페터 브뢰츠만
독일 색소폰 연주자 (1941–2023)
페터 브뢰츠만(독일어: Peter Brötzmann, 1941년 3월 6일~2023년 6월 22일)은 독일의 프리 재즈 색소폰 연주자이자 클라리넷 연주자이다.
독일 렘샤이트에서 태어났다. 부퍼탈에서 그림을 공부했으며 플럭서스 운동에 참여했으나 아트 갤러리와 전시관에 불만족이 쌓여갔다. 부퍼탈에서 재학 중에 미국 재즈 음악가 시드니(Sidney Bechet)를 보았을 때 최초의 재즈 콘서트를 경험하였고 큰 영감을 받았다.
1969년에 음반 Nipples를 녹음했다. 2023년 6월 22일, 부퍼탈의 자택에서 사망하였다.
편집- For Adolphe Sax (Brö, 1967)
- Machine Gun (Brö, 1968)
- Nipples (Calig, 1969)
- Solo (FMP, 1976)
- 3 Points and a Mountain with Misha Mengelberg (FMP, 1979)
- Alarm (FMP, 1983)
- Pica Pica (FMP, 1984)
- Berlin Djungle (FMP, 1987)
- Go-No-Go (FMP, 1987)
- Low Life (Celluloid, 1987)
- In a State of Undress with Jay Oliver (FMP, 1989)
- Reserve with Günter Sommer (FMP, 1989)
- No Nothing (FMP, 1991)
- The Marz Combo Live in Wuppertal (FMP, 1993)
- Songlines with Fred Hopkins (FMP, 1994)
- Die Like a Dog with Toshinori Kondo (FMP, 1994)
- Sacred Scrape with Gregg Bendian (Rastascan, 1994)
- Nothing to Say (FMP, 1996)
- Exhilaration with Borah Bergman (Soul Note, 1997)
- Eight by Three with Borah Bergman (Mixtery, 1997)
- 1/2/3 (Okka Disk, 1998)
- Stone & Water (Okka Disk, 2000)
- The Atlanta Concert with Fred Hopkins (Okka Disk, 2001)
- Right as Rain (FMP, 2001)
- Fuck de Boere (Atavista, 2001)
- Organized Chaos with Nicky Skopelitis (Konnex, 2002)
- Short Visit to Nowhere (Okka Disk, 2002)
- Usable Past (Olof Bright, 2002)
- Broken English (Okka Disk, 2002)
- The Ink Is Gone with Walter Perkins (Brö, 2003)
- The Inexplicable Flyswatter (Atavistic, 2003)
- More Nipples (Atavistic, 2003)
- Petroglyphs (Long Arms, 2004)
- Live at Spruce Street Forum with Lisle Ellis (Botticelli 2004)
- Tales Out of Time (HatHut, 2004)
- Signs (Okka Disk, 2004)
- Images (Okka Disk, 2004)
- Be Music Night (Okka Disk, 2005)
- Live at the 'Bottle' Fest 2005 (Brö, 2005)
- American Landscapes 1 (Okka Disk, 2007)
- American Landscapes 2 (Okka Disk, 2007)
- The Fat Is Gone with Paal Nilssen-Love (Smalltown Superjazzz, 2007)
- SweetSweat with Paal Nilssen-Love (Smalltown Superjazzz, 2008)
- At Molde 2007 (Okka Disk, 2008)
- Hairy Bones with Toshinori Kondo (Okka Disk, 2009)
- Lost & Found (FMP, 2009)
- Goosetalks with Johannes Bauer (Kilogram, 2010)
- Mayday (Corbett vs. Dempsey, 2010)
- Woodcuts (Smalltown Superjazzz, 2010)
- Live in Wiesbaden with Jörg Fischer (Not Two, 2011)
- Yatagarasu with Masahiko Satoh (Not Two, 2012)
- Going All Fancy with Jason Adasiewicz (Brö, 2012)
- Walk, Love, Sleep (Smalltown Superjazzz, 2012)
- The Worse the Better (Otoroku, 2012)
- Solo at Dobialab (Dobialabel 2012)
- Solo & Trio Roma (Victo, 2012)
- China Live 2011 (Jazzhus 2012)
- Solid and Spirit (Nero's Neptune 2013)
- Peter Brotzmann Alexander Von Schlippenbach Achim Trampenau (Carbon Edition, 2013)
- Mollie's in the Mood with Jason Adasiewicz (Brö, 2014)
- Whatthefuckdoyouwant with Sonny Sharrock (Trost, 2014)
- Mental Shake (Otoroku, 2014)
- Munster Bern (Cubus, 2015)
- Beautiful Lies (Neos, 2016)
- Machine Gun Alternate Takes (Cien Fuegos, 2018)
- I Surrender Dear (Trost, 2019)
- Karacho! (Euphorium, 2019)
- No Nothing Alternate Takes (FMP, 2020)
- Philosophy of Sound (Toshinori Kondo 2020)