
The Common Travel Area (CTA; 틀:Lang-ga) is an open borders area comprising the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands. The British Overseas Territories are not included. Based on agreements that are not legally binding,[1] the internal borders of the CTA are subject to minimal controls, if any, and can normally be crossed by British and Irish citizens with minimal identity documents with certain exceptions.[2][3] The maintenance of the CTA involves co-operation on immigration matters between the British and Irish authorities.

In 2014, the British and Irish governments began a trial system of mutual recognition of each other's visas for onward travel within the CTA. As of June 2016, it applies to Chinese and Indian nationals and is limited to certain visa types.[4][5] Other nationalities and those holding non-qualifying visas still require separate visas to visit both countries and may not avail of a transit visa exception if wishing to transit through the UK to the Republic of Ireland.

Since 1997, the Irish government has imposed systematic identity checks on air passengers coming from the UK and selective checks on sea passengers, and occasional checks on land crossings.[6]



1923 agreement


The Irish Free State officially seceded from the then United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in December 1922, at a time when systematic passport and immigration controls were becoming standard at international frontiers. Although the British had imposed entry controls in the past – notably during the French Revolution[7] – the imposition of such controls in the 20th century dated from the Aliens Act 1905, before which there was a system of registration for arriving foreigners.[8]

Before the creation of the Irish Free State, British immigration law applied in Ireland as part of the United Kingdom. With the imminent prospect of the secession of most of Ireland from the United Kingdom in 1922, the British Home Office was disinclined to impose passport and immigration controls between the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland, which would have meant patrolling a porous and meandering 499 km (310 mi) long[9][10] land border. If, however, the pre-1922 situation were to be continued, the new Irish immigration authorities would have to continue to enforce British immigration policy after independence. The Department of Home Affairs in the newly established Irish Free State was found to be receptive to continuing with the status quo and an informal agreement to this effect was reached in February 1923: each side would enforce the other's immigration decisions and the Irish authorities would be provided with a copy of Britain's suspect-codex (or 'Black Book') of any personae non gratae in the United Kingdom.[11]

The agreement was provided for in British law by deeming the Irish Free State, which was a dominion, to be part of the United Kingdom for the purposes of immigration law.[12] It was fully implemented in 1925 when legislation passed in both states provided for the recognition of the other's landing conditions for foreigners.[13] This may be considered to have been the high point of the CTA – although it was not called that at the time – as it almost amounted to a common immigration area. A foreigner who had been admitted to one state could, unless his or her admission had been conditional upon not entering the other state, travel to the other with only minimal bureaucratic requirements. In December 1937, the Irish Free State was officially renamed as Éire.

The CTA was suspended on the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939, and travel restrictions were introduced between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland.[14] This meant that travel restrictions even applied to people travelling within the UK if they were travelling from Northern Ireland to elsewhere in the UK.

1952 agreement


After the war, the Irish re-instated their previous provisions allowing free movement,[15] but the British declined to do so pending the agreement of a "similar immigration policy"[16] in both states. Consequently, the British maintained immigration controls between the islands of Ireland and Great Britain until 1952, to the consternation of Northern Ireland's Unionist population.[17] In April 1949, what had formerly been the Irish Free State left the Commonwealth of Nations to become the Republic of Ireland.

No agreement on a similar immigration policy was publicised at the time, but a year after the Irish Minister for Justice referred to the lifting of immigration controls between the two islands as "a matter for the British themselves", the British began referring to the CTA in legislation for the first time.[18] The content of the agreement is provided for in relevant immigration law.[19][20]

The CTA has meant that the Republic of Ireland has been required to follow changes in British immigration policy.[21] This was notable in 1962 when Irish law was changed in response to the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962, which imposed immigration controls between the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries, while in Ireland the Aliens Order 1962 replaced the state's previous provision exempting all British subjects from immigration control,[22] with one exempting only those born in the United Kingdom. The scope of the Irish provision was much more restrictive than the British legislation as it excluded from immigration control only those British citizens born in the United Kingdom, and imposed immigration controls on those born outside the UK. The latter group would have included individuals who were British citizens by descent or by birth in a British colony. This discrepancy between Britain's and the Republic of Ireland's definition of a British citizen was not resolved until 1999.[23]

2008 proposal


In July 2008, the UK Border Agency (the predecessor of UK Visas and Immigration) published a consultation paper on the CTA that envisaged the imposition of immigration controls for non-CTA nationals, and new measures for identity checks of CTA nationals, as well as an advance passenger information system, on all air and sea crossings between the islands of Ireland and Great Britain.

While passport controls were proposed to be applied to travellers between Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland, the nature of possible identity controls between Great Britain and Northern Ireland was not clear. This led to controversy because Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, with a prominent Unionist describing the proposed arrangements as "intolerable and preposterous".[24] The nature of identity checks between Northern Ireland and Great Britain was characterised by the British Government as follows:

Section 14 of the Police and Justice Act 2006 introduced a new power that will allow the police to capture passenger, crew and service information on air and sea journeys within the United Kingdom. ... It is expected that this police power will only apply to air and sea routes between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Passengers will not be required to use passports, but may be required to produce one of several types of documentation, including passports, when travelling, to enable the carrier to the meet the requirements of a police request.

— Liam Byrne, Minister of State for Immigration, Citizenship and Nationality, House of Commons Debate, 14 January 2008.[25]

As far as the land border is concerned, the proposal indicated that the border would be "lightly controlled"[26] and a joint statement in 2008 by both governments confirmed that there are no plans for fixed controls on either side of the border.[27]

On 1 April 2009, an amendment moved by Lord Glentoran in the House of Lords defeated the British Government's proposal and preserved the CTA.[28] The relevant clause was re-introduced by Home Office minister Phil Woolas in the Public Bill Committee in June,[29] but again removed in July after opposition pressure.[30]

2011 memorandum of understanding


2011 marked the first public agreement between the British and Irish governments concerning the maintenance of the CTA. Officially entitled the "Joint Statement Regarding Co-Operation on Measures to Secure the External Common Travel Area Border" it was signed in Dublin on 20 December 2011 by the UK's immigration minister, Damian Green, and the Republic of Ireland's Minister for Justice, Alan Shatter.[31] The two ministers also signed an unpublished memorandum of understanding at the same time.[32]

In common with its unpublished predecessors the 2011 agreement is nonbinding, with its eighth clause stating that the agreement "is not intended to create legally binding obligations, nor to create or confer any right, privilege or benefit on any person or party, private or public".[33]

The agreement commits the two governments to continue their co-operation through the CTA, to align their lists of visa-free countries, to develop "electronic border management system/s", to engage in data sharing to combat the "abuse" of the CTA, and to work toward a "fully-common short stay visit visa".[34][35][36]

2016–2017: Brexit


The UK voted to leave the European Union in a referendum on 23 June 2016 (and ceased to be a member state on 31 January 2020). This withdrawal from the EU makes the Republic of Ireland–United Kingdom border on the island of Ireland an external border of the European Union.[37] However, the Irish and British governments and the President of the European Council have stated that they do not wish for a hard border in Ireland, taking into account the historical and social "sensitivities" that permeate the island.[38] In September 2016 the British Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, David Davis, stated that the British Government would not seek a return to a "hard border" between the UK and Republic of Ireland.[39]

In October 2016, the British and Irish governments considered in outline a plan entailing British immigration controls being applied at the Republic of Ireland's ports and airports after Brexit, so that Britain might control migration by EU citizens (other than Irish nationals) across the open border into the United Kingdom. This would avoid passport checks being required between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (i.e. the UK).[40] However, this agreement was never finalised and was met by opposition from political parties in the Republic of Ireland.[41] On 23 March 2017, it was confirmed that British immigration officials would not be allowed to use the Republic of Ireland's ports and airports.[42]

In June 2017, the British Government's policy paper on the position of EU citizens in the UK stated a desire to "protect the Common Travel Area arrangements", stating that "Irish citizens residing in the UK will not need to apply for 'settled status' to protect their entitlements".[43]

2019 memorandum of understanding


On 8 May 2019, Tánaiste Simon Coveney and British Cabinet Office minister David Lidington signed a memorandum of understanding in an effort to secure the rights of Irish and British citizens post-Brexit.[1] The document was signed in London before a meeting of the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference, putting the rights of both states citizens, that are already in place under the Common Travel Area, on a more secure footing.

Paragraph 17 of the memorandum of understanding states: "The foregoing record represents the common understanding of the Participants upon the matters referred to therein. It is not of itself intended to create legally binding obligations. The longstanding durability of the CTA has benefited from a degree of flexibility and the detail of the foregoing arrangements may continue to evolve".[1]

The agreement, which is the culmination of over two years' work of both governments, means the rights of both countries' citizens are protected after Brexit while also ensuring that the Republic of Ireland will continue to meet its obligations under EU law. The agreement took effect on 31 January 2020 when the United Kingdom actually left the European Union.

British immigration system from 2021


On 11 November 2020, the Immigration Act 1971 was amended by adding "An Irish citizen does not require leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom". The Act repeals free movement rights for other EU citizens from 1 January 2021, but makes exceptions for Irish citizens.[44][45] Guidance from the government also states: "Irish citizens will continue to be able to enter and live in the UK as they do now".[46][47]

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to both the British and Irish governments implementing a series of measures regarding entry into each other's jurisdictions.

United Kingdom


Anyone entering the UK from anywhere in the Common Travel Area are exempt from having to present a negative COVID-19 result upon arrival and are exempt from quarantining for 10 days.[48]

Republic of Ireland


Anyone entering the Republic of Ireland from the Common Travel Area must fill out a passenger locator form online before arrival.[49]

Entry requirements into Ireland from the Common Travel Area vary depending if you are vaccinated or not:

Fully vaccinated: No testing or quarantine required.

Not vaccinated: Negative RT- PCR test result within 72 hours before arrival, Home quarantine and undergo post-arrival testing.

Isle of Man


Entry into the Isle of Man is currently prohibited. This does not apply to:[50]

  • Isle of Man residents
  • Key workers

Residents and key workers entering the Isle of Man from the Common Travel Area must complete a Landing form upon arrival and are subject to mandatory 21-day self-isolation in their home. This does not apply to:[51]

  • Key workers while on shift. They must self-isolate at home while off shift.
  • People who receive a negative COVID-19 test taken on day 14 of quarantine.



General entry into the Bailiwick of Guernsey for fully vaccinated individuals coming from the Common Travel Area is currently allowed.[52]

Anyone planning on entering Guernsey must register their journey on the Travel Tracker.

Individuals must not have left the Common Travel Area 14 days prior to arrival in Guernsey and must have a vaccination certificate issued by any country in the CTA.



Anyone entering the Bailiwick of Jersey from the Common Travel Area must complete a Safer Travel registration 48 hours before arrival.[53] All arrivals must present a negative COVID test taken at least 72 hours before departure.

All arrivals are subject to a COVID test upon arrival and mandatory self-isolation at home for 14 days.

A second COVID test must be taken on day 5 of self-isolation and a third on day 10 of self-isolation. Anyone who receives a negative COVID test on day 10 may end their self-isolation.

Identity and immigration checks


Channel Islands


Immigration checks are carried out by the Guernsey Border Agency and the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service on passengers arriving in the Channel Islands only from outside the CTA.[54]

Republic of Ireland

The border at Killeen, County Armagh, marked only by a speed limit sign in km/h, not mph

In 1997, the Republic of Ireland changed its immigration legislation to allow immigration officers to examine (i.e. request identity documents from) travellers arriving in the state by sea or air (from elsewhere in the CTA) and to refuse them permission to land if they are not entitled to enter.[6] Although formally this applies only to people other than Irish and British citizens, both of the latter groups are effectively covered as they may be required to produce identity documents to prove that they are entitled to the CTA arrangements.[55] while targeted controls are conducted along the land border in what are referred to as "intelligence driven operations".[56] Air passengers arriving at Irish ports/airports from elsewhere in the CTA are no longer channelled separately from those arriving from outside the CTA;[57] consequently all sea and air passengers must pass through Irish immigration checks, administered by the Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB). While British citizens are not required to be in possession of a valid travel document as a condition of entry, they may be required to satisfy immigration officials as to their nationality.

The nature of the Irish controls was described by an Irish High Court judge, Mr Justice Gerard Hogan, in the following terms:

The practical result of this is that all persons arriving by air from the United Kingdom face Irish immigration controls. While in theory both Irish and British citizens are entitled to arrive here free from immigration control by virtue of the common travel area, increasingly in practice such passengers who arrive by air from the United Kingdom are required to produce their passports (or, at least, some other form of acceptable identity document) in order to prove to immigration officers that they are either Irish or British citizens who can avail of the common travel area.[57][58]

In 2012, a pilot project was set up to use civilian staff from the Immigration section of the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) to work with GNIB staff at immigration control at Dublin Airport. INIS staff will be responsible for performing all "in-booth" duties (including examining arriving passengers), but will not take part in any matters related to restraint, detention or arrest.[59]

Transit without visa for Irish biometric visa holders


British visa requirements published in July 2019 allow certain travellers to transit without visa "landside" (i.e. those who need or wish to pass through the British border and enter the UK).[60] They must arrive and depart by air; and have a confirmed onward flight that departs before 23:59 hrs the following day; and hold the correct documents for their destination (e.g. a visa for that country if required).

Nationals of all countries need a visa to transit landside unless they hold a valid Irish biometric visa, endorsed BC or BC BIVS, and are travelling to the Republic of Ireland. Therefore, a holder of a biometric Irish visa does not require a separate British visa if transiting landside through the British border on their way to Ireland.

Isle of Man


The Isle of Man Government reports that "on-entry Immigration Control is rarely undertaken in the Isle of Man as there are very few transport services entering the Isle of Man from outside the CTA."[61] As of April 2018 the only regular commercial air service between the Isle of Man and an airport outside the Common Travel Area is Geneva in Switzerland.[62]

The Isle of Man is considered a part of the UK for customs purposes, and so there are no routine customs checks on travellers arriving from the UK.[63]

United Kingdom


The UK Border Force does not carry out routine immigration checks on travellers (regardless of nationality) arriving in the UK from another part of the CTA.[63] However, because the Channel Islands have VAT free status, the UK Border Force carries out selective customs checks on travellers arriving from there.

Travel within the UK


During The Troubles, Section 8 of the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1974 provided for temporary powers to examine persons travelling between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.[37][64] Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 provides for similar powers and remains in force.[65]

According to the Home Office, with regard to the legal basis for identity screening and immigration checks at airports and sea ports, as carried out on passengers travelling between Northern Ireland and Great Britain,[66] "Immigration Enforcement officers may arrest without warrant anyone they have reasonable grounds to suspect has committed an immigration offence and/or may be liable for removal directions." Section 31.19.3 of the Enforcement Instructions and Guidance (part of the visas and immigration operational guidance),[67] relating to the case law Baljinder Singh v. Hammond,[68] said "Any questioning must be consensual. The paragraph 2 power to examine does not include a power to compel someone to stop or to require someone to comply with that examination. Should a person seek to exercise their right not to answer questions and leave, there is no power to arrest that person purely on suspicion of committing an immigration offence."

As in most countries, airlines may require photo identification (e.g. a passport or a driving licence) for internal flights between destinations within the UK.[69][70]

Because of the Northern Ireland Protocol as the result of Brexit, custom check will be conducted for movement from Great Britain to Northern Ireland.

Common visa system


In October 2014, the British and Irish governments signed a memorandum of understanding paving the way for mutually recognised visas allowing visitors to travel to Britain and Ireland on a single visa. Chinese and Indian nationals were the first and, as of 2018, the only nationalities to get the benefit of the scheme. It was proposed to conduct a review of the scheme in 2015 with a view to expand it to all other countries by the end of that year,[71] but no such review took place, and the scheme has not been extended to other nationalities. The scheme exists in parallel to the Irish visa waiver programme which waives the visa requirement for the nationals of 17 countries if they hold valid British short-stay visas and enter the Republic of Ireland directly from the UK.

While the CTA has, for most of its history, involved an open or relatively open border, since the Second World War this has not meant that someone who legally entered one part of the CTA was automatically entitled to enter another part. Unlike the Schengen Agreement, the CTA currently provides no mechanism for the mutual recognition of leave to enter and remain, and the UK and the Republic of Ireland operate separate visa systems with distinct entry requirements. In general, a British visa will not allow entry to the Republic of Ireland nor vice versa.

The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man allow entry to holders of British visas (with some exceptions). Both the Bailiwick of Guernsey and the Bailiwick of Jersey immigration authorities routinely check non-EEA nationals seeking to enter the UK to ensure they have valid British permissions.

In July 2011, the Republic of Ireland introduced a limited pilot visa waiver programme under which the normal requirement for certain nationalities to hold an Irish visa is waived for visitors to the UK who hold valid British visas.

Nationalities that are visa-free in the UK but not in the Republic of Ireland:

Nationalities that are visa-free in the Republic of Ireland but not in the UK:

Irish visa-waiver nationalities

Freedom of movement


British and Irish citizens enjoyed the right to live in each other's countries under European Union law, but even after Brexit the provisions that apply to them are generally more far reaching than those that apply to other European Economic Area nationals. February 2020년 기준, entry to the Common Travel Area by citizens of third countries is controlled by British or by Irish immigration officers according to the point of entry: arrangements after the UK leaves the post-Brexit transition period are yet to be determined.

British citizens in the Republic of Ireland


Under Irish law, all British citizens – including Manx people and Channel Islanders, who were not entitled to take advantage of the European Union's freedom of movement provisions – are exempt from immigration control and immune from deportation.[72] They are entitled to live in the Republic of Ireland without any restrictions or conditions.[73] They have, with limited exceptions,[74] never been treated as foreigners under Irish law, having never been subject to the Aliens Act 1935 or to any orders made under that Act.[73] British citizens can thus move to Ireland to live, work or retire and unlike other EU citizens, they are not required to demonstrate having sufficient resources or have private health insurance in order to retire. This is due to the fact that British citizens are also entitled to use Irish public services on the same basis as Irish citizens in the Republic of Ireland.[73]

Irish citizens in the United Kingdom


Under British law, Irish citizens are entitled to enter and live in the United Kingdom without any restrictions or conditions. They also have the right to vote, work, study and access welfare and healthcare services.[75][76]

Before 1949, all Irish citizens were considered under British law to be British subjects.[77][78]

After most of Ireland declared itself a republic in that year, a consequent British law gave Irish citizens a similar status to Commonwealth citizens in the United Kingdom, notwithstanding that they had ceased to be such. Thus, much like British citizens in the Republic of Ireland, Irish citizens in the United Kingdom have never been treated as foreigners.

Irish citizens have, however, like Commonwealth citizens, been subject to immigration control in Britain since the enactment of the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962. Unlike Commonwealth citizens, Irish citizens have generally not been subject to entry control in the United Kingdom and, if they move to the UK, are considered to have 'settled status' (a status that goes beyond indefinite leave to remain). They may be subject to deportation from the UK upon the same basis as other European Economic Area nationals.[79]

In February 2007, the British Government announced that a specially lenient procedure would apply to the deportation of Irish citizens compared to the procedure for other European Economic Area nationals.[80][81] As a result, Irish nationals are not routinely considered for deportation from the UK when they are released from prison.[82] The Government's approach to the deportation of Irish citizens since 2007 is to only deport Irish citizens where recommended by a court in sentencing or in exceptional circumstances where that deportation is in the public interest.[83]

Other European Economic Area nationals


Nationals of member states of the European Economic Area other than British and Irish nationals have the right to freely enter and reside in the Republic of Ireland under European Union law (and had the same right in the UK while the latter was a member of the EU). They are required to carry a valid travel document, a passport or a national identity card, for entering the CTA and for travelling between Ireland and the UK.[84]

Citizens' rights


The citizens’ rights are very similar to rights as if they were natural citizens of that country.



British or Irish citizens can work in either country, including on a self-employed basis, without needing any permission from the authorities.[85]

In support of this, the British Government is committed to ensuring that, after the UK leaves the EU, appropriate and comprehensive provisions continue to be in place for the recognition of professional qualifications obtained in Ireland. The Irish Government has also committed to working to ensure the provision of arrangements with the UK to recognise professional qualifications.[85]



British and Irish citizens have the right to access all levels of education in either state on terms no less favourable than those available to the citizens of that state. Both Governments have committed to taking steps to ensure that this continues now that the UK has left the EU.[85]

Both Governments have also committed to taking steps to ensure that British and Irish citizens pursuing further and higher education in the other state will continue to have the right to qualify for student loans and support under applicable schemes and eligibility conditions.[85][86]

Social security benefits


British or Irish citizens residing or working in the other's state, working in both states or working across the border are subject to only one state's social security legislation at a time. They can access social security benefits and entitlements, including pensions, from whichever state they are subject to the social security legislation of, regardless of where they are living.[85][87]

When working in the CTA, workers pay into the social security scheme of the state where the employer is 'based for tax purposes' (Multinational corporations may have such a base in each state). They are entitled, when in the other state, to the same social security rights, and are subject to the same obligations, as citizens of that state.[85]

Workers also have the right to access social security benefits on the same basis as citizens of the state where they are employed. The British and Irish Governments have concluded a bilateral agreement to ensure that these rights will continue to be protected now that the UK has left the EU.[85]



British and Irish citizens have the right to access healthcare in either state. When visiting they also have the right to access needs-arising health care during their stay. Both Governments have committed to taking steps to ensure that this will continue now that the UK has left the EU.[85][88]

Social housing support


British or Irish citizens residing in the other state have the right to access social housing, including supported housing and homeless assistance, on the same basis as citizens of that state. Both Governments have committed to taking steps to ensure that this will continue now that the UK has left the EU.[85][89]

Voting rights


British or Irish citizens living in the other state are entitled to register to vote with the relevant authorities for local and national parliamentary elections in that state on the same basis as citizens of that state. Upon reaching voting age, they are entitled to vote in those elections on the same basis as citizens of that state. Both Governments have committed to ensuring that these arrangements will continue now that the UK has left the EU.[85][90]

Schengen Area


In 1985, five member states of the then European Economic Community (EEC) signed the Schengen Agreement on the gradual phasing out of border controls between them. This treaty and the implementation convention of 1990 paved the way for the creation of the Schengen Area which was implemented in 1995, and by 1997 all European Union member states except the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland had signed the agreement. The Amsterdam Treaty, drafted that year, incorporated Schengen into EU law while giving the Republic of Ireland and the UK an opt-out permitting them to maintain systematic passport and immigration controls at their frontiers. The wording of the treaty makes the Republic of Ireland's opt-out from eliminating border controls conditional on the Common Travel Area being maintained. An important reason for the Schengen Agreement was to make daily cross-border commuting by workers easier as a part of free movement for workers. The United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland have a short land border, which is only to part of the UK, making this reason less important to them.

The British Government has always refused to lower its border controls as it believes that the island status of the CTA puts the UK in a better position to enforce immigration controls than mainland European countries with "extensive and permeable land borders".[91] While not signing the Schengen Treaty, the Republic of Ireland has always looked more favourably on joining but has not done so in order to maintain the CTA and its open border with Northern Ireland,[92] though in 1997 Ireland amended its Aliens Order to permit identity and immigration controls on arrivals from the United Kingdom.[6]

Identification requirements


Most transport operators permit passengers to travel within the Common Travel Area without a passport, although photo ID is required for Irish or British citizens travelling by air, and Ryanair require all passengers to carry a passport or a national identity card.[출처 필요] In 2014, a private member's bill was put before the Oireachtas (the Republic of Ireland's parliament) which proposed to prohibit transport operators from requiring the production of a passport for travel within the Common Travel Area, but it was not passed.[93] The Irish Government in October 2015 started issuing passport cards, which are the same size as national identity cards of other EU countries and are accepted by all transport operators, but the issuing of a passport card requires the holder to already have a conventional passport book.[94]

See also



  1. “Memorandum of Understanding between the UK and Ireland on the CTA”. 《GOV.UK》. 
  2. “Common Travel Area between Ireland and the United Kingdom”. Citizens Information Board. 2011년 8월 12일에 확인함. 
  3. “Common Travel Area guidance”. 《GOV.UK》. 
  4. “British-Irish visa scheme”. 《GOV.UK》. 2021년 1월 20일에 확인함. 
  5. “The British-Irish Visa Scheme” (PDF). 《Department of Foreign Affairs》. 2021년 1월 20일에 확인함. 
  6. Aliens (Amendment) (No. 3) Order 1997 [1]; M. Wallace, Dáil Debates volume 510 columns 1400–1404 (16 November 1999).
  7. Mark v. Mark, decision of the Judicial Committee of the House of Lords, [2005] UKHL 42 at para 17.
  8. Pellew, Jill (June 1989). “The Home Office and the Aliens Act, 1905”. 《The Historical Journal》 (Cambridge University Press) 32 (2): 369–385. doi:10.1017/s0018246x00012206. JSTOR 2639607. 
  9. Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland, 1999
  10. MFPP Working Paper No. 2, "The Creation and Consolidation of the Irish Border" by KJ Rankin and published in association with Institute for British-Irish Studies, University College Dublin and Institute for Governance, Queen's University, Belfast (also printed as IBIS working paper no. 48)
  11. See Ryan, page 857. The agreement was also, albeit indirectly, referred to in a Dáil debate on 4 June 1925 (Dáil Debates volume 12 columns 317–318).
  12. Aliens Order 1923 (UK).
  13. Respectively by the Aliens Order 1925 (Ireland) [2] and the Aliens Order 1925 (UK).
  14. See #References and further reading: Ryan.
  15. by the Aliens Order 1946 (Ireland) [3].
  16. Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, Geoffrey de Freitas, House of Commons Debates volume 478 columns 842–849 (28 July 1950).
  17. House of Commons Debates volume 446 columns 1158–1166 (28 January 1948), volume 463 column 543 (24 March 1949), and volume 478 columns 842–849 (28 July 1950).
  18. in the Aliens Order 1953 (UK).
  19. The existence of the 1952 agreement was conceded in an Irish parliamentary question on 3 June 1980 (Dáil Debates volume 321 column 1379) [4].
  20. In the UK by section 1(3) of the Immigration Act 1971 and by Immigration (Control of Entry through the Republic of Ireland) Order 1972 (as amended) and in Ireland by the Aliens Orders 1946 [5] (as amended; in particular by the Aliens (Amendment) Order 1975 [6]).
  21. #References and further reading: Ryan at p865.
  22. Book (eISB), electronic Irish Statute. “electronic Irish Statute Book (eISB)”. 《irishstatutebook.ie》. 
  23. by the Aliens (Exemption) Order 1999 (Ireland), [7] which exempted all (and only) British citizens from immigration control.
  24. Sharrock, David (2007년 10월 25일). “New border control will abolish free movement between UK and Ireland”. 《Times Online》 (London). 2007년 12월 21일에 확인함. 
  25. House of Commons Debates volume 470 Column 1051W (14 January 2008) [8].
  26. “Strengthening the common travel area: a consultation paper”. UK Borders Agency. 2008년 7월 24일. 2014년 1월 10일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 
  27. Ford, Richard (2007년 10월 25일). “Britain and Ireland agree to tighten border check”. 《The Times》 (London). 2008년 8월 29일에 확인함. 
  28. Lord Glentoran (2009년 4월 1일). “Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Bill (HL). Amendment 54 (Report stage)”. Hansard of the House of Lords. 
  29. Public Bill Committee (2009년 6월 18일). “Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Bill (Lords): New Clause 3 (Common Travel Area)”. Hansard of the House of Commons. 
  30. “UK shelves Irish passport plan”. 《BBC News》. 2009년 7월 14일. 2014년 9월 17일에 확인함. 
  31. “Joint Statement by Mr Damian Green, Minister of State for Immigration the United Kingdom's Home Department And Mr. Alan Shatter, Minister for Justice and Equality Ireland's Department of Justice and Equality Regarding Co-Operation on Measures to Secure the External Common Travel Area Border signed in duplicate at Dublin, on the 20th December, 2011” (PDF). 2015년 9월 28일에 확인함. 
  32. “Ireland-UK Accord to Further Secure the Common Travel Area”. Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service. The Joint Statement and the accompanying Memorandum of Understanding on visa data exchange was signed by Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter, T.D. and UK Immigration Minister, Damien Green, M.P., in Dublin today. 
  33. Clause 8 of the Joint Statement.
  34. Clause 3 of the Joint Statement.
  35. Clause 5 of the Joint Statement.
  36. Clause 4 of the Joint Statement.
  37. Smith, Evan (2016년 7월 20일). “Brexit and the history of policing the Irish border”. 《History & Policy》. History & Policy. 2016년 7월 21일에 확인함. 
  38. Millar, Joey (2017년 3월 31일). “EU pledges NO hard border in Ireland - but admits "creative" solution needed”. 《express.co.uk》. Daily Express. 2019년 2월 10일에 확인함. 
  39. “Brexit secretary: no return to 'hard' border in Ireland”. 《The Telegraph》 (London). 2016년 9월 1일. 2016년 9월 28일에 확인함. 
  40. “Irish Republic signals support for UK plan to avoid post-Brexit "hard border". 《The Guardian》. 2016년 10월 10일. 2016년 10월 12일에 확인함. 
  41. “Brexit: Ireland has no agreement with UK on use of Irish ports”. 《The Irish Times》. 2016년 12월 14일에 확인함. 
  42. “UK officials at Irish ports ruled out”. Raidió Teilifís Éireann. 2017년 3월 23일. 2017년 4월 29일에 확인함. 
  43. “Safeguarding the position of EU citizens in the UK and UK nationals in the EU”. 《GOV.UK》. 2017년 6월 26일. 2017년 6월 26일에 확인함. 
  44. “Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill 2019-21 — UK Parliament”. 《parliament.uk》. 2020년 5월 10일에 확인함. 
  45. Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill, part 1, section 2
  46. “New immigration system: what you need to know”. 《GOV.UK》 (영어). Home Office and UK Visas and Immigration. 2020년 4월 8일. 2020년 5월 10일에 확인함. 
  47. Burne, Louise (2020년 3월 6일). “British government share draft laws revealing Irish citizens' rights in the UK post-Brexit”. 《Extra.ie》 (영국 영어). 2020년 5월 10일에 확인함. 
  48. “Entering the UK”. 《GOV.UK》. 
  49. “COVID-19 Passenger Locator Form”. 《gov.ie》. 
  50. “Borders framework”. 《Covid19》. 
  51. “Coronavirus: Key workers to face new Manx Covid rules checks”. 《BBC News》. 2020년 10월 13일. 
  52. “Current Travel Requirements”. Government of Guernsey. 
  53. Jersey, States of. “Government of Jersey”. 《gov.je》. 
  54. “Archived copy”. 2011년 7월 13일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2012년 8월 14일에 확인함. 
  55. Minister of State at the Department of the Environment (Mr. D. Wallace) (1998년 2월 4일). Seanad Éireann debate - Wednesday, 4 Feb 1998: Immigration Services: Ministerial response to questions”. 《oireachtas.ie》. 2019년 10월 21일에 확인함. 
  56. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. O'Donoghue) (2002년 2월 12일). “Dáil Éireann debate - Tuesday, 12 Feb 2002: Written Answers. - Illegal Immigrants.”. 《oireachtas.ie》. 2019년 10월 21일에 확인함. 
  57. Pachero v. Minister for Justice [2011] IEHC 491 at para. 18, [2011] 4 IR 698 (29 December 2011).
  58. Butler, Graham (November 2015). “Not a "real" Common Travel Area: Pachero v Minister for Justice and Equality”. 《Irish Jurist Volume 54》. 2015년 11월 15일에 확인함. 
  59. “Immigration in Ireland 2011 – a year-end snapshot – major changes and more to follow”. Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service. 2014년 4월 17일에 확인함. 
  60. “UK Visa Requirements” (PDF). 《Home Office》. July 2019. 2019년 12월 2일에 확인함. 
  61. “Immigration in the Isle of Man: Frequently Asked Questions” (PDF). 《Isle of Man Government Website》. Chief Secretary's Office. October 2006. 2018년 4월 27일에 확인함. 
  62. “Flight destinations and timetables”. 《Isle of Man Airport Website》. Isle of Man Government. 2018년 4월 27일에 확인함. 
  63. “Entering the UK”. 
  64. “Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1974: Section 8”, 《legislation.gov.uk》 (The National Archives), 1974 c. 56 (s. 8) 
  65. “Terrorism Act 2000: Schedule 7”, 《legislation.gov.uk》 (The National Archives), 2000 c. 11 (sch. 7) 
  66. “Legal basis for in-country passenger checks - a Freedom of Information request to Home Office”. 2016년 7월 25일. 
  67. “Visas and immigration operational guidance”. 《gov.uk》. UK Visas and Immigration. 
  68. “Refworld - Baljinder Singh v. Hammond”. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 
  69. “ID Requirements”. 《Flybe. 2016년 1월 18일에 확인함. 
  70. “Travel documents and information”. 《Easyjet. 2016년 1월 18일에 확인함. 
  71. “Minister Fitzgerald and UK Home Secretary launch landmark British-Irish Visa Scheme” (보도 자료). Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality. 2014년 10월 6일. 2014년 10월 8일에 확인함. 
  72. Per the provisions of the S.I. No. 97/1999 — Aliens (Exemption) Order, 1999 and Immigration Act 1999.
  73. “Residence rights of UK citizens”. 《citizensinformation.ie》. 
  74. The only exception being that between 1962 and 1999 those British citizens born outside the United Kingdom were not exempt. See the 1952 agreement
  75. http://data.parliament.uk/DepositedPapers/Files/DEP2020-0350/Kevin_Foster_to_Stuart_C_McDonald.pdf
  76. “Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Act 2020 — UK Parliament”. 《services.parliament.uk》. 
  77. "All the people in Ireland are British subjects, and Ireland under the Constitution is under Dominion Home Rule, and has precisely the same powers as the Dominion of Canada, and can legislate, I understand, on matters affecting rights and treaties." Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, William Ormsby-Gore, House of Common Debates volume 167 column 24 (23 July 1923)
  78. Hachey, Thomas E.; Hernon, Joseph M.; McCaffrey, Lawrence John (1996). 《The Irish experience: a concise history》 2판. 217쪽. The effect of the [British Nationality Act 1948] was that citizens of Éire, though no longer British subjects, would, when in Britain, be treated as if they were British subjects. 
  79. See Evans.
  80. Minister of State for Immigration, Citizenship and Nationality, Liam Byrne, House of Lords Debates volume 689 Column WS54 (19 February 2007) . (Hansard)
  81. “Irish exempt from prisoner plans”. 《British Broadcasting Corporation》. 2007년 2월 19일. 2014년 2월 6일에 확인함. 
  82. Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice, Jeremy Wright, House of Commons Debates Column 293W (5 February 2014) (Hansard).
  83. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/870578/HCB104-explanatory-notes-immigration-Bill-2020.pdf
  84. Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Home Office, Mike O'Brien, House of Commons Debates volume 332 column 434–435 (11 June 1999) [9]; D. Wallace, Seanad Debates volume 154 columns 106 (4 February 1998) [10].
  85. “Common Travel Area Guidance”. 《GOV.UK》 (영어). 2019년 10월 17일에 확인함.  파일:UKOpenGovernmentLicence.svg This article contains quotations from this source, which is available under the Open Government Licence v1.0. © Crown copyright.
  86. “Education: Getting Ireland Brexit Ready”. Government of Ireland. 2019년 10월 18일에 확인함. 
  87. “DEASP Brexit Update”. Government of Ireland. 2019년 10월 18일에 확인함. 
  88. “Health and Brexit”. Government of Ireland. 2019년 10월 18일에 확인함. 
  89. “Brexit - Common Travel Area (CTA): Access to social housing”. Government of Ireland. 2019년 10월 18일에 확인함. 
  90. “Brexit - Common Travel Area (CTA): Voting rights (second part of page)”. Government of Ireland. 2019년 10월 18일에 확인함. 
  91. Foreign Secretary, Malcolm Rifkind, House of Commons Debates volume 287 columns 433–434 (12 December 1996) [11].
  92. Minister for Justice, Nora Owen, Dáil Debates volume 450 column 1171 (14 March 1995) [12]; Minister for Justice, John O'Donoghue, Dáil Debates volume 501 column 1506 (9 March 1999)[13]; "Declaration by Ireland on Article 3 of the Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland" attached to the Treaty of Amsterdam.
  93. “Houses of the Oireachtas - Freedom of Movement (Common Travel Area) (Travel Documentation) Bill 2014”. 《oireachtas.ie》. 2014. 2014년 7월 2일에 확인함. 
  94. “Ireland unveils credit card-style passports for EU travel”. Yahoo! News. 2015년 1월 26일. 

Further reading
