
  1. What is the quaternion that represents the rotation of 180 degree about the x-axis?
  2. What is the quaternion that represents the rotation of 180 degree about the z-axis?
  3. What rotation is represented by composite quaternion ?
    rotation of 180 degree about the y-axis
  4. Let be a point and let be a quaternion whose scalar part is zero and whose vector part is equal to . Show that if is a unit quaternion, the product is a purely imaginary quaternion and the vector part of satisfies:
  5. Show that q and -q represent same rotation using the result of Exercise 4.
    Therefore and represents the same rotation.
  6. Compare the number of additions and multiplications needed to perform the following operations:
    • Compose two rotation matrices.
      given n × n matrices A and B,
      this requires at least (n-1) additions and n multiplications per single element
      3 × 3 matrix multiplication requires (2 additions + 3 multiplication) * 9 elements = 18 additions + 27 multiplications)
    • Compose two quaternions
      this requires 12 additions + 16 multiplications
    • Apply a rotation matrix to a vector
      (2 additions + 3 multiplications) * 3 elements = 6 additions + 9 multiplications
    • Apply a quaternion to a vector (as in Exercise 4)
      •  : 3 additions + 4 multiplications
      •  : 2 additions + 3 multiplications
      • total : (4 additions + 5 multiplications) * 3 + 5 additions + 7 multiplications
        = 17 additions + 22 multiplications
      • (if times 2 is counted as multiplication, then 6 more multiplications) : 17 additions + 28 multiplications
  7. Show that a rigid body rotating at angular velocity can be represented by the quaternion differential equations

    Hint: Recall that the angular velocity indicates that the body is instantaneously rotating about the axis with magnitude . Suppose that a body were to rotate with a constant angular velocity . Then the rotation of the body after a period of time is represented by the quaternion

    At times (for small ), the orientation of the body is (to within the first order)

    compute by differentiating the above equation