사용자:Cwt96/작업장 4

Portable Tor
원저자Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson
개발자Angela Morley
안정화 버전
Vidalia 번들 / 0.1.15에 기반 / 2008년 9월 4일
운영 체제Windows
종류앙파 라우팅 / 익명성
웹사이트PortableTor Website

PortableTorRoger DingledineNick Mathewson에 의해 Tor 번들의 자유로운 재패키지 된 버전으로써, 하드디스크에 설치하는 것 없이 이동식 디스크에 토르 익명 네트워크에 연결할 수 있도록 해 준다. 또한, 윈도우나, 와인을 사용하는 리눅스/유닉스에서 이동식 디스크에서 사용할 수 있다. 이 프로그램은 익명 게이트웨이를 사용하는 것에 대하여 전적으로 완전한 기능을 지원하지만, 익명 네트워크를 사용하려면 파이어폭스가 필요하다.

Tor Network


Tor / PortableTor works by routing Internet traffic through several "onion" servers, obscuring the originating address. This naturally provides anonymity for other Internet programs that are configured to connect to it on the system, or even network. Applications can be directed to the Tor network through a SOCKS proxy at localhost on port 9050 as well as a HTTP proxy at localhost on port 8118. This port can be changed via the torrc configuration file in the Tor section of the program.

Reading the Tor documentation is highly recommended to prevent configuration mistakes that could compromise the user's anonymity. PortableTor comes with the default options as its installation counterpart, and configuration is encouraged as the user sees fit.



Updates and changes to the software are released in parallel as they are released on the official Tor page. A change log is available with each software release.


  • Gateway to the Tor anonymity network from any machine
  • Use on removable media, no installation required
  • Allows the end user to control what they want to do with Tor through their own choice of applications

See also
