동인 이론
(동인이론에서 넘어옴)
심리학에서 충동론 또는 동인이론(drive theory)[1]는 심리적 동인이나 충동을 해석 또는 설명 또는 분석하거나 분류하기 위해 정의를 시도하는 이론이다. 충동은 "항상성 교란에 의해 생성된 흥분 상태"[2]이며, 각각의 동작을 구동하는 에너지가 본능적으로 필요하다.[3] 한편 사회심리학(social psychology)에서는 사회인지(Social cognition)로서 동인(動因,motive)을 동기부여(motivation)와 관련하여 정의한다.[4][5][6][7][8]
편집- ↑ Mélon, Jean (1996), Notes on the History of the Szondi Movement (French original). Text for the Szondi Congress of Cracow, August 1996.
- ↑ Seward, J. (1956). drive, incentive, and reinforcement. Psychological Review, 63, 19-203. [1] Archived 2020년 7월 26일 - 웨이백 머신
- ↑ Leopold Szondi (1972), Lehrbuch der Experimentellen Triebdiagnostik p.25 quotation:
Abschnitt I Trieblehre, Kapitel I Das Menschliche Triebsystem.
Triebe sind Radikale der menschlichen Handlungen und Verhaltungen. Sie sind die bedingenden und erhaltenden Wurzeln des menschlichen Daseins überhaupt.
- ↑ [참고](Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Volume 38, Issue 2, October 1986, Pages 230-256, Psychological sources of ambiguity avoidance,Shawn P. Curley, J.Frank Yates,Richard A Abrams DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/0749-5978(86)90018-X )https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/074959788690018X
- ↑ [참고]( Human Inference: Strategies and Shortcomings of Social Judgment,Richard E. Nisbett & Lee Ross,Prentice-Hall (1980) https://philpapers.org/rec/NISHIS
- ↑ [참고]Social Psychology - Elliot Aronson,Timothy D. Wilson,Samuel R. Sommers ,10th , Pearson
- ↑ [참고](Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture - 2nd Edition Susan Fiske , Shelley E. Taylor ISBN-13: 978-1446258156 ) https://books.google.co.kr/books/about/Social_Cognition.html?id=FYth8i4Zg78C&redir_esc=y
- ↑ [참고](Markus, H., & Zajonc, R. B. (1985). The cognitive perspective in social psychology. In G. Lindzey & E. Aronson (Eds.), The handbook of social psychology (3rd Ed., pp. 137-230). New York: Random House. ) https://www.scirp.org/(S(351jmbntvnsjt1aadkposzje))/reference/ReferencesPapers.aspx?ReferenceID=944050