김동성 (1978년)

김동성은 퀸즈랜드대학교 (The University of Queesnsland) 교수이다. 주요 연구 분야는 사이버 보안과 신인성(dependability)이다.

김동성 (Kim, Dongseong)
거주지오스트레일리아 호주 퀸즈랜드주
학력한국항공대학교 공학 박사
한국항공대학교 대학원 컴퓨터공학 석사
한국항공대학교 항공전자공학 학사
직업퀸즈랜드대학교 사이버보안 교수






  • Adversarial Machine Learning for Network Intrusion Detection Systems: A Comprehensive Survey, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (Impact factor in 2021: 33.84)
  • Toward Proactive, Adaptive Defense: A Survey on Moving Target Defense, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 2020 [Impact Factor 2018-19: 22.973]
  • A Survey on Threat Situation Awareness Systems: Framework, Techniques, and Insights, ACM Computing Surveys, 2022 [Impact Factor 2021-22: 10.282, ranked 4/137 in Computer Science Theory & Methods]
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of shuffle and redundancy MTD techniques in the cloud. Computers & Security (2021) [Impact factor: 4.438]
  • Threat-Specific Security Risk Evaluation in the Cloud. IEEE Trans. Cloud Comput. 9(2): 793-806 (2021) [Impact factor: 4.714]
  • Dynamic Security Metrics for Measuring the Effectiveness of Moving Target Defense Techniques, Computers and Security, Elsevier, 2018 [Impact factor: 4.438]
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Moving Target Defenses using Security Models. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC), 2016. [CORE Rank A, Impact factor: 6.404]
  • Recovery from software failures caused by Mandelbugs. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2016. [CORE Rank A, Impact factor: 2.79]
  • Sensitivity Analysis of Server Virtualized System Availability. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 61(4): 994-1006, 2012. [CORE Rank A, Impact factor: 2.293]
  • Scalable Optimal Countermeasure Selection using Implicit Enumeration on Attack Countermeasure Trees, IEEE/IFIP DSN 2012 [CORE Rank A*]