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서기 200년경으로 추정되는 파피루스 32디도에게 보낸 편지 1:11-15가 기록되어 있다.
제목디도에게 보낸 편지
종류바울 서신

디도서 2장기독교 신약성경의 일부인 디도에게 보낸 편지의 두번째 장이다. 일반적으로 사도 바울로마케도니아 속주니코폴리스에서 크레타디도에게 보낸 것으로 여겨지나,[1][2] 바울로 사망 이후 익명의 추종자에 의해 쓰여졌다는 시각 역시 존재한다.[3][4] 디도서 2장은 성도들에게 주는 교훈과 예수의 죽음으로 죄가 제거되었다는 이야기를 하고 있다.[5]

본문 편집

원문은 코이네 그리스어로 작성되었다. 총 15개 구절로 나뉘었다.

문헌 편집

본문을 포함하고 있는 초기 문서들은 다음과 같다.

Membership of the Community (2:1–10) 편집

This section contains the injunction to Titus to teach the sound doctrine to the community with a list of qualities and duties for the members.[5]

교리 진술 (2:11–15) 편집

The doctrinal statements in this part is typical of Paul's teaching which links the incarnation and sacrifice of Christ to the hope and expectation of his second coming.[5]

11절 편집

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,[6]
  • "The grace of God that brings salvation": This "grace of God" does not mean God's free love, for though that it is the source of salvation, is not made manifest to all men, but only to the Lord's own people.[7] Neither does it mean the grace of God within the hearts of believers, for though salvation is strictly connected with it, and it powerfully influences the lives of the partakers of it, yet it has not appeared to all men.[7] This grace of God is intended the doctrine of grace, the Gospel, because it is a declaration of the grace of God, and of salvation by it: and in the hand of the Spirit, it is the means of conveying grace and implanting into the heart (cf. Acts 20:24; 2 Corinthians 6:1; Hebrews 12:15 which is called the 'Gospel of salvation', the good word or good news of salvation; it shows men the way of salvation; it gives an account of the Savior himself, the great God, fit to be a Savior and he is the only Savior. Some read this clause, "that brings salvation to all men", supported by the Syriac version, which renders it "that quickeneth" or "saveth all"; Arabic version is also the same.[7]
  • "Has appeared to all men": indicates that it has been hidden, in the shadows of the ceremonial law of the Old Testament, and it was entirely hidden from the Gentiles, was not known as it is now. The Gospel had been like a candle lighted up in one part of the world, that is, only in Judea, but now it shines out and appears to all sorts of people, rich and poor, bond and free, masters and servants; which sense well agrees with the context (Titus 2:2–4; Titus 2:6; Titus 2:9; Titus 2:10), because the Gospel was now preached to every creature under heaven, or to the whole creation and had reached the hearts of all people, including those who sat in darkness, and in the shadow of death; namely, to the Gentiles, pursuant to the commission in (Mark 16:15).[7]

15절 편집

Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority.
Let no one despise you.[8]

This summary command to Titus contains previously mentioned three didactic terms:

  1. "speak/teach" (in 2:1) about "these things", referring to the matters in the preceding paragraphs (2:1–14)
  2. "exhort/encourage" (in 2:6)
  3. "rebuke/reproof" (in 1:13)

recalling 'the job description of the overseer' (1:9) which Titus must do himself.[9]

  • "Let no one despise you": is an indirect command in the third person to strengthen Titus, which is similar in form and content to 1 Timothy 4:12 for Timothy.[10] Towner offers a paraphrase: "Titus, even if someone disrespects your authority, do not be dissuaded from your task."[10]

같이 보기 편집

각주 편집

  1. Harris, Stephen L., Understanding the Bible. Palo Alto: Mayfield. 1985.
  2. King James Version subscription after Titus 3:15 states "It was written to Titus, ordained the first bishop of the church of the Cretians, from Nicopolis of Macedonia."
  3. S.J., Felix Just,. “Deutero-Pauline Letters”. 《catholic-resources.org》. 
  4. Drury 2007, 1220쪽.
  5. Drury 2007, 1232쪽.
  6. Titus 2:11 NKJV
  7. John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible - Titus 2:11
  8. Titus 2:15 NKJV
  9. Towner 2006, 766쪽.
  10. Towner 2006, 767쪽.

참고문헌 편집

외부 링크 편집

틀:Epistle to Titus