사용자:FriedC/미키 마우스

미키 마우스 (Mickey Mouse)는 월트 디즈니 컴패니의 상징이 된 동물 만화 캐릭터이다. 1928년 월트 디즈니어브 아이웍스가 창조하였으며, [1] 월트 디즈니가 목소리를 맡았다. 월트 디즈니 컴패니는 1928년 11월 18일 《증기선 윌리》를 개봉하면서 미키 마우스를 처음으로 등장시켰다.[2] 쥐를 의인화시킨 캐릭터인 미키 마우스는 단순히 애니메이션과 연재 만화에 등장하던 캐릭터에서 세계에서 가장 유명한 상징으로 거듭났다. 미키는 현재 디즈니채널의 플레이하우스 디즈니 시리즈인 《미키의 클럽하우스》의 메인 캐릭터로 등장하고 있다. 미키 마우스는 《미키 마우스 클럽》의 지도자이기도 하다.

창조와 데뷔


미키는 디즈니 스튜디오가 유니버설 스튜디오찰스 민츠를 위해 제작한 행운의 토끼 오스왈드를 대체하기 위해 만들어졌다.[3]

디즈니가 인기 있는 오스왈드 시리즈의 제작비를 위한 선수금 인상을 요구하자, 민츠는 자신이 대부분의 디즈니의 직원들을 고용하였으며, 지불 받는 선수금을 삭감하지 않는 이상 디즈니가 오스왈드 시리즈를 계속 제작할 수 없을 것이라고 통보하였다. 민츠는 오스왈드의 판권을 소유하였고 디즈니가 오스왈드에 손을 떼야 한다고 생각하였다. 화가 난 디즈니는 이 거래를 거절하였으며, 민츠와 계약했던 마지막 오스왈드 만화 제작을 거절하였다. 디즈니는 직원들이 자신을 배신한 것에 대해 유감을 느끼고 처음부터 다시 시작하기로 결심한다. 새로운 디즈니 스튜디오는 애니메이터 어브 아이웍스와 그의 문하생인 레스 클라크가 선두에 있었다. 민츠와의 갈등을 교훈 삼아 디즈니는 이후에 회사가 제작한 캐릭터의 모든 권리를 자신이 소유하였다.

1928년 봄, 디즈니는 어브 아이웍스에게 새로운 캐릭터를 구상해보도록 요청하였다. 아이웍스는 개와 고양이를 비롯한 여러 동물을 스케치하였지만 디즈니에게 크게 어필하지 못하였다. 취소된 동물 중에는 암소와 숫소도 있었는데 이 동물들은 이후에 클라벨 카우호러스 홀스칼라 캐릭터의 시초가 된다. (취소된 수컷 개구리는 나중에 아이웍스의 플립 더 프로그 시리즈에 출연한다.)[4] 월트 디즈니는 자신의 농장에서 키웠던 늙은 애완 생쥐에게서 미키 마우스의 영감을 받았다. 1925년, 휴 하먼이 월트 디즈니의 사진을 바탕으로 몇가지 생쥐 스케치를 그려준 적이 있었고, 이 스케치는 어브 아이웍스가 디즈니에게 새로운 생쥐 캐릭터를 만들어줄 수 있는 영감을 주었다.[5] 디즈니가 처음 캐릭터에 지어준 이름은 "모티머 마우스"였으나 아내 릴리언이 제안하여 최종적으로 미키 마우스라는 이름이 되었다.[6][7] 배우 미키 루니는 미키 맥과이어로 활동하던 시절에 만화가 월트 디즈니를 워너 브라더스 스튜디오에서 만났고, 자신에게서 미키 마우스라는 이름의 영감을 받았다는 주장을 하였다.[8] 디즈니는 미키 마우스에 대해서 다음과 같이 말하였다.

나는 우리 모두가, 특히 어린이들이 귀엽고 작은 동물을 좋아하며, 이 아이디어를 위해 찰리 채플린에게 신세를 졌다고 생각한다. 우리는 어필할 수 있는 무언가를 원했고, 작은 생쥐가 채플린에 대한 동경심을 담을 수 있을 거라고 생각하여 할 수 있는 한 최선을 다해서 그를 아주 작은 녀석으로 묘사하였다. 사람들은 미키 마우스를 보고 매우 사람 같다고 생각하여 웃는다. 이것이 그가 인기를 끄는 비밀이라고 할 수 있다. 나는 우리가 한 가지 사실만을 잊지 않기를 소망한다. — 모든 것은 한 마리 생쥐에서 시작하였다고."[9]

플랜 크레이지


미키와 미니는 1928년 5월 15일 개봉한 만화 단편 Plane Crazy에 처음으로 등장하였다. 만화는 월트 디즈니와 어브 아이웍스가 함께 감독하였다. 아이웍스는 이 단편의 메인 애니메이터이기도 하였으며, 작품을 위해 6주를 소요한 것으로 알려졌다. 사실 상, 아이웍스는 1928년부터 1929년까지 개봉한 모든 디즈니 단편의 메인 애니메이터였다. 휴 하먼과 루돌프 아이싱 또한 이 기간 동안 디즈니를 보조하였다. 이들은 찰스 민츠와 이미 계약이 되어있는 상태였으나, 새로운 스튜디오 제작이 진행 중인 상황이었으므로 그 기간 동안에는 디즈니에게 고용되어 있었다. 이 단편은 그들 간의 다소 곤란한 상황 아래에서 만들어진 마지막 애니메이션 작품이었다.

Plane Crazy의 줄거리는 매우 단순하다. 미키는 보기에는 찰스 린드버그를 모방한 비행사가 되고자 한다. 자신만의 비행기가 완성되자 자신감에 찬 미키는 미니에게 첫 비행을 함께하자고 제안한다. 우여곡절 끝에 비행을 하게 된 그는 그녀에게 입맞춤을 거절 당하자 강제로 입을 맞춘다. 화가 난 미니는 미키에게 따귀를 때리고 낙하산을 타고 비행기를 탈출한다. 심란해진 미키는 비행기를 조정하는데 실패한다. 이 줄거리는 재밌는 상황을 연출하다가 결국에는 땅으로 추락하는 조정 안되는 비행기 시리즈의 시초가 되었다.

미키는 Plane Crazy에서 장난이 심하고 호색적이며 가끔씩 악당같은 모습으로 묘사되고 있다. Plane Crazy가 처음 개봉하였을 당시에는 관객에게 큰 인상을 심어주는데 실패하였고, 손해를 받을 수 있는 모욕까지 더해졌다. 이러한 반응 때문에 월트는 배급자를 찾지 못하였다. 첫 작품의 실패에도 아랑곳하지 않고, 월트는 두번째 미키 마우스 단편인 The Gallopin' Gaucho를 제작하였다.

초기의 주요 사건


블랙 페트와의 첫 대립


The Gallopin' Gaucho는 월트 디즈니와 어브 아이웍스가 다시 함께 감독을 맡은 작품으로, 후에 애니메이터 한 명이 추가로 참여하였다. 이 단편은 1928년 11월 21일 개봉한 더글라스 페어뱅크스의 영화 《가우초》를 패러디하였다. 원작 영화와 동일하게 단편의 장소적 배경은 아르헨티나팜파스이다. 제목의 가우초는 미키 자신을 말한다. 미키는 처음 장면에서 원래의 말 대신 남미산 타조인 레아를 타고 등장한다. 선술집인 "칸티나 아르헨티나"에 들르게 된 미키는 그곳에 들어와 머물게 된다. 술을 마시고 담배를 피며 쉬다가 그곳의 여급이자 무희인 미니 마우스와 탱고를 춘다. 이때 동료들과 함께 그곳에 머물던 무뢰한 펙렉 페트 (후에는 블랙 페트, 또는 페트라고 부름)가 나타나 미니를 납치하고 자신의 집으로 데리고 간다. 미키는 자신의 레아를 타고 그를 추격한다. 페트의 집에서 미키와 페트는 칼싸움을 벌이고, 미키가 싸움의 승자가 된다. 마지막에는 미키와 미니가 레아를 타고 가면서 함께 입을 맞춘다.

나중의 인터뷰에서 아이웍스는 The Gallopin' Gaucho의 미키가 허세꾼, 페어뱅크스를 모델로 한 모험가로 나타나 있다고 말하였다. 이 단편은 미키와 블랙 페트가 처음으로 대립하는 작품으로, 블랙 페트는 앨리스 코미디와 오스왈드 시리즈에서 이미 적대자로 등장한 적이 있는 캐릭터이다. 미키와 미니가 마지막 장면 전까지 서로를 낯선 사람으로 대하는 것을 통해서 서로가 이때 처음 만나게 되었음을 말하고 있다. 현대의 관객은 세 캐릭터가 거친 형태와 낮은 수준에서 벗어난 것처럼 보이며 이것이 이후의 버전과 약간 비슷하다는 의견을 밝혔는데, 따라서 이 단편은 그러한 점에서 역사적인 의미가 있다고 볼 수도 있다.

처음으로 상연된 이후에도 월트는 배급자를 찾지 못하여 실패를 거듭하였다. 이 단편은 1928년 12월 30일 다른 미키 마우스 단편과 함께 개봉하였다. 미키가 오스왈드와 매우 비슷하다고 생각한 디즈니는 이대로는 흥미를 끌 수 없다고 보았고, 미키 마우스 시리즈를 이전 작품 및 라이벌 캐릭터와는 다른 특별한 방향으로 이끌어 나가기 시작했다. 이러한 의도의 결과로 세번째 미키 마우스 단편 《증기선 윌리》가 제작되었고, 두번째로 개봉하여 처음으로 관객의 전폭적인 관심을 받게 되었다.

시리즈의 유성 도입


증기선 윌리》는 1928년 11월 18일에 처음 개봉하였으며, 월트 디즈니와 어브 아이웍스가 함께 감독하였다. 아이웍스가 또 다시 메인 애니메이터를 맡았으며, 조니 캐넌, 레스 클라크, 윌프레드 잭슨, 딕 런디가 보조로 참여하였다. 이 단편은 같은 해 5월 12일에 개봉했던 버스터 키튼스팀보트 빌 주니어를 패러디하고 있다. 미키 마우스 단편의 세번째 작품임에도, 처음으로 배급자를 찾은 작품이기 때문에 미키의 정식 데뷔 작품으로 알려져 있다. 《증기선 윌리》에서는 미키의 외모가 다르게 묘사되어 있는데, (특히 눈을 큰 점으로 단순화한 부분) 이 모습을 나중의 만화에서도 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있다.

이 만화는 동작에 사운드트랙을 연결한 최초의 만화는 아니다. 데이브와 맥스 플레셔가 운영했던 플레셔 스튜디오에서 이미 드 포리스트 시스템을 사용한 수많은 유성 만화를 1920년대 중반에 개봉하였다. 그러나 이 만화들은 영화 전체에 걸쳐서 동시에 맞춰진 소리가 나오지는 않았다. 《증기선 윌리》의 경우, 디즈니는 클릭 트랙을 사용하여 음악가가 박자에 맞추어 연주를 하도록 만든 후에 소리를 녹음하였다. 시간을 맞추고자 한 이러한 시도는 "Turkey in the Straw" 장면 중 미키의 행동이 악기 소리와 정확하게 일치하는 부분에서 잘 드러난다. 애니메이션 역사가들은 이 영화에 흐르는 오리지널 음악을 작곡한 사람이 정확히 누구인지 오랫동안 논의해왔다. 윌프레드 잭슨, 칼 스톨링, 버트 루이스 등이 작곡하였다는 주장이 이어져 왔으나 정확히 누구인지는 아직까지 알려지지 않았다. 월트 디즈니는 이 영화에서 미키와 미니의 성우였다.

각본에서 미키는 선장 페트 밑에서 일하며 증기선 윌리에서 항해를 하는 선원이다. 처음에 그는 휘파람을 불면서 증기선을 조종한다. 배를 조종하러 온 페트는 화를 내며 미키를 갑판으로 쫓아낸다. 그들은 이윽고 배에 화물을 실기 위해 선착장에 정박한다. 그들이 떠난지 얼마되지 않아 뒤늦게 미니가 선착장에 도착한다. 그녀는 아마도 배에 탈 승객으로 보이나 늦게 도착하게 되었다. 미키는 갈고리를 이용하여 강기슭에서 그녀를 집어 올리는데 성공한다. 배로 이동하면서 미니는 본의 아니게 그녀가 가지고 온 민속 노래 "Turkey in the Straw" 악보를 갑판에 떨어뜨린다. 증기선에 실린 동물 중에서 염소가 이 악보를 먹게 된다. 그러자 미키와 미니는 염소의 꼬리를 돌려서 곡을 연주하는 축음기로 사용한다. 나머지 장면을 통해서 미키는 다양한 동물을 악기로 사용하여 연주한다. 결국 소음을 듣고 쫓아온 선장 페트가 화를 내며 미키가 일을 하도록 선실로 끌고간다. 미키는 감자 껍질을 벗기면서 우울하게 항해를 하게 된다. 앵무새가 미키를 비웃으며 놀리자 미키는 감자를 던져서 새를 강에 빠뜨린다. 이 단편의 마지막 장면에서는 미키가 강에 빠진 앵무새 소리를 듣고 고소해하며 웃는 모습이 나온다.

《증기선 윌리》가 개봉할 당시 관객들은 웃기는 것을 목적으로 소리를 사용한 것에 대해 깊은 인상을 받았다고 한다. 영화가 개봉할 때만 해도 유성 영화는 혁신적인 것이라고 여겨졌다. 대화 시퀸스가 들어간 최초의 장편 영화는 알 졸슨이 출연한 《재즈 싱어》로, 1927년 10월 6일 개봉하였다. 그 해에 이 영화가 성공함에 따라 대부분의 미국 극장은 유성 영화 장비를 갖추기 시작했다. 월트 디즈니 또한 새로운 유행을 통해 이익을 취하고자 했던 것으로 보이며 어느 정도 성공을 거둘 수 있었다. 다른 대다수의 만화 스튜디오는 여전히 무성 작품을 제작하고 있었으며, 때문에 디즈니와의 경쟁에서 밀리게 되었다. 그 결과로 미키는 곧 가장 주목받는 애니메이션 캐릭터가 될 수 있었다. 월트 디즈니는 얼마 지나지 않아 Plane CrazyThe Gallopin' Gaucho (무성으로 개봉했던 영화)에 소리를 넣는 작업에 착수하였고, 새롭게 다시 개봉하면서 미키의 성공과 인기를 더해나갔다. 네번째 미키 단편인 The Barn Dance 또한 제작에 들어갔다. 미키가 실제로 대사를 한 것은 1929년 The Karnival Kid부터이며, 가장 처음 말한 것은 "핫도그, 핫도그!"였다. 《증기선 윌리》가 개봉한 이후 미키는 고양이 펠릭스와의 경쟁의 폭을 좁혀갔고, 끊임없이 유성 만화의 주인공으로 등장하면서 인기도 점점 높아져 갔다. 1929년, 펠릭스가 극장 관객 사이에서 인기를 잃어가자 팻 설리번은 이후의 모든 펠릭스 만화를 유성으로 만들기로 결정했다.[10] 그러나 관객들은 펠릭스의 유성 도입에 눈에 띄는 반응을 보이지 않았고, 1930년이 되어 펠릭스는 영화에 등장하지 않게 되었다.[11]

역할과 디자인


구혼자 미키


1929년 3월 14일 개봉한 The Barn Dance는 그 해에 개봉한 열두 편의 미키 마우스 단편 중에서 첫번째 작품이다. 월트 디즈니가 감독하였고 어브 아이웍스가 메인 애니메이터로 참여하였다. 이 단편은 이전의 단편과는 다르게 페트를 편애하는 미니에게 낙담한 미키가 출연하는 단편으로 잘 알려져 있다. 페트 캐릭터 또한 이전의 위협하는 악당이 아닌 예의 바른 신사로 독특하게 묘사되고 있으며, 이에 반해 미키는 영웅이 아닌 무능한 풋내기 구혼자로 나타나 있다. 구혼에 실패하자 미키가 슬퍼서 눈물을 흘리는 모습은 매우 감정적이고 상처받기 쉬운 모습으로 묘사되어 있다. 디즈니는 후에 이러한 설정이 캐릭터에 대한 관객의 감정 이입을 위한 것이었다고 설명하였다.

장갑을 끼고 등장


"Ever wonder why we always wear these white gloves?" - Various characters (with minor variations)

Mickey in gloves.

1929년 3월 28일 첫 개봉한 The Opry House는 그 해에 두번째로 개봉된 단편이었다. 이 단편부터 미키의 장갑이 등장한다. 미키는 이후의 후속 작품에서도 이 장갑을 끼고 등장하게 된다. 흰 장갑을 끼게 된 이유 중 하나는 캐릭터의 색깔이 검정색이었끼 때문에 손과 몸이 대비되도록 하여 관객이 구별하기 쉽도록 하기 위해서였다. (1935년 《밴드 콘서트》 이전까지 미키는 흑백으로 등장함) 장갑의 손등 부분에 그어진 세 개의 검은 선은 손가락 사이에서 뻗어나온 장갑의 천 부분에 잡히는 주름을 표현한 것으로, 전형적인 당시의 키드 장갑 디자인의 모습이었다.

보통 쥐로의 묘사


When the Cat's Away는 1929년 4월 18일 개봉하였으며 그 해에 세번째로 개봉한 미키 단편이다. 이 단편은 본래 앨리스 코미디 중의 하나인 1926년 1월 15일 개봉한 Alice Rattled by Rats를 다시 만든 것이다. "톰 캣"이라는 이름으로 나오지만 캣 닙이 두번째로 등장하는 단편이다. (숫고양이를 뜻하는 것이므로 톰과 제리와 혼동하지 말아야 함.) 그는 알코올 음료를 마시고 취해있는 것처럼 보인다. 그가 사냥을 하러 집을 떠나자 쥐떼가 음식을 찾기 위해 그의 집에 침입한다. 무리 중에는 미키와 미니도 있는데, 모인 무리와 함께 악기를 연주하며 파티를 한다. 이 단편은 미키와 미니를 실제 쥐 크기로 나타냈으며, 일부 행동 또한 실제 쥐와 비슷하다는 것이 특징이다. 이러한 설정은 그들을 단신의 사람 크기로 묘사한 이전과 이후의 단편에서는 볼 수 없던 것이다.

군인 미키


1929년 4월 25일 후속으로 개봉한 미키 단편 The Barnyard Battle 또한 특이한 설정을 가지고 있다. 이 단편에서는 미키를 처음으로 군인으로 묘사하며 전투를 한다.

Mouse in transition


Mickey Mouse Club


In 1929, Disney began the first of what would later be many Mickey Mouse Clubs, which were located in hundreds of movie theaters across the United States.[12]

First comic strip appearance


By this point Mickey had appeared in fifteen commercially successful animated shorts and was easily recognized by the public. So Walt Disney was approached by King Features Syndicate with the offer to license Mickey and his supporting characters for use in a comic strip. Walt accepted and Mickey made his first comic strip appearance on January 13, 1930. The comical plot was credited to Walt Disney himself, art to Ub Iwerks and inking to Win Smith. The first week or so of the strip featured a loose adaptation of Plane Crazy. Minnie soon became the first addition to the cast. The strips first released between January 13, 1930 and March 31 1930 have been occasionally reprinted in comic book form under the collective title "Lost on a Desert Island". Animation historian Jim Korkis notes "After the eighteenth strip[s], Iwerks left and his inker, Win Smith, continued drawing the gag-a-day format..."[13]

Classical music performances


Meanwhile in animation, two more Mickey shorts had been released. The first of them was The Barnyard Concert, first released on March 3, 1930. It featured Mickey conducting an orchestra. The only recurring characters among its members were Clarabelle as a flutist and Horace as a drummer. Their rendition of the Poet and Peasant Overture (by Franz von Suppé) is humorous enough; but it has been noted that several of the gags featured were repeated from previous shorts. The second, was originally released on March 14, 1930 under the title Fiddlin' Around but has since been renamed to Just Mickey. Both titles give an accurate enough description of the short which has Mickey performing a violin solo. It is only notable for Mickey's emotional renditions of the finale to the "William Tell Overture", Robert Schumann's "Träumerei" ("Reverie"), and Franz Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2", the latter which would appear on a regular basis in shorts starring Bugs Bunny, Tom and Jerry and Woody Woodpecker.

In The Band Concert, the first Mickey Mouse cartoon filmed in Technicolor, Mickey conducted the William Tell Overture, but in the cartoon is swept up by a tornado, along with his orchestra. It is said that conductor Arturo Toscanini so loved this short that, upon first seeing it, he asked the projectionist to run it again.

Mickey made his most famous classical music appearance in 1940 in the classic Disney film Fantasia. His screen "role" as The Sorcerer's Apprentice, set to the symphonic poem of the same name by Paul Dukas, is perhaps the most famous segment of the film. The segment features no dialogue at all, only the music. The apprentice (Mickey), not willing to do his chores, puts on the sorcerer's magic hat after the sorcerer goes to bed and casts a spell on a broom, which causes the broom to come to life and perform the most tiring chore—filling up a deep well using two buckets of water. When the well eventually overflows, Mickey finds himself unable to control the broom, leading to a near-flood. After the segment ends, Mickey is seen in silhouette shaking hands with Leopold Stokowski, who conducts all the music heard in Fantasia.

Departure of a co-creator and consequences


They were followed by Cactus Kid, first released on April 11, 1930. As the title implies the short was intended as a Western movie parody. But it is considered to be more or less a remake of The Gallopin' Gaucho set in Mexico instead of Argentina. Mickey was again cast as a lonely traveler who walks into the local tavern and starts flirting with its dancer. The latter is again Minnie. The rival suitor to Mickey is again Pete though using the alias Peg-Leg Pedro. For the first time in a Mickey short, Pete was depicted as having a peg-leg. This would become a recurring feature of the character. The rhea of the original short was replaced by Horace Horsecollar. This is considered to be his last non-anthropomorphic appearance. The short is considered significant for being the last Mickey short to be animated by Ub Iwerks.

Shortly before its release, Iwerks left the Studio to start his own bankrolled by Disney's then-distributor Pat Powers. Powers and Disney had a falling out over money due Disney from the distribution deal. It was in response to losing the right to distribute Disney's cartoons that Powers made the deal with Iwerks, who had long harbored a desire to head his own studio. The departure is considered a turning point to the careers of both Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse. The former lost the man who served as his closest colleague and confidant since 1919. The latter lost the man responsible for his original design and for the direction and/or animation of several of the shorts released till this point, and some would argue Mickey's creator. Walt Disney has been credited for the inspiration to create Mickey, but Iwerks was the one to design the character and the first few Mickey Mouse cartoons were mostly or entirely drawn by Iwerks. Consequently some animation historians have suggested that Iwerks should be considered the actual creator of Mickey Mouse. It has been pointed that advertising for the early Mickey Mouse cartoons credit them as "A Walt Disney Comic, drawn by Ub Iwerks". Later Disney Company reissues of the early cartoons tend to credit Walt Disney alone.

Disney and his remaining staff continued the production of the Mickey series, and he was able to eventually find a number of animators to replace Iwerks. As the Great Depression progressed and Felix the Cat faded from the movie screen, Mickey's popularity would rise, and by 1932, the Mickey Mouse Club would have one million members[14] and Walt would receive a special Oscar for creating Mickey Mouse as well; in 1935, Disney would also begin to phase out the Mickey Mouse Clubs, due to administration problems.[15] Despite being eclipsed by the Silly Symphonies short The Three Little Pigs in 1933, Mickey still maintained great popularity among theater audiences too, until 1935, when polls showed that Popeye the Sailor was more popular than Mickey.[16] By 1934, Mickey merchandise had also earned $600,000.00 a year.[17]

In 1994, The Band Concert was voted the third-greatest cartoon of all time in a poll of animation professionals. By colorizing and partially redesigning Mickey, Walt would put Mickey back on top once again, and Mickey would also reach popularity he never reached before as audiences now gave him more appeal;[14] in 1935, Walt would also receive a special award from the League of Nations for creating Mickey as well. However, by 1938, the more manic Donald Duck would surpass the passive Mickey, resulting in a redesigned of the mouse;[18] the redesign between 1938 and 1940 also put Mickey at the peak of his popularity we all.[14] However, after 1940, Mickey's popularity would decline.[19] Despite this, the character continued to appear regularly in animated shorts until 1943 (winning his only competitive Academy Award—with Pluto—for a short subject for Lend a Paw) and again from 1946 to 1952.

Appearances in comics


In early 1930, after Iwerks' departure, Disney was at first content to continue scripting the Mickey Mouse comic strip, assigning the art to Win Smith. However, Walt's focus had always been in animation and Smith was soon assigned with the scripting as well. Smith was apparently discontent at the prospect of having to script, draw, and ink a series by himself as evidenced by his sudden resignation.

Walt proceeded to search for a replacement among the remaining staff of the Studio. For unknown reasons he selected Floyd Gottfredson, a recently hired employee. At the time Floyd was reportedly eager to work in animation and somewhat reluctant to accept his new assignment. Walt had to assure Floyd that the assignment was only temporary and that he would eventually return to animation. Floyd accepted and ended up holding this "temporary" assignment from May 5, 1930, to November 15, 1975.

Walt Disney's last script for the strip appeared May 17, 1930.[13] Gottfredson's first task was finish the storyline Disney had started on April 1, 1930. The storyline was completed on September 20, 1930 and later reprinted in comic book form as Mickey Mouse in Death Valley. This early adventure expanded the cast of the strip which to this point only included Mickey and Minnie. Among the characters who had their first comic strip appearances in this story were Clarabelle Cow, Horace Horsecollar and Black Pete as well as the debuts of corrupted lawyer Sylvester Shyster and Minnie's uncle Mortimer Mouse. The Death Valley narrative was followed by Mr. Slicker and the Egg Robbers, first printed between September 22 and December 26, 1930, which introduced Marcus Mouse and his wife as Minnie's parents.

Starting with these two early comic strip stories, Mickey's versions in animation and comics are considered to have diverged from each other. While Disney and his cartoon shorts would continue to focus on comedy, the comic strip effectively combined comedy and adventure. This adventurous version of Mickey would continue to appear in comic strips and later comic books throughout the 20th and into the 21st century.

Floyd Gottfredson left his mark with stories such as Mickey Mouse Joins the Foreign Legion (1936) and The Gleam (1942). He also created the Phantom Blot, Eega Beeva, Morty and Ferdie, Captain Churchmouse, and Butch. Besides Gottfredson artists for the strip over the years included Roman Arambula, Rick Hoover, Manuel Gonzales, Carson Van Osten, Jim Engel, Bill Wright, Ted Thwailes and Daan Jippes; writers included Ted Osborne, Merrill De Maris, Bill Walsh, Dick Shaw, Roy Williams, Del Connell, and Floyd Norman.

The next artist to leave his mark on the character was Paul Murry in Dell Comics. His first Mickey tale appeared in 1950 but Mickey didn't become a speciality until Murry's first serial for Walt Disney's Comics and Stories in 1953 ("The Last Resort"). In the same period Romano Scarpa in Italy for the magazine Topolino began to revitalize Mickey in stories that brought back the Phantom Blot and Eega Beeva along with new creations such as the Atomo Bleep-Bleep. While the stories at Western Publishing during the Silver Age emphasized Mickey as a detective in the style of Sherlock Holmes, in the modern era several editors and creators have consciously undertaken to depict a more vigorous Mickey in the mold of the classic Gottfredson adventures. This reinnasance has been spearheaded by Byron Erickson, David Gerstein, Noel Van Horn, Michael T. Gilbert and Cesar Ferioli.

Mickey was the main character for the series MM Mickey Mouse Mystery Magazine, published in Italy from 1999 to 2001.

Later Mickey History


Recent history


On November 18, 1978, in honor of his 50th anniversary, he became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The star is located on 6925 Hollywood Blvd.

Melbourne (Australia) runs the annual Moomba festival involving a street procession and appointed Mickey Mouse as their King of Moomba (1977).[20] Although immensely popular with children, there was controversy with the appointment: some Melburnians wanted a 'home-grown' choice, e.g. Blinky Bill; when it was revealed that Patricia O'Carroll (from Disneyland's Disney on Parade show) was performing the mouse, Australian newspapers reported "Mickey Mouse is really a girl!"[21]

Throughout the decades, Mickey Mouse competed with Warner Bros.' Bugs Bunny for animated popularity. But in 1988, in a historic moment in motion picture history, the two rivals finally shared screen time in the Robert Zemeckis film Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Warner and Disney signed an agreement stating that each character had exactly the same amount of screen time, right down to the micro-second.

Similar to his animated inclusion into a live-action film on Roger Rabbit, Mickey made a featured cameo appearance in the 1990 television special The Muppets at Walt Disney World where he met Kermit the Frog. The two are established in the story as having been old friends. The Muppets have otherwise spoofed and referenced Mickey over a dozen times since the 1970s.

Mickey appeared on several animated logos for Walt Disney Home Entertainment, starting with the "Neon Mickey" logo and then to the "Sorcerer Mickey" logos used for regular and Classics release titles. He also appeared on the video boxes in the 1980s.

His most recent theatrical cartoon was 1995's short Runaway Brain, while in 1999-2004, he appeared in made-for-video features, like Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas, Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers, and the computer-animated Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas. He has yet to appear in an original Disney film that wasn't based on a classical work.

Many television programs have centered around Mickey, such as the recent shows Mickey Mouse Works (1999—2000), Disney's House of Mouse (2001—2003) and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (2006). Prior to all these, Mickey was also featured as an unseen character in the Bonkers episode "You Oughta Be In Toons".

Mickey was the Grand Marshal of the Tournament of Roses Parade on New Year's Day 2005.

In the Disney on Ice play, Disney Presents Pixar's The Incredibles in a Magic Kingdom/Disneyland Adventure, Mickey and Minnie are kidnapped by an android replica of Syndrome, who seeks to create "his" own theme park in Walt Disney World/Disneyland's place. They are briefly imprisoned in the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction's prison cell before an assault on the robot Syndrome by the Incredible Family forces "him" to place them in laser prisons, but not without using a flamethrower in a botched attempt to incinerate their would-be superhuman saviors. After the robot Syndrome is congealed by Frozone, Mickey and Minnie are finally liberated, the magic and happiness of the Walt Disney World/Disneyland Resort is restored, and the Incredibles become Mickey and Minnie's newest friends.

Video games

King Mickey in Kingdom Hearts II.

Like many popular characters, Mickey has starred in many video games, including Mickey Mousecapade on the Nintendo Entertainment System, Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse, Mickey's Ultimate Challenge, and Disney's Magical Quest on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse on the Sega Genesis, Mickey Mouse: Magic Wands on the Game Boy, and many others. In the 2000s, the Disney's Magical Quest series were ported to the Game Boy Advance, while Mickey made his sixth generation era debut in Disney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse, a Nintendo GameCube title aimed at younger audiences. Mickey plays a role in the Kingdom Hearts series, as the king of Disney Castle and aide to the protagonist, Sora. King Mickey wields the Keyblade, a weapon in the form of a key that has the power to open any lock and combat darkness.

Toys and games


In 1989, Milton Bradley released the electronic-talking game titled Mickey Says, with three modes featuring Mickey Mouse as its host. Mickey also appeared in other toys and games, including the Worlds of Wonder-released Talking Mickey Mouse.

Design and voice


The character has gone through some major changes through his existence. The first one happened with The Pointer in 1939, where he was given pupils in his eyes, a skin colored face, and a pear-shaped body. In the 40's, he changed once more in The Little Whirlwind, where he used his trademark pants for the last time in decades, lost his tail, got more realistic ears that changed with perspective and a different body anatomy. But this change would only last for a short period of time before returning to the one in The Pointer, with the exception of his pants. In his final theatrical cartoons in the 50's, he was given eyebrows, which were removed in the more recent cartoons.

Mickey's top trademark is his ears, and they have also become a trademark of the Disney company in general. Basic design of Mickey's ears is two very round ears that are attached to a very round head. Other than the 1940s Mickey, he and Minnie's ears have had the unusual characteristic of always being viewable with the same symmetry despite which direction that their respective head is facing. In other words, the ears are always generally in the same position as they are in a frontal view of the character, and appear to be sideways on their head when facing left or right.

A large part of Mickey's screen persona is his famously shy, falsetto voice. From his first speaking role in The Karnival Kid onward, Mickey was voiced by Walt Disney himself, a task in which Disney took great personal pride. (Carl Stalling and Clarence Nash allegedly did some uncredited ADR for Mickey in a few early shorts as well.) However, by 1946, Disney was becoming too busy with running the studio to do regular voice work (and it is speculated his cigarette habit had damaged his voice over the years), and during the recording of the Mickey and the Beanstalk section of Fun and Fancy Free, Mickey's voice was handed over to veteran Disney musician and actor Jimmy MacDonald. (Both Disney's and MacDonald's voices can be heard on the final soundtrack.) MacDonald voiced Mickey in the remainder of the theatrical shorts, and for various television and publicity projects up until his retirement in the mid-1970s, although Walt voiced Mickey again for the introductions of the original 1954—1959 "Mickey Mouse Club" TV series and the "Fourth Anniversary Show" episode of the "Disneyland" TV series aired on September 11, 1958. 1983's Mickey's Christmas Carol marked the theatrical debut of the late Wayne Allwine as Mickey Mouse, who was the voice of Mickey until his death in 2009[22]. Allwine was, incidentally, married to Russi Taylor, the current voice of Minnie Mouse. Les Perkins did the voice of Mickey in the TV special Down and Out with Donald Duck released in 1987.

Social impact

A picture of several packaged products displaying pictures of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck dressed in traditional Japanese attire.

Use in politics


In the United States, protest votes are often made in order to indicate dissatisfaction with the slate of candidates presented on a particular ballot, or to highlight the inadequacies of a particular voting procedure. Since most states' electoral systems do not provide for blank balloting or a choice of "None of the Above", most protest votes take the form of a clearly non-serious candidate's name entered as a write-in vote[출처 필요]. Cartoon characters are typically chosen for this purpose[출처 필요]; as Mickey Mouse is the best-known and most-recognized character in America, his name is frequently selected for this purpose. (Other popular selections include Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny.) This phenomenon has the humorous effect of causing Mickey Mouse to be a minor but perennial contestant in nearly all U.S. presidential elections.[출처 필요] A similar phenomenon occurs in the parliament elections in Finland and Sweden, although Finns and Swedes usually write Donald Duck or Donald Duck Party as a protest vote.[출처 필요]

Mickey Mouse's name has also been known to appear fraudulently on voter registration lists, most recently in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election.[1][2]

Pejorative use of Mickey's name


"Mickey Mouse" is a slang expression meaning small-time, amateurish or trivial. In the UK and Ireland, it also means poor quality or counterfeit.

  • In The Godfather: Part II, Fredo's justification of betraying Michael is that his orders in the family usually were "Send Fredo off to do this, send Fredo off to do that! Let Fredo to take care of some Mickey Mouse night club somewhere!" as opposed to more meaningful tasks.
  • In 1984, just after an ice hockey game in which Wayne Gretzky's Edmonton Oilers beat the New Jersey Devils 13-4, Gretzky is quoted as saying to a reporter, "Well, it's time they got their act together, they're ruining the whole league. They had better stop running a Mickey Mouse organization and put somebody on the ice."[23] Reacting to Gretzky's comment, Devils fans wore Mickey Mouse apparel when the Oilers returned to New Jersey.
  • In the 1989 film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, a butler at Brunwald castle says to Indy, "Yes, we have tapestries. But if you are a Scottish lord, then I am Mickey Mouse!"
  • In the 1993 Warner Bros. film Demolition Man, as Sylvester Stallone's character is fighting the malfunctioning AI of his out-of-control police car, he shouts for the system to "Brake! Brake! Brake, now, you Mickey Mouse piece of shit!"[24]
  • In the 1996 Warner Bros. film Space Jam, Bugs Bunny derogatorily referred to Daffy Duck's idea for the name of their basketball team, asking, "What kind of Mickey Mouse organization would call themselves 'The Ducks?'" (This also referenced the Anaheim Mighty Ducks, a NHL team that was owned by Disney.)
  • In the United States armed forces, actions that produce good looks, but have little practical use, (such as the specific manner of making beds in basic training or the polishing of brass fittings onboard ship) are commonly referred to as "Mickey Mouse work".
  • In schools a "Mickey Mouse course" or "Mickey Mouse major" is a class or college major where very little effort is necessary in order to attain a good grade (especially an A) and/or one where the subject matter of such a class is not of any importance in the labor market.[25]
  • Musicians often refer to a film score that directly follows each action on screen as Mickey Mousing (also mickey-mousing and mickeymousing).[26]
  • "Mickey Mouse money" is a derogatory term for foreign currency, often used by Americans to describe indigenous currency in a foreign country in which they are traveling. The term also refers to fake banknotes, especially in UK.[출처 필요] (Disney theme parks and resorts have an actual kind of Mickey Mouse money, Disney Dollars. This money is worthless outside the Disney property and stores).
  • The software company Microsoft has been derogatorily called "Mickeysoft".[27]
  • In card games, it is common for a "Mickey Mouse hand" to be played for instructional purposes. In such a hand all cards of all players that would normally be concealed are displayed, to demonstrate to new players the rules and procedures of the game.[출처 필요]
  • In motorsports, short road courses with tight corners, short straightways and no overtaking spots are sometimes called "Mickey Mouse tracks".[출처 필요]
  • In rhyming slang, a "Mickey" refers to a Liverpudlian or Liverpool FC supporter (ie. Mickey Mouser = Scouser). It may also refer to someone's home (house = Mickey Mouse). [출처 필요]
  • The Los Angeles Mafia was known as the "Mickey Mouse Mafia," due to their disorganized behavior and mess-ups.[출처 필요]
  • In the beginning of the 1980s, then-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once called the European Parliament a "Mickey Mouse parliament", meaning a discussion club without influence.[28]
  • Britons call the MLS, or Major League Soccer, the "Mickey Mouse League."[출처 필요]
  • In the British sitcom Red Dwarf: After the team's substandard equipment nearly cost them their lives, one character pointed out, "We're a real Mickey Mouse operation, aren't we?" Another replied, "Mickey Mouse? We ain't even Betty Boop!"
  • Because of Mickey's status as Disney's signature character, he is often jokingly referred to as the boss of The Walt Disney Company. Disney employees sometimes say they "work for the Mouse." [29][30] In the South Park season 13 episode "The Ring," Mickey is portrayed as a greedy, sadistic and foul-mouthed head of the studio, who berates and beats the Jonas Brothers after they complain that their purity rings are overshadowing their music.
  • The 2009 NBA Finals between the Los Angeles Lakers and Orlando Magic are being dubbed the "Mickey Mouse Series"[31] due to the Disney theme parks located near Los Angeles (Disneyland) and Orlando (Walt Disney World), plus the fact that the Finals will air on ABC, which Disney also owns.
  • In an episode of the American sitcom Full House that guest starred Jaleel White as Steve Urkel (from fellow sitcom Family Matters), Michelle Tanner (played by Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen) asks Urkel, "Why do you talk like a Mickey Mouse?".
A typical style of sign in Walt Disney World, showing one of many uses by Disney of the Mickey ears logo.

It is sometimes erroneously stated that the Mickey Mouse character is only copyrighted. In fact, the character, like all major Disney characters, is also trademarked, which lasts in perpetuity as long as it continues to be used commercially by its owner. So, whether or not a particular Disney cartoon goes into the public domain, the characters themselves may not be used as trademarks without authorization. However, within the United States, European Union and some other jurisdictions, the Copyright Term Extension Act (sometimes called the 'Mickey Mouse Protection Act' due to extensive lobbying by the Disney corporation) and similar legislation has ensured that works such as the early Mickey Mouse cartoons will remain under copyright until at least 2023. However a Los Angeles Times article explains that ambiguity and "imprecision" in early film credits copyright claims could invalidate Disney's copyright on the earliest version of the character.[32]

The Walt Disney Company has become well known for protecting its trademark on the Mickey Mouse character, whose likeness is so closely associated with the company, with particular zeal. In 1989, Disney threatened legal action against three daycare centers in Florida for having Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters painted on their walls. The characters were removed, and rival Universal Studios replaced them with Universal cartoon characters. [33]

Walt Disney Productions v. Air Pirates


In 1971, a group of underground cartoonists calling themselves "The Air Pirates," after a group of villains from early Mickey Mouse films, produced a comic called Air Pirates Funnies. In the first issue, cartoonist Dan O'Neill depicted Mickey and Minnie Mouse engaging in explicit sexual behavior and consuming drugs. As O'Neill explained, "The air pirates were...some sort of bizarre concept to steal the air, pirate the air, steal the media...Since we were cartoonists, the logical thing was Disney."[34]. Rather than change the appearance or name of the character, which O'Neill felt would dilute the parody, the mouse depicted in Air Pirates Funnies looks like and is named "Mickey Mouse." Disney sued for copyright infringement, and after a series of appeals, O'Neill eventually lost and was ordered to pay Disney $1.9 million. The outcome of the case remains controversial amongst free-speech advocates. New York Law School professor Edward Samuels said, "[The Air Pirates] set parody back twenty years."[35]



In 1930, The German Board of Film Censors prohibited showing a Mickey Mouse film because they felt the kepi-wearing mouse negatively portrayed the Germans and would "reawaken the latest anti-German feeling existing abroad since the War".[36] A mid 1930s German newspaper article even stated :

"Mickey Mouse is the most miserable ideal ever revealed...Healthy emotions tell every independent young man and every honorable youth that the dirty and filfth-covered vermin, the greatest bacteria carrier in the animal kingdom, cannot be the ideal type of animal...Away with Jewish brutalization of the people! Down with Mickey Mouse! Wear the Swastika Cross!"[37][38][39]

Art Spiegelman used this quote on the opening page of the second volume of his comic Maus II.

The 1935 Romanian authorities banned Mickey Mouse films from cinemas after they feared that children would be scared to see a ten-foot mouse in the movie theatre.[40] In 1938, based on the Ministry of Popular Culture's recommendation that a reform was necessary "to raise children in the firm and imperialist spirit of the Fascist revolution," the Italian Government banned Mickey and other foreign Children's literature.[41]

Criticism of Mickey Mouse


Mickey Mouse's global fame has made him both a symbol of The Walt Disney Company and as of the United States itself. For this reason Mickey has been used frequently in anti-American satire, such as the infamous underground cartoon Mickey Mouse in Vietnam. There have been numerous parodies of Mickey Mouse, such as the Mad Magazine parody "Mickey Rodent" by Will Elder in which the mouse walks around unshaven and jails Donald Duck out of jealousy over the duck's larger popularity. (http://johnglenntaylor.blogspot.com/2008_12_28_archive.html) The grotesque Rat Fink character was created by Ed "Big Daddy" Roth over his hatred of Mickey Mouse. In The Simpsons Movie, Bart Simpson puts a black bra on his head to mimic Mickey Mouse and says: "I'm the mascot of an evil corporation!".[42]. In the South Park episode The Ring Mickey Mouse is depicted as the sadistic, greedy boss of The Walt Disney Company, only interested in money.

On September 20, 2008 Sheikh Muhammad Al-Munajid claimed that the sharia considers mice to be harmful vermin and that characters like Mickey Mouse and Jerry from Tom & Jerry are to be blamed for making mice such loveable characters. He issued a fatwa against Mickey, which made international headline news and was the subject of much controversy and ridicule. Sheikh Muhammed Al-Munajid issued a statement afterwards in which he stated that he was misquoted and translated badly.



Mickey Mouse films and appearances

  • Steamboat Willie (1928) - First appearance (in order of release).
  • Plane Crazy (1928) - First Mickey cartoon produced.
  • The Gallopin' Gaucho (1928)
  • The Barn Dance (1928)
  • The Opry House (1929) - First cartoon where Mickey wears gloves.
  • When the Cat's Away (1929)
  • The Plow Boy (1929) - First appearance of Horace Horsecollar.
  • The Barnyard Battle (1929)
  • The Karnival Kid (1929) - First words spoken by Mickey ("Hot dogs!").
  • Mickey's Follies (1929)
  • Mickey's Choo-Choo (1929)
  • The Jazz Fool (1929)
  • Jungle Rhythm (1929)
  • Haunted House (1929)
  • Just Mickey (1930)
  • The Barnyard Concert (1930)
  • The Cactus Kid (1930)
  • Wild Waves (1930)
  • The Fire Fighters (1930)
  • The Shindig (1930)
  • The Chain Gang (1930) - First appearance of Pluto.
  • The Gorilla Mystery (1930)
  • The Picnic (1930)
  • Pioneer Days (1930)
  • Minnie's Yoo Hoo (1930)
  • The Birthday Party (1931)
  • Traffic Troubles (1931)
  • The Castaway (1931)
  • The Moose Hunt (1931)
  • The Delivery Boy (1931)
  • Mickey Steps Out (1931)
  • Blue Rhythm (1931)
  • Fishin' Around (1931)
  • The Barnyard Broadcast (1931)
  • The Beach Party (1931)
  • Mickey Cuts Up (1931)
  • Mickey's Orphans (1931)
  • The Duck Hunt (1932)
  • The Grocery Boy (1932)
  • The Mad Dog (1932)
  • Barnyard Olympics (1932)
  • Mickey's Revue (1932) - First appearance of Goofy.
  • Musical Farmer (1932)
  • Mickey in Arabia (1932)
  • Mickey's Nightmare (1932)
  • Trader Mickey (1932)
  • The Whoopee Party (1932)
  • Touchdown Mickey (1932)
  • The Wayward Canary (1932)
  • The Klondike Kid (1932)
  • Parade of the Award Nominees (1932) - Even though it isn't an official Mickey cartoon, it is Mickey's first color appearance.
  • Mickey's Good Deed (1932)
  • Building a Building (1933)
  • The Mad Doctor (1933)
  • Mickey's Pal Pluto (1933)
  • Mickey's Mellerdrammer (1933)
  • Ye Olden Days (1933)
  • The Mail Pilot (1933)
  • Mickey's Mechanical Man (1933)
  • Mickey's Gala Premiere (1933)
  • Puppy Love (1933)
  • The Pet Store (1933)
  • The Steeple Chase (1933)
  • Giantland (1933)
  • Shanghaied (1934)
  • Camping Out (1934)
  • Playful Pluto (1934)
  • Gulliver Mickey (1934)
  • Mickey's Steamroller (1934)
  • Orphan's Benefit (1934) - First time Donald Duck in "The Wise Little Hen" appears in a Mickey cartoon.
  • Mickey Plays Papa (1934)
  • The Dognapper (1934)
  • Two-Gun Mickey (1934)
  • Mickey's Man Friday (1935)
  • The Band Concert (1935) - First Mickey cartoon in color.
  • Mickey's Service Station (1935) - First Mickey/Donald/Goofy trio cartoon.
  • Mickey's Kangaroo (1935) - Last Mickey cartoon in black and white.
  • Mickey's Garden (1935)
  • Mickey's Fire Brigade (1935)
  • Pluto's Judgement Day (1935)
  • On Ice (1935)
  • Mickey's Polo Team (1936)
  • Orphans' Picnic (1936)
  • Mickey's Grand Opera (1936)
  • Thru the Mirror (1936)
  • Mickey's Rival (1936)
  • Moving Day (1936)
  • Alpine Climbers (1936)
  • Mickey's Circus (1936)
  • Mickey's Elephant (1936)
  • The Worm Turns (1937)
  • Magician Mickey (1937)
  • Moose Hunters (1937)
  • Mickey's Amateurs (1937)
  • Hawaiian Holiday (1937)
  • Clock Cleaners (1937)
  • Lonesome Ghosts (1937)
  • Boat Builders (1938)
  • Mickey's Trailer (1938)
  • The Whalers (1938)
  • Mickey's Parrot (1938)
  • Brave Little Tailor (1938)
  • The Fox Hunt (1938, cameo)
  • Society Dog Show (1939) - Last appearance of Mickey with his black-button eyes.
  • The Pointer (1939) - First appearance of Mickey in his current design.
  • Mickey's Surprise Party (1939) - A commercial short made for the National Biscuit Company and shown at the 1939 New York World's Fair.
  • The Standard Parade (1939) - A commercial short made for the Standard Oil Company.
  • The Sorcerer's Apprentice (1940, segment of Fantasia)
  • Tugboat Mickey (1940)
  • Pluto's Dream House (1940)
  • Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip (1940)
  • The Little Whirlwind (1941) Last appearance of Mickey in his traditional red shorts until 1995.
  • The Nifty Nineties (1941)
  • Orphan's Benefit (1941) - Same as the 1934 version, but with updated character models and in color.
  • A Gentleman's Gentleman (1941) - In a Pluto cartoon.
  • Canine Caddy (1941)
  • Lend a Paw (1941)
  • Mickey's Birthday Party (1942)
  • Symphony Hour (1942) - Last Mickey cartoon until 1947.
  • All Together (1942) - Made for the National Film Board of Canada in an effort to promote the sale of Canadian War Bonds.
  • Out of the Frying Pan Into the Firing Line (1942, cameo) A picture of Mickey as a soldier is hung up on a wall in Minnie's house.
  • Pluto and the Armadillo (1943) - In a Pluto cartoon.
  • First Aiders (1944, not appearing) - Mickey Mouse does not appear in this cartoon.
  • The Three Caballeros (1945, cameo) - Mickey went to the beach on the pail at North Pole.
  • Squatter's Rights (1946) - In a Pluto cartoon.
  • Mickey and the Beanstalk (1947, segment of Fun and Fancy Free)
  • Mickey's Delayed Date (1947) - First Mickey cartoon since 1942.
  • Mickey Down Under (1948)
  • Pluto's Purchase (1948) - In a Pluto cartoon.
  • Mickey and the Seal (1948)
  • Pueblo Pluto (1949) - In a Pluto cartoon.
  • Crazy Over Daisy (1950, cameo)
  • Plutopia (1951) - In a Pluto cartoon.
  • R'Coon Dawg (1951)
  • Pluto's Party (1952) - In a Pluto cartoon; Eyebrows are added on Mickey.
  • How to Be a Detective (1952, cameo) - Mickey's face is on the cover of the comic book Goofy is reading.
  • Pluto's Christmas Tree (1952)
  • The Simple Things (1953) - Last regular Mickey cartoon.
  • Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983) - First screen appearance of Mickey since 1953; Mickey's eyebrows are removed.
  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988, cameo)
  • Mickey's 60th Birthday (1988)
  • The Prince and the Pauper (1990)
  • A Goofy Movie (1995, cameo)
  • Runaway Brain (1995)
  • Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (1999)
  • Fantasia 2000 (2000)
  • Mickey Mouse Works (1999-2000) - A compilation show with new made-for-TV animated shorts featuring Mickey and friends.
  • Disney's House of Mouse (2001-2004) A show showing short animated cartoons of Disney's favorite characters
  • Mickey's House of Villains (2002) - House of Mouse video release.
  • Kingdom Hearts (2002), a video game featuring Square Enix and Disney characters.
  • Disney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse (2002, video game)
  • Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse (2001) - House of Mouse video release.
  • Mickey's PhilharMagic (2003) - Walt Disney World attraction.
  • The Lion King 1½ (2004, cameo)
  • Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers (2004)
  • Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (2004) - First Mickey film done in CGI.
  • Kingdom Hearts II (2005), video game.
  • Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (2006) - A television series made for preschoolers done in CGI.
  • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (2009), video game.

See also

  • Minnie Mouse, best known as the fellow Disney character, often portrayed as Mickey's significant other in animated shorts and features.
  • Pluto, a canine character of the Disney series who is often portrayed as Mickey's dog in the animated shorts and features.
  • Mickey Mouse universe, the phenomenon that has spawned from the Mickey Mouse series and other related characters.
  • Mouse Museum, a Russian museum featuring artifacts and memorabilia relating to Mickey Mouse.
  • Mickey Mouse Adventures A short-lived comic starring Mickey Mouse as the protagonist.
  • Hidden Mickey, a phenomenon featuring throughout Disney films, theme parks and merchandise involving hiding images that are similar to a silhouette of Mickey's head and ears, another trademark of the Disney series, in non-related places.
  • Celebration Mickey, a two foot tall, 100 lb (45 kg)., 24-karat gold authentic Mickey Mouse sculpture, designed by Disney artist Marc Delle and produced in 2001 to commemorate Walt Disney's 100th birthday. Certified an authentic and one-of-a-kind piece by Disneyland Resort, it is the largest gold sculpture ever cast in the history of the Disney Company.


  1. Kenworthy, John The Hand Behind the Mouse, Disney Editions: New York, 2001. p.54.
  2. “Disney Online Guest Services”. 《Disney Online》. 2006년 8월 31일에 확인함. 
  3. Michael Barrier, The Animated Man: A Life of Walt Disney, University of California Press, 2008, p. 56. ISBN 978-0520256194.
  4. Kenworthy, John The Hand Behind the Mouse, Disney Editions: New York, 2001. p. 53.
  5. Kenworthy, John The Hand Behind the Mouse, Disney Editions: New York, 2001. p. 54
  6. Mickey Mouse's Magic- Tweentimes - Indiatimes
  7. » Mickey Mouse was going to be Mortimer Mo ... Useless Knowledge
  8. Albin, Kira. Mickey Rooney: Hollywood, Religion and His Latest Show. GrandTimes.com Senior Magazine. 1995.
  9. justdisney.com
  10. toontracker.com
  11. Felix the Cat | St. James Encyclopedia of Pop Culture |
  12. Disney Timeline: A mouse is born!!
  13. Korkis, Jim. "The Uncensored Mouse".
  14. Charles Solomon. “The Golden Age of Mickey Mouse”. Disney.com guest services. 
  15. Chronology of the Walt Disney Company (1935)
  16. GAC Forums - Popeye's Popularity - Article from 1935
  17. The Golden Age of Mickey Mouse
  18. http://www.bcdb.com/bcdb/cartoon.cgi?film=15&m=r
  19. Charles Solomon. “Mickey in the Post-War Era”. Disney.com guest services. 
  20. Craig Bellamy, Gordon Chisholm, Hilary Eriksen (2006년 2월 17일). “Moomba: A festival for the people (pp 17-22)” (PDF). 
  21. Craig Bellamy, Gordon Chisholm, Hilary Eriksen (2006년 2월 17일). “Moomba: A festival for the people (pp 19-20)” (PDF). 
  22. http://legends.disney.go.com/legends/detail?key=Wayne+Allwine
  23. 1983-84: Growing Pains Lead to Promise
  24. script-o-rama.com
  25. BBC News | Education | 'Irresponsible' Hodge under fire
  26. Holm, Peter. “The Cottage: Review”. Music From The Movies. 2008년 8월 12일에 확인함. 
  27. Richard Forno. ""Microsoft", No. "Mickeysoft", Yes." Published November 28, 2001; retrieved November 7, 2006.
  28. “What does Mickey Mouse Have To Do With The European Parliament?”. EU-Oplysnigen (Denmark). 2008년 8월 12일에 확인함. 
  29. Working for the Mouse
  30. Working for the Mouse - Disney (Unofficial) - Families.com
  31. “The Mickey Mouse Series”. FanNation. 2009년 5월 30일. 2009년 6월 1일에 확인함. 
  32. Joseph Menn (2008년 8월 22일). “Disney's rights to young Mickey Mouse may be wrong”. Los Angeles Times.com. 2008년 8월 22일에 확인함. 
  33. Daycare Center Murals, Snopes.com
  34. 틀:Cite movie
  35. Levin, Bob (2003). 《The Pirates and the Mouse: Disney's War Against the Counterculture》. Fantagraphics Books. ISBN 156097530X. 
  36. The Times (1930-7-14). "Mickey Mouse in Trouble (German Censorship)", The Times Archive (archive.timesonline.co.uk) Accessed November 19, 2008.
  37. Hungerford, Amy (2003년 1월 15일). 《The Holocaust of Texts》. University Of Chicago Press. 206쪽. ISBN 0226360768. 
  38. LaCapra, Dominick (March 1998). 《History and Memory After Auschwitz》. Cornell University Press. 214쪽. ISBN 0801484960. 
  39. Rosenthal, Jack (1992년 8월 2일). “ON LANGUAGE; Mickey-Mousing”. New York Times, The. 2008년 12월 30일에 확인함. 
  40. Conner, Floyd. Hollywood's Most Wanted: The Top 10 Book of Lucky Breaks, Prima Donnas, Box Office Bombs, and Other Oddities. illustrated. Brassey's, 2002.(pg 243)
  41. The Times (1938-11-16). "The Banning of a Mouse", The Times Archive (archive.timesonline.co.uk) Accessed November 19, 2008.
  42. The Simpsons Movie (2007) - Memorable Quotes. The Internet Movie Database (IMDb). Retrieved on March 20, 2008.

틀:Disney Characters 틀:DisneyConsumer