국제 과학 올림피아드

국제 과학 올림피아드는 중고등학교 과정의 전 세계의 학생을 대상으로 수학, 과학을 주제로한 국제 컨테스트이다. 아래 분야에서 매년 대회가 열리고 있다.



International Olympiad List

  • Science Olympiads are international student competitions. There are international science olympiads to date:
Number Science Symbol Year Web
Exam Base
1 International Mathematical Olympiad IMO since 1959 http://www.imo-official.org/
2 International Physics Olympiad IPhO since 1967 http://ipho.org/
3 International Chemistry Olympiad IChO since 1968 http://www.ichosc.org/
4 International Olympiad in Informatics IOI since 1989 http://www.ioinformatics.org/index.shtml
5 International Biology Olympiad IBO since 1990 https://web.archive.org/web/20180820214151/http://www.ibo-info.org/
6 International Philosophy Olympiad IPO since 1993 http://www.philosophy-olympiad.org/
7 International Astronomy Olympiad IAO since 1996 http://www.issp.ac.ru/iao/
8 International Geography Olympiad iGeo since 1996 http://www.geoolympiad.org/
9 International Linguistics Olympiad IOL since 2003 http://www.ioling.org/
10 International Junior Science Olympiad IJSO since 2004 http://www.ijsoweb.org/
11 International Earth Science Olympiad IESO since 2007 http://www.ieso-info.org/ Archived 2021년 1월 15일 - 웨이백 머신
12 International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics IOAA since 2007 https://web.archive.org/web/20181204214442/https://ioaa2017.posn.or.th/
13 International Geometry Olympiad IGO since 2014 https://web.archive.org/web/20180908130502/http://igo-official.ir/?lang=en
14 International Experimental Physics Olympiad IEPhO since 2013 http://www.iepho.com Archived 2021년 4월 15일 - 웨이백 머신
15 International Foxford Olympiad IFO since 2015 http://foxford.com
16 International Medicine Olympiad IMDO since 2016 https://www.usmdo.org/
17 International Nanotechnology Olympiad INO since 2017 http://nanoolympiad.org/
18 International Olympiad in Physics, Technology and Astronomy IOPTA since 2017 http://iopta.com
19 International Olympiad in Biology and Astronomy IOBA since 2017 http://ioba.com
20 International Standards Olympiad ISO since 2006 https://www.standards-olympiad.kr:8442/main/en/index.asp?this_site_lang=en Archived 2021년 6월 7일 - 웨이백 머신
Project Base
1 International Environmental Project Olympiad INEPO since 1993 https://web.archive.org/web/20180930024131/http://www.inepo.com/
2 International Young Inventors Project Olympiad IYIPO since 2007 https://web.archive.org/web/20160307085233/http://iyipo.ge/eng
3 International Sustainable World Engineering Energy Environment Project olympiad ISWEEEP since 2008 http://isweeep.org/
4 International Environment and Sustainability Project Olympiad INESPO since 2010 http://www.inespo.org/
5 Global Environmental Issues and Us Olympiad GENIUS since 2011 https://geniusolympiad.org/
6 Golden Climate International Environmental Project Olympiad GCIEPO since 2011 http://www.goldenclimate.com/



Asian Olympiad List

Number Science Symbol Year Web
Exam Base
1 Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad APMO since 1989 http://www.apmo-official.org/
2 Asian Physics Olympiad APhO since 2000 https://web.archive.org/web/20180915150102/http://apho.ias-ntu.org/
3 Asian-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad APAO since 2005 http://www.issp.ac.ru/iao/apao/
4 Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad APIO since 2007 http://apio-olympiad.org/ Archived 2017년 5월 18일 - 웨이백 머신
5 Asian Science and Mathematics Olympiad ASMO since 2010 http://asmo2u.com/
6 Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad SEAMO since 2016 http://www.seamo-official.org/
Project Base
1 Euroasia Environmental Project Olympiad INEPO since 2007 https://web.archive.org/web/20160306185833/http://inepo-euroasia.com/

European Olympiad List

Number Science Symbol Year Web
Exam Base
1 Balkan Mathematical Olympiad BMO since 1984
2 Balkan Olympiad in Informatics BOI since 1993
3 Central European Informatics Olympiad CEOI since 1995 http://ceoi.inf.elte.hu/
4 Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad JBMO since 1997
5 European Union Science Olympiad EUSO since 2003 http://euso.eu/
6 South Eastern European Mathematical Olympiad SEEMOUS since 2007 http://www.massee-org.eu/
7 Junior Balkan Olympiad in Informatics JBOI since 2007
8 Middle European Mathematical Olympiad MEMO since 2007
9 European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad EGMO since 2012 https://www.egmo.org/
10 European Junior Olympiad in Informatics EJOI since 2017 http://ejoi.org/
11 European Physics Olympiad EuPhO since 2017 http://eupho.ut.ee/
Project Base
1 Euroasia Environmental Project Olympiad INEPO since 2007 https://web.archive.org/web/20160306185833/http://inepo-euroasia.com/

African Olympiad List

Number Science Symbol Year Web
Exam Base
1 Pan-African Mathematics Olympiads PAMO since 1987
Project Base

American Olympiad List

Number Science Symbol Year Web
Exam Base
1 American Mathematics Competitions AMC since 1950
Project Base

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