journal', 'script-magazine', 'script-newspaper', 'script-periodical', 'script-website', 'script-work'},
['ScriptTitle'] = 'script-title', -- 수정 필요
['Section'] = 'section', -- 번역 수정 필요(지도 틀 말고 그 외에서도 쓰이는 듯)
줄 255 ⟶ 334:
['TransChapter'] = {'trans-chapter', 'trans_chapter', '번역장'},
['TransMap'] = 'trans-map', -- cite map only
['TransPeriodical'] = {'trans-journal', 'trans-magazine', 'trans-newspaper', 'trans-periodical', 'trans-website', 'trans-work'},
['Transcript'] = {'transcript', '대본'},
['TranscriptFormat'] = 'transcript-format',
줄 260 ⟶ 340:
['TransTitle'] = {'trans-title', 'trans_title', '번역제목'},
['URL'] = {'url', 'URL'},
['UrlAccess'] = {'url-access'},
['UrlStatus'] = {'url-status', 'dead-url', 'deadurl'}, -- TODO: remove 'dead-url', 'deadurl'
['Vauthors'] = 'vauthors',
['Veditors'] = 'veditors',
줄 288 ⟶ 370:
['EditorList-Mask'] = {"editor-mask#", "editor#-mask", "editormask#", "editor#mask", "편집자#-숨김", "편집자-숨김#", "편집자#숨김", "편집자숨김#"},
['InterviewerList-First'] = {'interviewer-first#', 'interviewer#-first'},
['InterviewerList-Last'] = {'interviewer#', 'interviewer-last#', 'interviewer#-last'},
['InterviewerList-Link'] = {'interviewer-link#', 'interviewer#-link'},
['InterviewerList-Mask'] = {'interviewer-mask#', 'interviewer#-mask'},
['TranslatorList-First'] = {'translator-first#','translator#-first',
'번역자-이름#', '번역자#-이름', '번역자이름#', '번역자#이름'},
줄 296 ⟶ 383:
['TranslatorList-Mask'] = {'translator-mask#', 'translator#-mask', "번역자#-숨김", "번역자-숨김#", "번역자#숨김", "번역자숨김#"},
--[[--------------------------< P U N C T _ S K I P >----------------------------------------------------------
builds a table of parameter names that the extraneous terminal punctuation check should not check.
local punct_skip = {};
local meta_params = { -- table of aliases[] keys (meta parameters); each key has a table of parameter names for a value
'BookTitle', 'Chapter', 'ScriptChapter', 'ScriptTitle', 'Title', 'TransChapter', 'Transcript', 'TransMap', 'TransTitle', -- title-holding parameters
'PostScript', 'Quote', -- miscellaneous
'ArchiveURL', 'ChapterURL', 'ConferenceURL', 'LayURL', 'MapURL', 'TranscriptURL', 'URL', -- url-holding parameters
for _, meta_param in ipairs (meta_params) do -- for each meta parameter key
local params = aliases[meta_param]; -- get the parameter or the table of parameters associated with the meta parameter name
if 'string' == type (params) then
punct_skip[params] = 1; -- just a single parameter
for _, param in ipairs (params) do -- get the parameter name
punct_skip[param] = 1; -- add the parameter name to the skip table
--[[--------------------------< S P E C I A L C A S E T R A N S L A T I O N S >----------------------------
This table is primarily here to support internationalization. Translations in this table are used, for example,
when an error message, category name, etc is extracted from the English alias key. There may be other cases where
this translation table may be useful.
local special_case_translation = {
['AuthorList'] = 'authors list', -- these for multiple names maint categories
['ContributorList'] = 'contributors list',
['EditorList'] = 'editors list',
['InterviewerList'] = 'interviewers list',
['TranslatorList'] = 'translators list',
['authors'] = 'authors', -- used in get_display_names()
['contributors'] = 'contributors',
['editors'] = 'editors',
['interviewers'] = 'interviewers',
['translators'] = 'translators',
['archived_copy'] = '^archived?%s+copy$', -- lua pattern to match pseudo title used by Internet Archive bot and others as place holder for unknown |title= value
-- used with CS1 maint: Archived copy as title
--[[--------------------------< D E F A U L T S >--------------------------------------------------------------
줄 305 ⟶ 446:
local defaults = {
['DeadURL'] = 'yes', -- DEPRECATED
['UrlStatus'] = 'dead',
--[[--------------------------< D A T E _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------------------------
This table of tables lists local language date names and fallback English date names. The code in Date_validation
will look first in the local table for valid date names. If date names are not found in the local table, the code
will look in the English table.
Because citations can be copied to the local wiki from en.wiki, the English is required when the date-name translation
function date_name_xlate() is used.
In these tables, season numbering is defined by ISO DIS 8601:2016 part 2 §4.7 'Divisions of a year'. The standard
defines various divisions using numbers 21-41. cs1|2 only supports generic seasons. ISO DIS 8601:2016 does support
the distinction between north and south hemispere seasons but cs1|2 has no way to make that distinction.
The standard does not address 'named' dates so, for the purposes of cs1|2, Christmas is defined here as 99, which
should be out of the ISO DIS 8601:2016 range of uses for a while.
local date_names = {
['en'] = { -- English
['long'] = {['January']=1, ['February']=2, ['March']=3, ['April']=4, ['May']=5, ['June']=6, ['July']=7, ['August']=8, ['September']=9, ['October']=10, ['November']=11, ['December']=12},
['short'] = {['Jan']=1, ['Feb']=2, ['Mar']=3, ['Apr']=4, ['May']=5, ['Jun']=6, ['Jul']=7, ['Aug']=8, ['Sep']=9, ['Oct']=10, ['Nov']=11, ['Dec']=12},
['season'] = {['Winter']=24, ['Spring']=21, ['Summer']=22, ['Fall']=23, ['Autumn']=23},
['named'] = {['Christmas']=99},
['local'] = { -- replace these English date names with the local language equivalents
['long'] = {['1월']=1, ['2월']=2, ['3월']=3, ['4월']=4, ['5월']=5, ['6월']=6, ['7월']=7, ['8월']=8, ['9월']=9, ['10월']=10, ['11월']=11, ['12월']=12},
['short'] = {['1월']=1, ['2월']=2, ['3월']=3, ['4월']=4, ['5월']=5, ['6월']=6, ['7월']=7, ['8월']=8, ['9월']=9, ['10월']=10, ['11월']=11, ['12월']=12},
['season'] = {['겨울']=24, ['봄']=21, ['여름']=22, ['가을']=23},
['named'] = {['크리스마스']=99},
['inv_local_l'] = {}, -- used in date reformatting; copy of date_names['local'].long where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc
['inv_local_s'] = {}, -- used in date reformatting; copy of date_names['local'].short where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc
['local_digits'] = {['0'] = '0', ['1'] = '1', ['2'] = '2', ['3'] = '3', ['4'] = '4', ['5'] = '5', ['6'] = '6', ['7'] = '7', ['8'] = '8', ['9'] = '9'}, -- used to convert local language digits to Western 0-9
['xlate_digits'] = {},
for name, i in pairs (date_names['local'].long) do -- this table is ['name'] = i
date_names['inv_local_l'][i] = name; -- invert to get [i] = 'name' for conversions from ymd
for name, i in pairs (date_names['local'].short) do -- this table is ['name'] = i
date_names['inv_local_s'][i] = name; -- invert to get [i] = 'name' for conversions from ymd
for ld, ed in pairs (date_names.local_digits) do -- make a digit translation table for simple date translation from en to local language using local_digits table
date_names.xlate_digits [ed] = ld; -- en digit becomes index with local digit as the value
local df_template_patterns = { -- table of redirects to {{Use dmy dates}} and {{Use mdy dates}}
'{{ *[Uu]se (dmy) dates *[|}]', -- 915k -- sorted by approximate transclusion count
'{{ *[Uu]se *(mdy) *dates *[|}]', -- 161k
'{{ *[Uu]se (DMY) dates *[|}]', -- 2929
'{{ *[Uu]se *(dmy) *[|}]', -- 250 + 34
'{{ *([Dd]my) *[|}]', -- 272
'{{ *[Uu]se (MDY) dates *[|}]', -- 173
'{{ *[Uu]se *(mdy) *[|}]', -- 59 + 12
'{{ *([Mm]dy) *[|}]', -- 9
'{{ *[Uu]se (MDY) *[|}]', -- 3
'{{ *([Dd]MY) *[|}]', -- 2
'{{ *([Mm]DY) *[|}]', -- 0
-- '{{ *[Uu]se(mdy) *[|}]',
-- '{{ *[Uu]se(mdy)dates *[|}]',
-- '{{ *[Uu]se(dmy) *[|}]',
local function get_date_format ()
local content = mw.title.getCurrentTitle():getContent() or ''; -- get the content of the article or ''; new pages edited w/ve do not have 'content' until saved; ve does not preview; phab:T221625
for _, pattern in ipairs (df_template_patterns) do -- loop through the patterns looking for {{Use dmy dates}} or {{Use mdy dates}} or any of their redirects
local start, _, match = content:find(pattern); -- match is the three letters indicating desired date format
if match then
content = content:match ('%b{}', start); -- get the whole template
if content:match ('| *cs1%-dates *= *[lsy][sy]?') then -- look for |cs1-dates=publication date length access-/archive-date length
return match:lower() .. '-' .. content:match ('| *cs1%-dates *= *([lsy][sy]?)');
return match:lower() .. '-all'; -- no |cs1-dates= k/v pair; return value appropriate for use in |df=
local global_df = get_date_format ();
줄 331 ⟶ 556:
local keywords = {
['yes_true_y'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y', '예', '참'}, -- ignore-isbn-error, last-author-amp, no-tracking, nopp, registration, subscription
['deadurl'] = {'yes', 'true', 'y', 'no', 'unfit', 'usurped', 'bot: unknown', '예', '참', '아니오', '거짓', '부적절'}, -- 'unfit no archive', 'usurped no archive' 숨김
['mode'] = {'cs1', 'cs2'},
['name-list-format'] = {'vanc'},
['contribution'] = {'afterword', 'foreword', 'introduction', 'preface'}, -- generic contribution titles that are rendered unquoted in the 'chapter' position
['date-format'] = {'dmy', 'dmy-all', 'mdy', 'mdy-all', 'ymd', 'ymd-all'},
-- ['date-format'] = {'dmy', 'dmy-all', 'mdy', 'mdy-all', 'ymd', 'ymd-all', 'yMd', 'yMd-all'}, -- not supported at en.wiki
['url-access'] = {'subscription', 'limited', 'registration'}, -- access level of a URL (subscription required, limited access, registration required); free to read by default
['url-status'] = {'dead', 'live', 'unfit', 'usurped', 'bot: unknown'}, -- replacement for |dead-url=
['id-access'] = {'free'}, -- access level of an identifier (free to read); not free-to-read by default
줄 387 ⟶ 616:
Indic script makes use of zero width joiner as a character modifier so zwj characters must be left in. This
pattern covers all of the unicode characters for these languages:
Devanagari 0900–097F – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0900.pdf
Devanagari extended A8E0–A8FF – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/UA8E0.pdf
Bengali 0980–09FF – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0980.pdf
Gurmukhi 0A00–0A7F – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0A00.pdf
Gujarati 0A80–0AFF – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0A80.pdf
Oriya 0B00–0B7F – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0B00.pdf
Tamil 0B80–0BFF – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0B80.pdf
Telugu 0C00–0C7F – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0C00.pdf
Kannada 0C80–0CFF – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0C80.pdf
Malayalam 0D00–0D7F – https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0D00.pdf
plus the not-necessarily Indic scripts for Sinhala and Burmese:
Sinhala 0D80-0DFF - https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0D80.pdf
Myanmar 1000-109F - https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1000.pdf
Myanmar extended A AA60-AA7F - https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/UAA60.pdf
Myanmar extended B A9E0-A9FF - https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/UA9E0.pdf
the pattern is used by has_invisible_chars() and coins_cleanup()
TODO: find a better place for this?
local indic_script = '[\224\164\128-\224\181\191\224\163\160-\224\183\191\225\128\128-\225\130\159\234\167\160-\234\167\191\234\169\160-\234\169\191]';
--[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E S >------------------------------------------------------------
This table is used to hold ISO 639-1 two-character language codes that apply only to |script-title= and |script-chapter=
local script_lang_codes = {
'am', 'ar', 'be', 'bg', 'bn', 'bs', 'dv', 'el', 'fa', 'gu', -- ISO 639-1 codes only for |script-title= and |script-chapter=
'he', 'hi', 'hy', 'ja', 'ka', 'kk', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'ku',
'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'mr', 'my', 'ne', 'ps', 'ru', 'sd', 'si',
'sr', 'ta', 'tg', 'th', 'ug', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 'yi', 'zh'
--[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E R E M A P P I N G >------------------------------------------
These tables hold language information that is different (correct) from MediaWiki's definitions
local lang_code_remap = { -- used for |language= and |script-title= / |script-chapter=
['als'] = 'Tosk Albanian', -- MediaWiki returns Alemannisch
['bh'] = 'Bihari', -- MediaWiki uses 'bh' as a subdomain name for Bhojpuri wWikipedia: bh.wikipedia.org
['bn'] = 'Bengali', -- MediaWiki returns Bangla
['ca-valencia'] = 'Valencian', -- IETF variant of Catalan
['crh'] = 'Crimean Tatar', -- synonymous with Crimean Turkish (return value from {{#language:crh|en}})
local lang_name_remap = { -- used for |language=
['alemannisch'] = {'Swiss German', 'gsw'}, -- not an ISO or IANA language name; MediaWiki uses 'als' as a subdomain name for Alemannic Wikipedia: als.wikipedia.org
['bangla'] = {'Bengali', 'bn'}, -- MediaWiki returns Bangla (the endonym) but we want Bengali (the exonym); here we remap
['bengali'] = {'Bengali', 'bn'}, -- MediaWiki doesn't use exonym so here we provide correct language name and 639-1 code
['bihari'] = {'Bihari', 'bh'}, -- MediaWiki replaces 'Bihari' with 'Bhojpuri' so 'Bihari' cannot be found
['bhojpuri'] = {'Bhojpuri', 'bho'}, -- MediaWiki uses 'bh' as a subdomain name for Bhojpuri Wikipedia: bh.wikipedia.org
['crimean tatar'] = {'Crimean Tatar', 'crh'}, -- MediaWiki uses 'crh' as a subdomain name for Crimean Tatar Wikipedia: crh.wikipedia.org
['tosk albanian'] = {'Tosk Albanian', 'als'}, -- MediaWiki replaces 'Tosk Albanian' with 'Alemannisch' so 'Tosk Albanian' cannot be found
['valencian'] = {'Valencian', 'ca'}, -- variant of Catalan; categorizes as Catalan
--[[--------------------------< M A I N T E N A N C E _ C A T E G O R I E S >----------------------------------
줄 396 ⟶ 687:
local maint_cats = {
['ASIN'] = 'CS1 관리 - ISBN을 사용한 ASIN',
['archived_copy'] = 'CS1 관리 - 제목으로 보존된 사본',
['authors'] = 'CS1 관리 - 저자 변수 사용',
['bot:_unknown'] = 'CS1 관리 - 봇: original-url 상태 알 수 없음',
['date_format'] = 'CS1 관리 - 날짜 형식',
['date_year'] = 'CS1 관리 - 날짜와 연도',
['disp_auth_eddisp_name'] = 'CS1 관리: 표시- 저자표시$1', -- $1 is authors, orcontributors, editors, --interviewers, translators; gets value from 수정special_case_translation 필요table
['disp_auth_ed'] = 'CS1 관리 - 저자표시', -- $1 is authors or editors -- 수정 필요 -- DEPRECATED
['editors'] = 'CS1 관리 - 편집자 변수 사용',
['embargo'] = 'CS1 관리 - PMC 엠바고 만료',
-- ['english'] = 'CS1 관리 - 한국어 인용 (ko)', -- 실제로 안 쓰이고 있어서 숨김
['etal'] = 'CS1 관리 - et al.의 직접적인 사용', -- DEPRECATED
['extra_punct'] = 'CS1 관리 - 추가 구두점',
['extra_text'] = 'CS1 관리 - 추가 문구',
['extra_text_names'] = 'CS1 관리 - 추가 문구: $1', -- $1 is <name>s list; gets value from special_case_translation table
['ignore_isbn_err'] = 'CS1 관리 - ISBN 오류 무시', -- $1 is authors or editors
['missing_pipe'] = 'CS1 관리 - 수직선 없음', -- DEPRECATED
['mult_names'] = 'CS1 관리 - 여러 이름', -- $1 is authors or editors -- 수정 필요
['others'] = 'CS1 관리 - 기타',
['pmc_format'] = 'CS1 관리 - PMC 형식',
['unfit'] = 'CS1 관리 - 부적합한 url',
['unknown_lang'] = 'CS1 관리 - 인식할 수 없는 언어',
['untitled'] = 'CS1 관리 - 이름 없는 작품',
['zbl'] = 'CS1 관리 - ZBL',
줄 420 ⟶ 723:
-- ['script'] = 'CS1 외국어 문자 사용', -- when language specified by |script-title=xx: doesn't have its own category
-- ['script_with_name'] = 'CS1 - $1 문자 사용 ($2)', -- |script-title=xx: has matching category; $1 is language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code
-- ['jul_greg_uncertainty'] = 'CS1 - 율리우스 그레고리오력 불확실', -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of template with dates 1 October 1582 – 1 January 1926
} -- 위 세 분류 임시로 숨김
-- ['long_vol'] = 'CS1 - 길이가 긴 권 값', -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of |volume= values longer than 4 charachters
} -- 위 다섯 개 분류 임시로 숨김
줄 432 ⟶ 737:
local title_types = {
['AV-media-notes'] = '미디어 설명',
['DVD-notes'] = '미디어 설명', -- DEPRECATED
['interview'] = '인터뷰',
['mailinglist'] = '메일링 리스트',
['map'] = '지도',
줄 459 ⟶ 765:
category = '인용 오류 - URL 없이 확인날짜를 사용함',
hidden = true },
apostrophe_markup = {
message = '기울임체 표시 또는 굵게 표시 스타일의 마크업은 다음에 허용되지 않습니다: <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>',
anchor = 'apostrophe_markup',
category = '인용 오류 - 마크업',
hidden = false
archive_missing_date = {
message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;보존url=</code>은 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;보존날짜=</code>를 필요로 함',
줄 494 ⟶ 806:
category ='인용 오류 - ASIN',
hidden = false },
bad_bibcode = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;bibcode=</code> $1 값 확인 필요',
anchor = 'bad_bibcode',
category = '인용 오류 - bibcode',
hidden = false
bad_biorxiv = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;biorxiv=</code> 값 확인 필요',
anchor = 'bad_biorxiv',
category = '인용 오류 - bioRxiv',
hidden = false
bad_citeseerx = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;citeseerx=</code> 값 확인 필요',
anchor = 'bad_citeseerx',
category = '인용 오류 - citeseerx',
hidden = false
bad_date = {
message = '다음 날짜 값 확인 필요: <code style="'..code_style..'">$1</code>',
줄 524 ⟶ 854:
category = '인용 오류 - ISSN',
hidden = false },
bad_jfm = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;jfm=</code> 값 확인 필요',
anchor = 'bad_jfm',
category = '인용 오류 - JFM',
hidden = false
bad_lccn = {
message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;lccn=</code> 값 확인 필요',
줄 529 ⟶ 865:
category = '인용 오류 - LCCN',
hidden = false },
bad_message_id = { -- DEPRECATED
message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;메시지id=</code> 값 확인 필요',
anchor = 'bad_message_id',
category = '인용 오류 - 메시지id',
hidden = false },
bad_usenet_id = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;message-id=</code> 값 확인 필요',
anchor = 'bad_message_id',
category = '인용 오류 - 메시지id',
hidden = false
bad_mr = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;mr=</code> 값 확인 필요',
anchor = 'bad_mr',
category = '인용 오류 - MR',
hidden = false
bad_ol = {
message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;ol=</code> 값 확인 필요',
줄 559 ⟶ 907:
category = '인용 오류 - OCLC',
hidden = false },
bad_ssrn = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;ssrn=</code> 값 확인 필요',
anchor = 'bad_ssrn',
category = '인용 오류 - SSRN',
hidden = false
bad_url = {
message = '$1 값 확인 필요',
줄 564 ⟶ 918:
category = '인용 오류 - URL',
hidden = false },
bad_zbl = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;zbl=</code> 값 확인 필요',
anchor = 'bad_zbl',
category = '인용 오류 - ZBL',
hidden = false
bare_url_missing_title = {
message = '$1은 제목을 필요로 함',
줄 569 ⟶ 929:
category = '인용 오류 - 제목 없이 URL을 사용함',
hidden = false },
biorxiv_missing = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;biorxiv=</code> 필요',
anchor = 'biorxiv_missing',
category = '인용 오류 - bioRxiv', -- same as bad bioRxiv
hidden = false
chapter_ignored = {
message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;장=</code>이 무시됨',
줄 579 ⟶ 945:
category = '인용 오류 - 제목이 없음',
hidden = false },
citeseerx_missing = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;citeseerx=</code> 필요',
anchor = 'citeseerx_missing',
category = '인용 오류 - citeseerx', -- same as bad citeseerx
hidden = false
class_ignored = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;class=</code> 무시됨',
anchor = 'class_ignored',
category = '인용 오류 - 클래스',
hidden = false
cite_web_url = { -- this error applies to cite web and to cite podcast
message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;url=</code>이 없거나 비었음',
줄 584 ⟶ 962:
category = '인용 오류 - URL이 없음',
hidden = true },
coauthors_missing_author = { -- DEPRECATED
message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;공저자=</code>는 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;저자=</code>를 필요로 함',
anchor = 'coauthors_missing_author',
줄 590 ⟶ 968:
hidden = false },
contributor_ignored = {
message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;contributor=</code> ignored무시됨</code>',
anchor = 'contributor_ignored',
category = 'CS1인용 errors:오류 - contributor',
hidden = false },
contributor_missing_required_param = {
message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;contributor=</code> requires <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>를 필요로 함',
anchor = 'contributor_missing_required_param',
category = 'CS1인용 errors:오류 - contributor',
hidden = false },
deprecated_params = {
줄 604 ⟶ 982:
category = '인용 오류 - 오래된 변수를 사용함',
hidden = true },
doibroken_missing_doi = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>는 <code class="cs1-code">&#124;doi=</code>를 필요로 함',
anchor = 'doibroken_missing_doi',
category = '인용 오류 - DOI',
hidden = false
empty_citation = {
message = '인용 틀이 비었음',
줄 609 ⟶ 993:
category = '인용 오류 - 인용 틀이 비었음',
hidden = false },
etal = {
message = '다음 안의 명시적인 et al. 사용: <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>',
anchor = 'explicit_et_al',
category = '인용 오류 - et al.',
hidden = false
first_missing_last = {
message = '이름 목록에서 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;이름$2=</code>이(가) 있지만 <code style="'..code_style..'">&#124;성$2=</code>이(가) 없음', -- 수정 필요
줄 634 ⟶ 1,024:
category = '인용 오류 - 저자 또는 편집자 없음',
hidden = false },
missing_periodical = {
message = '$1 인용은 <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$2=</code>을 필요로 함', -- $1 is cs1 template name; $2 is canonical periodical parameter name for cite $1
anchor = 'missing_periodical',
category = '인용 오류 - periodical이 없음',
hidden = true
missing_pipe = {
message = '다음에 pipe가 없음: <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>',
anchor = 'missing_pipe',
category = '인용 오류 - pipe가 없음',
hidden = false
param_access_requires_param = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1-access=</code>는 <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>를 필요로 함',
anchor = 'param_access_requires_param',
category = '인용 오류 - param-access가 없음',
hidden = false
param_has_ext_link = {
message = '<code style="'..code_style..'">$1</code>에 외부 링크가 있음',
줄 654 ⟶ 1,062:
category = '인용 오류 - 필요 이상의 변수가 사용됨',
hidden = false },
script_parameter = {
message = '유효하지 않은 <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>: $2',
anchor = 'script_parameter',
category = '인용 오류 - 스크립트 변수',
hidden = false
text_ignored = {
message = '다음 글자 무시됨: &lsquo;$1&rsquo;',
줄 727 ⟶ 1,141:
separator = ':',
['BIORXIV'] = {
parameters = {'biorxiv'},
link = 'bioRxiv',
q = 'Q19835482',
label = 'bioRxiv',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '//doi.org/10.1101/',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
access = 'free', -- free to read
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
parameters = {'citeseerx'},
link = 'CiteSeerX',
q = 'Q2715061',
label = 'CiteSeerX',
mode = 'manual', -- manual for custom validation of the "doi"
prefix = '//citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=',
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
access = 'free', -- free to read
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
['DOI'] = {
parameters = { 'doi', 'DOI' },
줄 920 ⟶ 1,358:
return {
aliases = aliases,
special_case_translation = special_case_translation,
defaults = defaults,
date_names = date_names,
error_conditions = error_conditions,
editor_markup_patterns = editor_markup_patterns,
et_al_patterns = et_al_patterns,
global_df = global_df,
id_handlers = id_handlers,
keywords = keywords,
invisible_chars = invisible_chars,
indic_script = indic_script,
maint_cats = maint_cats,
messages = messages,
presentation = presentation,
prop_cats = prop_cats,
punct_skip = punct_skip,
script_lang_codes = script_lang_codes,
lang_code_remap = lang_code_remap,
lang_name_remap = lang_name_remap,
title_types = title_types,
uncategorized_namespaces = uncategorized_namespaces,