키프 (TV 애니메이션): 두 판 사이의 차이

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편집 요약 없음
태그: 되돌려진 기여
편집 요약 없음
1번째 줄:
; For Saberspark (on Discord)
Hi. Since I'm finally here with you, can I just ask you something really special? Can you please do a vid on "Kiff"? Now before you ask, no. I never spammed you or Rishi-Chan to do a vid on "Kiff" all over Social Media, that was somebody spreading tons of false info, I was actually trying to ask you to react to every episode of "Kiff" over on Twitch in your Twitch chat but you never saw or read my comments because they got completely buried by everybody in the Twitch chat. Now, the main reason why I wanted you to do a vid on "Kiff" is simple, because seeing how "Kiff" is a beautiful, cozy, charming, and wholesome Coming-Of-Age Slice-Of-Life (basically Episodic with tons of Loose Lore (in a similar fashion to "Harvey Beaks" and "Big City Greens")) furry cartoon that has "Harvey Beaks" vibes in the BEST way possible, has a creative worldbuilding, has awesome songs, teaches lessons in non-cringey way, has Kimiko Glenn voicing the titular main heroine, has a cast of extremely recognizable voice actors ( https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Kiff#Cast ), was created by a White South-African cartoonist (Nic Smal) who originally came from an Indie Rock background (as a drummer for Serving Suggestion), an Emo Rock background (as a drummer for Gravity Wins Again), and an Alternative Rock background (as a drummer for New Altum), has Brad Breeck composing its OST, was made by the same animation studio behind "Mao Mao" (Titmouse) (only key difference being that "Mao Mao" was actually animated by a Malaysian sweatshop (Inspidea), while "Kiff" was actually animated by a Korean sweatshop (Yearim)), and became the 3rd most-watched cartoon on Disney Channel, you'd honestly think a cartoon like THIS would get hyped-up by literally everyone and would have a really huge fandom by now (seeing how I remember everybody over on Twitter, Tumblr, and 4chan going crazy over it back when the first 15 episodes were officially released, and I even remember everybody defending it from TOH's extremely toxic fandom who wrongfully accused it for being "The main reason why TOH got axed after only 43 episodes" back in April 2023, and I even remember it being ranked #1 on a "Favorite Disney TVA cartoon" fan-poll over on Twitter back in May 2023 ( https://twitter.com/DisneySchedules/status/1667547172416688131 )), as I thought it would become the next big thing after TOH and TGAMM, but no! Instead, THE COMPLETE FUCKING OPPOSITE happened as everybody instead choose to hype-up "Hailey's On It!" (Yes, that pile of generic-looking and extremely bland & forgettable horseshit that has a "Dragon Tales All Grown Up"-looking-ass art-style (no srsly, the resemblance between Emmy & Max (from "Dragon Tales") and Hailey Banks & Scott Denoga is EXTREMELY UNCANNY), forgettable characters, writing that is all over the place, horrible pacing, and unfunny & awkward jokes that would easily fit over a Sitcom laugh-track (And in case your asking me, yes I'm happy that HOI is going to be getting axed after only 30 episodes as confirmed by Auliʻi Cravalho (Hailey Banks' voice actress herself) over on Spotify)), thus resulting in "Kiff" to get completely buried into obscurity the French (due to "Kiff" actually being a super common slang term for "Like" in French), and as the months went by, I slowly saw "Kiff"'s hopes and dreams of having a really huge fandom and being widely-known as "one of the most generation-defining cartoons known to man" get completely destroyed, as it went from number 10 to number 12 to number 16 over on Disney+'s most-watched animated series list ( https://twitter.com/DisneyTVANews/status/1644763979091156993 ) ( https://twitter.com/DisneyTVANews/status/1660461740180611078 ) ( https://twitter.com/DisneyTVANews/status/1688975558753849359 ), and the Twitter search results for the series itself ended up getting completely flooded with French tweets (due to "Kiff" actually being a super common slang term for "Like" in French), French porn, and French gay porn, and the Fanart for the series be a pile of MSPaint bullshitery and fill-in memes and cut-and-paste bullshit and stolen screenshots by kids who shouldn't be on the internet, and the Wiki for the series itself be a complete ghost town that's filled with pages that were either unfinished or flat-out missing, and remember this one guy named Craig Miller ( https://twitter.com/CraigMi82566389 ) who mostly goes around spreading false info, fake news, and unsourced rumors about "Kiff" to desperately stop everybody from sleeping on "Kiff" (and it also doesn't that Craig also harasses many famous voice actors and many famous celebrities by forcing them to star in "Kiff" over on Social Media. And even harasses Nic Smal & Lucy Heavens (the creators of "Kiff" themselves) over on Social Media), and I even remember myself almost having a mental breakdown over the declining popularity of the series one week before Episode 20 even aired. Of course every time I search "Kiff" on Twitter to see the series getting completely buried into obscurity the French (due to "Kiff" actually being a super common slang term for "Like" in French) as usual (and also search "Kiff" on Deviantart to see most of it's """Fanart""" (if you can even call it that) being MSPaint bullshitery and fill-in memes and cut-and-paste bullshit and stolen screenshots by kids who shouldn't be on the internet as usual), I mostly tend to find myself extremely depressed knowing that I'll be forever trapped in a cursed timeline where everything somehow tragically went horribly wrong with this beautiful, cozy, charming, and wholesome Coming-Of-Age Slice-Of-Life furry cartoon that should of been praised, hyped-up, and promoted by literally everybody online as "The next "Harvey Beaks"" but instead was unforgivably left for dead and was completely outcasted and forbidden from ever gathering a really huge fandom and reaching out to everybody on Social Media and in the entire Cartoon community and in every online space, as I mostly wished that things never ended-up being this way for "Kiff" in the first place if Disney was much better off without HOI and "Primos", and if Marvel and Lucasfilm and 20th Century Fox were never bought by Disney, and if the series itself was titled "Table Town" instead of "Kiff" if there was someone on the "Kiff" production crew who knew tons of French by saying to Nic Smal and Lucy Heavens "Hey! I really don't think you two should make the title of your cartoon be a four-letter & one-syllable word that will easily get mistakenly mixed in with a super common slang term for "Like" in French!" back when the production for the series officially took off in 2021. And no matter how much Disney spams it all over Disney Channel's schedule (alongside BCG and "Bluey") ( https://twitter.com/DisneyBeat101/status/1769121248510873737 ), and how much Disney puts it on Disney+'s trending page, everybody on Social Media and in the entire Cartoon Community will forever refuse to hype it up or promote it or even mention it as it's literally Pandora's Box to them at this point (And Disney even tried giving "Kiff" a Chibi crossover and that didn't work either as they still refuse to even hype-up "Kiff" or promote it or even mention it...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_npZoPxoJ4 ). And I even tried recommending "Kiff" to the Gumball fandom, the COTC fandom, the BCG fandom, the "Summer Camp Island" fandom, the Mao Mao fandom, and the TGAMM fandom and asking every talented artist to do fanart out of it but that sadly didn't work, and I even sent an IRL letter to RebelTaxi to do a vid on "Kiff" and God only knows if He got my letter or not because I perfectly made sure that I got His PO Box was the same one that's on His Twitter account.
And people might say "Kiff will get its day in the sun someday", but I find that extremely impossible since I'm already convinced that everybody is completely glued to TOH, TGAMM, MGADD, and HOI so much to the point that they would rather continue to leave "Kiff" for dead by forever damning it to hell by the French (due to "Kiff" actually being a super common slang term for "Like" in French), as I only see the thought of '"Kiff" peacefully co-existing with TOH, TGAMM, MGADD, and HOI" to be nothing more than a complete fucking joke, and people might also say "Maybe things will finally start getting better for "Kiff" when S2 finally comes out in 2025", but I also find that extremely impossible since I'm convinced that everybody will be completely glued to "Primos" by then... And to pour some more salt on that open wound, Disney has quietly stopped all new show/season approvals and cancelled any ongoing shows for over a year now (as this makes it apparent that Disney and Warner Bros. are fully abandoning television and that Disney Channel and CN will shut down within a few years max. Which means that all future cartoons (if we even get many) will be on streaming outside of "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy" (and its clones) on Fox) ( https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/142110501 ), I'm now officially afraid that if this worsens, "Kiff" will tragically get axed after only 2 seasons. So it's now become extremely clear that "Kiff" needs to be saved ASAP, because I absolutely refuse to see "Kiff" get the same tragic fate that "Moral Orel" got (As in, getting unfairly axed all because it dared to be 'extremely different' from the cartoons it got paired up with (with "Moral Orel" being extremely different from the adult cartoons it got paired up with by being dark & serious and having an ongoing plot. And "Kiff" being extremely different from the cartoons it got paired up with (BCG, TOH, TGAMM, H&G, MGADD, HOI, "Primos") by making all of the characters be furries and mythical creatures instead of humans), with a side of tons of character development that tragically never made it to screen). And with rumors going around that "Kiff"'s production crew is currently shrinking as we speak, things will only get worse from down here...
To make a long story short, could you please "Pull the sword out of it's stone" by doing a vid on "Kiff" (or maybe react to every episode of "Kiff" over on Twitch and then make a vid on "Kiff") so you could hopefully save "Kiff" from always getting completely buried into obscurity by the French (due to "Kiff" actually being a super common slang term for "Like" in French)?:
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