
In the en:common law legal system, an indictment (틀:IPAEng) is a formal accusation of having committed a criminal offense.

커먼로에서, 기소(indictment)는 형사 범죄자에 대한 공식적인 소추(formal accusation)를 말한다.

In those jurisdictions which retain the concept of a en:felony, the serious criminal offense would be a felony; those jurisdictions which have abolished the concept of a felony often substitute instead the concept of an en:indictable offence, i.e. an offence which requires an indictment.

Traditionally an indictment was handed up by a en:grand jury, which returned a "true bill" if it found cause to make the charge, or "no bill" if it did not find cause.

전통적으로 기소는 대배심에서 하였다. 기소할 것을 찾았다면 true bill로 결정되었고, 혐의가 없다면, no bill로 결정되었다.

Most common law jurisdictions (except for much of the en:United States) have abolished grand juries.

대부분의 커먼로 국가에서는, 미국의 대부분 주정부를 제외하고, 대배심제를 폐지하였다.

Australia 호주


In en:Australia, an indictment is issued by a government official (the en:Attorney-General, the en:Director of Public Prosecutions, or one of their subordinates).

호주에서는 기소는 정부의 공식적인 검찰총장(Attorney-General)과 그 직원들에 의해 이루어 진다.

A en:magistrate then holds a committal hearing, which decides whether the evidence is serious enough to commit the person to trial.



In Brazil an indictment is called denuncia and is issued by the public prosecutor, a member of the Public Ministry.

브라질에서는 기소를 denuncia라고 부른다. 역시 브라질 정부의 검사가 기소를 한다.

In case of less serious offenses, the indictment may be filed by a private party and is called queixa.

사소한 사건에서는 queixa라고 해서, 상대방 당사자에 의해 기소될 수도 있다.

England and Wales 영국과 웨일스


In en:England and en:Wales (except in en:private prosecutions by individuals) an indictment is issued by the public prosecutor (in most cases this will be the en:Crown Prosecution Service on behalf of the Crown, i.e. the monarch, presently Queen Elizabeth II--who is nominally the en:plaintiff in all en:public prosecutions under en:English law.

영국웨일스에서는 개인에 의한 사인기소를 제외하고는, 모든 기소는 검사에 의해 이루어진다. 영국에서의 형사소송에서는 모든 원고(plaintiff)는 국왕이다. 현재는 엘리자베스 2세 영국 여왕이다.

This is why a public prosecution of a man called Mr. Smith would be referred to as "R v Smith" (short for "Regina against Smith", Regina being Latin for Queen).

영국에서 스미스 씨에 대한 기소가 이루어지면 "R 대 스미스"라고 부른다. 여기서 R은 라틴어로 여왕(Regina)을 말한다.

United States


In many (though not all) U.S. jurisdictions retaining the grand jury, prosecutors often have a choice between seeking an indictment from a en:grand jury, or filing a charging document directly with the court. Such a document is usually called an information, accusation, or complaint, to distinguish it from a grand jury indictment. To protect the suspect's en:due process rights in felony cases (where the suspect's interest in liberty is at stake), there is usually a preliminary hearing where a judge determines if there is en:probable cause that the charged crime was committed by the suspect in custody. If the judge finds such probable cause, he or she will bind or hold over the suspect for trial.

The substance of an indictment or other charging instrument is usually the same, regardless of the jurisdiction: it consists of a short and plain statement of the time, place and manner in which the defendant is alleged to have committed the offense. Each offense is usually set out in a separate count. Some indictments for complex crimes, particularly those involving conspiracy or numerous counts, can run to hundreds of pages, but many indictments, even for crimes as serious as en:murder, consist of a single sheet of paper.

Indictable offenses are normally tried by en:jury, unless the accused waives the right to a jury trial. In common law systems, the accused is not normally entitled to a jury trial if the offense charged does not require an indictment; the main exception here is again the U.S., where the Sixth Amendment mandates the right of having a jury trial for any criminal offense punishable by imprisonment for more than six months. Notwithstanding the existence of the right to jury trial, the vast majority of criminal cases in the U.S. are resolved by the en:plea bargaining process.

Sealed Indictment 비밀 기소


An indictment can be sealed so that it stays non-public until it is unsealed. This can be done for a number of reasons. It may be unsealed, for example, once the named person is arrested or has been notified by police.

비밀화되기 이전에 공공성이 없는 사안이었다면, 비밀 기소(Sealed Indictment)가 가능하다. 이것은 몇몇의 정해진 사유에 의한 때에만 할 수 있다. 예를들어, 실명이 알려진 사람이 체포되거나, 또는 경찰에 의해 공표되었을 때에는 공개될 수도 있다.

See also
