
A review of the glans undergoing circumcision


Comparison of glans with circumcision and glans without

1. Circumcised glans


Circumcision removes the foreskin. The foreskin was covering the glans, but it was removed. This is also called circumcision.

You can see the picture in the link below.


Circumcised glans

2. Glans without circumcision


You can see the glans in their natural state.

You can see the picture in the link below.


3. Compare the two states


The moisture and oil of the Circumcised glans are drying over time. And gradually, like desertification, wrinkles appear on the glans.

Compared to that, the glans without circumcision is moist and vibrant.

There is a comparison picture at the link below.


4. Conclusion


Since circumcision has an adverse effect on the skin of the glans, it is necessary to manage it after circumcision.