사용자:배우는사람/문서:루체른 호

루체른 호
피어발트슈테터 호
(지리 유형: 호수)
필라투스 산에서 바라 본 루체른 호 (루체른 호는 스위스 중부에 있는 호수이다)
필라투스 산에서 바라 본 루체른 호
나라 스위스
지방 루체른 주 · 슈비츠 주 · 우리 주 · 운터발덴 주니트발덴 주·옵발덴 주
도시 루체른
알트스타드 섬
위치 스위스 중부
 - 좌표 북위 47° 1′ 9.84″ 동경 8° 24′ 3.96″ / 북위 47.0194000° 동경 8.4011000°  / 47.0194000; 8.4011000 (루체른 호 (스위스 보·제네바·발레 주와 프랑스 오트사부아 주의 접경 지역))
유형 저수지
유입 로이스 강·자르너 강·엥겔버거 강·
무오타 강
유출 로이스 강
길이 30 km (19 mi)
너비 20 km (12 mi)
고도 433 m (1,421 ft)
 - 평균 104 m (341 ft)
 - 최대 214 m (702 ft)
체적 11.8 km3 (417 kcu ft)
면적 113.6 km2 (44 sq mi)
둘레 143.7 km (89 mi)
(둘레는 그 정의가 다소 불명확하다)
체류 기간 3.4년
배우는사람/문서:루체른 호(유럽)
유럽에서의 루체른 호의 위치
배우는사람/문서:루체른 호(스위스)
스위스에서의 루체른 호의 위치
배우는사람/문서:루체른 호(알프스산맥)
알프스에서의 루체른 호의 위치

루체른 호(독일어: Vierwaldstättersee, 프랑스어: Lac Des Quatre Cantons)는 스위스 중부에 있는 호수이다. 면적 114 km², 호면표고 433m. 최대길이 30km, 최대너비 20km의 복잡한 형태의 호수이다.

호반에서 가장 유명한 도시는 루체른 주루체른이며, 대한민국영어권에는 루체른 호로 알려져 있으나, 스위스 최초의 네 주(슈비츠 주·운터발덴 주·우리 주·루체른 주)와 접하고 있다 하여 독일어로는 원시(原始)4주의 호수라는 뜻의 피어발트슈테터 호(독일어: Vierwaldstättersee)로 부른다. 오늘날 운터발덴 주는 니트발덴 주옵발덴 주로 분리되어 호수는 다섯 주와 접하고 있다. 리기 산필라투스 산알프스 산맥의 산에 둘러싸여 있으며, 아름다운 경치로 유명하다.

루체른 호 주변 지도
루체른 시와 루체른 호


Lake Lucerne
View of Lake Lucerne from the Pilatus(Pilatus)
Location Central Switzerland(Central Switzerland)
Coordinates 북위 47° 01′ 10″ 동경 8° 24′ 04″ / 북위 47.0194° 동경 8.4011°  / 47.0194; 8.4011
Lake type Reservoir(Reservoir)
Primary inflows Reuss River(Reuss River)
Sarner Aa(Sarner Aa)
Engelberger Aa(Engelberger Aa)
Primary outflows Reuss River(Reuss River)
Catchment area 2,124 km2 (820 sq mi)
Basin countries 스위스(Switzerland)
Max. length 30 km (19 mi)
Max. width 20 km (12 mi)
Surface area 113.6 km2 (43.9 sq mi)
Average depth 104 m (341 ft)
Max. depth 214 m (702 ft)
Water volume 11.8 km3 (9,600,000 acre·ft)
Residence time 3.4 years
Shore length1 143.7 km (89.3 mi)
Surface elevation 433 m (1,421 ft)
Frozen in the 17th and 19th century; Lucerne Bay and Lake Alpnach in 1929 and 1963
Islands Altstad-Insel
Sections/sub-basins Urnersee(Urnersee)
Settlements 루체른(Lucerne) (see article(see article))
1 Shore length is not a well-defined measure.

Lake Lucerne (German: Vierwaldstättersee, lit. "Lake of the Four Forested Cantons]](Forested Cantons)") is a 호수(lake) in central 스위스(Switzerland) and the fourth largest in the country.

The lake is a complicated shape, with bends and arms reaching from the city of 루체른(Lucerne) into the mountains. It has a total area of 114 km² (44 sq mi), an elevation of 434 m (1,424 ft), and a maximum depth of 214 m (702 ft). Its volume is 11.8 km³. Much of the shoreline rises steeply into mountains up to 1,500 m above the lake, resulting in many picturesque views including those of Mount Rigi(Mount Rigi) and Mount Pilatus(Mount Pilatus).

The Reuss River(Reuss River) enters the lake at Flüelen(Flüelen) (in the canton of Uri, the part called Urnersee) and exits at Lucerne. The lake also receives the Muota(Muota) (at Brunnen) Engelberger Aa(Engelberger Aa) (at Buochs), the Sarner Aa(Sarner Aa) (at Alpnachstad(Alpnachstad)).

It is possible to circumnavigate the lake by road, though the route is slow, twisted, and goes through tunnels part of the way. Dozens of steamers ply between the different towns on the lake. It is a popular tourist(tourist) destination, both for native Swiss and foreigners, and there are many hotels and resorts along the shores. In addition, the meadow of the Rütli(Rütli), traditional site of the founding of the Swiss Confederation(Swiss Confederation), is on the southeast shore of the lake. A 35 km commemorative walkway, the Swiss Path(Swiss Path), was built around the lake to celebrate the country's 700th anniversary.



Lake Lucerne borders on the three original Swiss canton]](canton)s of Uri]](Uri), Schwyz(Schwyz), and Unterwalden(Unterwalden) (which today is divided into the Cantons of 옵발덴 주(Obwalden) and 니트발덴 주(Nidwalden)), as well as the 루체른 주(canton of Lucerne), thus the name Vierwaldstättersee. Many of the oldest communities of Switzerland are along the shore, including Küssnacht(Küssnacht), Weggis(Weggis), Vitznau(Vitznau), Gersau(Gersau), Brunnen(Brunnen), Altdorf(Altdorf), Buochs(Buochs), and Treib(Treib).


Lake Lucerne
View of Lake Lucerne from the Pilatus
Location Central Switzerland(Central Switzerland)
Coordinates 북위 47° 01′ 10″ 동경 8° 24′ 04″ / 북위 47.0194° 동경 8.4011°  / 47.0194; 8.4011
Lake type Reservoir(Reservoir]])
Primary inflows Reuss River(Reuss River)
Sarner Aa(Sarner Aa)
Engelberger Aa(Engelberger Aa)
Primary outflows Reuss River(Reuss River)
Catchment area 2,124 km2 (820 sq mi)
Basin countries Switzerland(스위스)
Max. length 30 km (19 mi)
Max. width 20 km (12 mi)
Surface area 113.6 km2 (43.9 sq mi)
Average depth 104 m (341 ft)
Max. depth 214 m (702 ft)
Water volume 11.8 km3 (9,600,000 acre·ft)
Residence time 3.4 years
Shore length1 143.7 km (89.3 mi)
Surface elevation 433 m (1,421 ft)
Frozen in the 17th and 19th century; Lucerne Bay and Lake Alpnach in 1929 and 1963
Islands Altstad-Insel
Sections/sub-basins Urnersee(Urnersee)
Settlements Lucerne(루체른) (see article(see article))
1 Shore length is not a well-defined measure.

Lake Lucerne (German: Vierwaldstättersee, lit. "Lake of the Four Forested Cantons(Forested Cantons]])") is a lake(호수) in central Switzerland(스위스) and the fourth largest in the country.

The lake is a complicated shape, with bends and arms reaching from the city of Lucerne(루체른) into the mountains. It has a total area of 114 km² (44 sq mi), an elevation of 434 m (1,424 ft), and a maximum depth of 214 m (702 ft). Its volume is 11.8 km³. Much of the shoreline rises steeply into mountains up to 1,500 m above the lake, resulting in many picturesque views including those of Mount Rigi(Mount Rigi) and Mount Pilatus(Mount Pilatus).

The Reuss River(Reuss River) enters the lake at Flüelen(Flüelen) (in the canton of Uri, the part called Urnersee) and exits at Lucerne. The lake also receives the Muota(Muota) (at Brunnen) Engelberger Aa(Engelberger Aa) (at Buochs), the Sarner Aa(Sarner Aa) (at Alpnachstad(Alpnachstad)).

It is possible to circumnavigate the lake by road, though the route is slow, twisted, and goes through tunnels part of the way. Dozens of steamers ply between the different towns on the lake. It is a popular tourist(tourist) destination, both for native Swiss and foreigners, and there are many hotels and resorts along the shores. In addition, the meadow of the Rütli(Rütli), traditional site of the founding of the Swiss Confederation(Swiss Confederation), is on the southeast shore of the lake. A 35 km commemorative walkway, the Swiss Path(Swiss Path), was built around the lake to celebrate the country's 700th anniversary.



Lake Lucerne borders on the three original Swiss canton(canton]])s of Uri(Uri]]), Schwyz(Schwyz), and Unterwalden(Unterwalden) (which today is divided into the Cantons of Obwalden(옵발덴 주) and Nidwalden(니트발덴 주)), as well as the canton of Lucerne(루체른 주), thus the name Vierwaldstättersee. Many of the oldest communities of Switzerland are along the shore, including Küssnacht(Küssnacht), Weggis(Weggis), Vitznau(Vitznau), Gersau(Gersau), Brunnen(Brunnen), Altdorf(Altdorf), Buochs(Buochs), and Treib(Treib).