리곤 던칸

리폼드 신학교 총장

리곤 던칸 (Jennings Ligon Duncan III, 1960년- ) 은 미국장로교 신학자이며 목사이다. 현재 리폼드 신학교의 총장으로 재직중이다. 미시시피 잭슨에 위치한 제일 장로교회의 은퇴목사이다. 한국의 채이석 박사, 안명준 박사를 비롯한 여러 동문들이 있다.

리곤 던칸


  • Greenville Senior High School in 1979
  • Furman University in 1983 (B.A., History).
  • Covenant Theological Seminary with an M.Div. in 1986 and an MA in historical theology in 1987.
  • Reformed Theological Seminary 1990
  • University of Edinburgh, New College in 1995



그는 남성과 여성 간의 관계에 대하여 보수적인 상호보완론을 고수한다. 그는 내쉬빌 협정에 서명하였다.

또한 웨스트민스터 신앙고백을 존중하고 교회에서 가르치는 것을 중시한다.


  • The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century Volum I, II, III General Editor

활동 기관

  • TGC Korea

저서및 공저

  • Does Grace Grow Best in Winter? (co-author with J. Nicholas Reid). P & R Publishing, 2009.
  • Fear Not! (foreword by Jerry Bridges). Christian Focus, 2008.
  • The Westminster Assembly: A Guide to Basic Bibliography (co-author with David W. Hall). Reformed Academic Press, 1993.
  • A Short History of the Westminster Assembly(co-author/editor with William Beveridge). Reformed Academic Press, 1993.
  • The Genesis Debate: Three Views of the Days of Creation (co-author with David W. Hall, Meredith Kline, Lee Irons, Hugh Ross, and Gleason Archer). Crux Press, 2000.
  • Should We Leave Our Churches? (co-author with Mark Talbot). P&R, 2004.
  • Women’s Ministry in the Local Church (co-author). Crossway, 2006.


  • Matthew Henry’s Method for Prayer (editor). Christian Focus Publications/Christian Heritage, 1994.
  • The Westminster Confession in the 2lst Century: Essays in Remembrance of the 350th Anniversary of the Westminster Assembly, (general editor and contributor) Mentor, Vol. 1, 2003; Vol. 2, 2004; Vol. 3, 2008.
  • Give Praise to God: A Vision for Reforming Worship, (editor and contributor) P&R, 2003.


  • The Practice of Confessional Subscription (contributor). University Press of America, 1995.
  • Reclaiming the Gospel and Reforming Churches, (contributor) Founders Press, 2003.
  • Letters to Timothy, (contributor) Founders Press, 2004.
  • Confessing Our Hope, (contributor) GPTS Press, 2004.
  • The Devoted Life: An Invitation to the Puritan Classics, (contributor) IVP, 2004.
  • Preaching the Cross (contributor), Crossway, 2007.
  • Fear Not: Death and the Afterlife from a Christian Perspective (contributor), Christian Focus, 2008.
  • In My Place Condemned He Stood (contributor), Crossway, 2008.



외부 링크
