
브랏츠(Bratz)는 미국의 장난감 회사 MGA 엔터테인먼트가 2001년에 제조 특허를 받아낸 25.4cm(10 인치)의 인형이다.[1]

편집- ↑ Talbot, Margaret (2006년 12월 5일). “Little hotties: Barbie's new rivals”. The New Yorker'. 2008년 11월 30일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2008년 12월 7일에 확인함.
When a doll designer and on-and-off-again Mattel employee named Carter Bryant brought Larian a drawing of a new doll he had in mind, Larian at first saw little to admire. "To be honest, to me it looked weird -- it looked ugly," Larian told me. But Larian’s attitude toward the tastes of children is respectful to the point of reverence, and his daughter Jasmin, then eleven years old, happened to be hanging out in his office that day. Larian asked her what she thought of the drawing. "And, you know, I saw this sparkle that you see in kids' eyes," he recalled. "They talk with their body language more than their voice. And she says, 'Yeah, It's cute.' " For Larian, that was enough: "I said, 'O.K., we’ll do it.' "
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