강성종 (과학자)


Synopsis of Science of Professor Kang Sungzong


00-▷ 소개 ◁ 2020. 3. 18. 08:47 This is my contributions to science from combination of bench experiments and quantum biology.

A. From stomach strip to quantum biology.

1. John R. Vane received Nobel medicine prize for the work on stomach strip (John R. Vane, Brit. J. Pharmacol. The Relative Activities of some Tryptamine Analogues on the Isolated Rat Stomach Strip Preparation) and related topics. But nobody could explain the results. Upon his request, I offered explanation of reason why such diverse activity related substituents varies and upon the recommendation of John Vane, I was invited to publish them in Nature (Kang, S. and Green, J.P.: Resonance constants and the activities of indolealkylamines on the stomach muscle. Nature 222: 794-795, 1969). I calculated the resonance constants using quantum mechanical electron densities calculation, which again correlated the Hammett constants, an empirical data, th89 ereby establishing quantum chemical nature of stomach strip biology, namely a solid quantum biology for the first time.

2. To strengthen my arguments, I measure carbon C-13 NMR of these compounds, and found an excellent correlation between biological data and C-13 electron densities (Kang, S., Ernst, L., Weinstein, H., and Osman, R.: Carbon-13 NMR chemical shifts and calculated electronic structures of serotonin congeners: Relation to biological activity. Mol. Pharmacol. 16: 1031-1039, 1979; Ernst, L. and Kang, S.: Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy of substituted indoles and tryptamines I. J. Chem. Res. (S) 1981: 259, 1981; Ernst, L. and Kang, S.: Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy of substituted indoles and tryptamines II. J. Chem. Res. (M) 1981: 3019-3038, 1981). It explains and predicts electronic shielding effects of nuclei.

3. These unfailing electron density calculation led to understanding numerous characteristics of almost all biological molecules, small or macromolecules, thereby reducing or eliminating unnecessary experiments. It is a great triumph of human knowledge. It is my contribution.

B. SSRI Structural Motif.

4. Combined with electronic density variation, a certain structural motif or pharmacophore plays a fundamental role. Identification of these structural motifs is critical in understanding biological mechanism and drug design and development. I identified this structural motif for a series of indole alkylamines or pharmacophore, which leads a new series of SSRI-type antidepressant drugs such as Prozac, Zoloft, Citalopram, etc (Kang, S. and Green, J.P.: Steric and electronic relationships among some hallucinogenic compounds. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 67: 62-67, 1970).

The publication opened up a new world of antidepressant world. Further refinements are needed.

Pharmaceutical companies are not the first SSRI-type pharmacology development. They are based upon my PNAS publication, which also correctly predicted psycho-activity of tetralins congeners.

C. Other publications.

5. There are numerous publications supporting the above two accomplishments and of unrelated topics, such as histamines, theoretical quantification of entropy, drug design of other area of disease, steroid inhibition of leucocyte activity (Muhlfelder, T., Niemetz, J., and Kang, S.: Glucocorticoids inhibit the generation of leucocyte procoagulant (tissue factor) activity. Blood 60(5): 1169-1172, 1982, isolation of tissue factor (Kang, S. and Niemetz, J.: Purification of human brain tissue factor. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 59(3): 400-403, 1988), cholinergic receptor identification from fluorescence (Kang, S. and Maelicke, A.: Fluorescein isothiocyanate labeled alpha-cobra toxin: Biochemical characterization and interaction with acetylcholine receptor from electrophorus electricus. J. Biol. Chem. 255: 7326-7332, 1980), etc.

출처: https://quovadis.tistory.com/ [쿼바디스 대한민국]

강성종(Kang, Sungzong, 1937년~현재)은 한국인 최초로 네이처지에 논문을 게재한 뇌과학자이다.

막스플랑크 연구소 교수를 지냈고, 현재 뉴욕 Byodyne 연구소 CEO 로 있다.

주요 활동

  • Research Fellow, Tubingen University, Tubingen, Germany 독일 튜빙겐 대학 연구원 (1963년~1965년)
  • Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, City University of New York 뉴욕 시립대학 마운트 시나이 의과대학 교수 (1968년~1989년)
  • Professor, Graduate School of City University of New York 뉴욕 시립대학 마운트 시나이 생물과학대학원 교수 (1968년~1989년)
  • 한국인 최초 네이처지 논문 게재 (제1저자 1969년, 1970년)[1]
  • Professor, Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry, Gottingen, Germany 독일 막스 프랑크 생물물리화학 연구소 교수 (1975년~1976년)
  • 독일 막스 프랑크 분자생리학 연구소 교수 (1976년~1978년)
  • AID Professor of Seoul National University 서울대학교 AID 초빙교수 (1978년~1979년)
  • President of Hanhyo Institute of Science and Technology 한효 과학기술원 창설 및 초대원장 (1989년~1995년)
  • Biodyne Corporation and Axon Neuroscience Laboratories 미국 Biodyne 연구소 소장 (1984년~현재)[2]
  • 미국 Viaxon Brain Drug Discovery Laboratories 설립 및 대표이사 (2000년~현재)[3]

Major Books 주요 한국 저서


Stephan Schmidheiny  (Author), Business Council for Sustainable Development (Author) Changing Course: A Global Business Perspective on Development and the Environment translated into Korean, Hanhyo Institute of Science and Technology, 1993. 방향전환. <한효과학기술원 출판사> 1993

  • 당신의 상식 뒤집어야 건강하다. <김영사> 1997
  • Mysteries of Brain 두뇌의 신비, 자궁에서 무덤까지 <전파과학사> 2000
  • What is wrong with your brain? Life Science Publishing Company, Ltd. 2008당신의 두뇌 안녕하십니까? <라이프 사이언스> 2008
  • Coming 100 Years of Korean Science and Technology, Life Science Publishing Company, Ltd. 2008. 한국과학기술 100년 대계를 말한다. <라이프 사이언스> 2008


  1. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v226/n5246/pdf/226645a0.pdf http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v222/n5195/pdf/222794b0.pdf
  2. Biodyne Research Center. http://biodyne.com/
  3. Biodyne Corporation의 뇌연구를 담당하는 기관. http://viaxon.com/index_eng.htm/ Archived 2010년 4월 14일 - 웨이백 머신에서 'About Viaxon'과 'Profile'페이지를 참고.

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