사용자:Basedon6/Franz Bopp

프란츠 보프
Franz Bopp
Franz Bopp
학자 정보
출생 1791년 9월 14일(1791-09-14)
사망 (11867년 10월 23일 (77세)
학력 언어학
학파 언어학
영향 받은 인물 Max Müller
Michel Bréal
August Schleicher[1]
영향 준 인물 Pāṇini, Friedrich Schlegel

Bopp's researches, carried with wonderful penetration into the most minute and almost microscopical details of linguistic phenomena, have led to the opening up of a wide and distant view into the original seats, the closer or more distant affinity, and the tenets, practices and domestic usages of the ancient Indo-European nations, and the science of comparative grammar may truly be said to date from his earliest publication. In grateful recognition of that fact, on the fiftieth anniversary (May 16, 1866) of the date of Windischmann's preface to that work, a fund called Die Bopp-Stiftung, for the promotion of the study of Sanskrit and comparative grammar, was established at Berlin, to which liberal contributions were made by his numerous pupils and admirers in all parts of the globe. Bopp lived to see the results of his labours everywhere accepted, and his name justly celebrated. But he died, on the 23rd of October 1867, in poverty, though his genuine kindliness and unselfishness, his devotion to his family and friends, and his rare modesty, endeared him to all who knew him.[2]

영어 학자 Russell 마르티노 플가에서 공부 Bopp,그 다음에 공물이:[3]

Bopp must, more or less, directly or indirectly, be the teacher of all who at the present day study, not this language or that language, but language itself — study it either as a universal function of man, subjected, like his other mental or physical functions, to law and order, or else as an historical development, worked out by a never ceasing course of education from one form into another.[4]

마르티노 플도 썼다:

"Bopp's Sanskrit studies and Sanskrit publications are the solid foundations upon which his system of comparative grammar was erected, and without which that could not have been perfect. For that purpose, far more than a mere dictionary knowledge of Sanskrit was required. The resemblances which he detected between Sanskrit and the Western cognate tongues existed in the syntax, the combination of words in the sentence and the various devices which only actual reading of the literature could disclose, far more than in the mere vocabulary. As a comparative grammarian he was much more than as a Sanskrit scholar, ... [and yet] it is surely much that he made the grammar, formerly a maze of Indian subtilty, as simple and attractive as that of Greek or Latin, introduced the study of the easier works of Sanskrit literature and trained (personally or by his books) pupils who could advance far higher, invade even the most intricate parts of the literature and make the Vedas intelligible. The great truth which his Comparative Grammar established was that of the mutual relations of the connected languages. Affinities had before him been observed between Latin and German, between German and Slavonic, etc., yet all attempts to prove one the parent of the other had been found preposterous.[4]


  1. Hadumod Bussmann, Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics, Routledge, 1996, p. 85.
  2. Chisholm 1911, 241쪽.
  3. Rines 1920.
  4. Rines 1920, 261쪽 cites Martineau 1867

저작자 표시

외부 링크


[[분류:1791년 태어남]] [[분류:1867년 죽음]] [[분류:알바니아학자]] [[분류:미국 예술-과학 아카데미의 회원]] [[분류:독일의 문헌학자]] [[분류:베를린 훔볼트 대학교 교수]] [[분류:인도유럽어학자]] [[분류:독일의 언어학자]] [[분류:마인츠 출신]] [[분류:푸르 르 메리트 민사훈장 수훈자]]