

생물 분류ℹ️
계: 동물계
문: 척삭동물
강: 파충류
목: 뱀목
하목: 도마뱀붙이하목
과: 도마뱀붙이과
아과: 도마뱀붙이아과
속: 낮도마뱀붙이속
종: [[]]
아종: [[]]

|image=Phelsuma astriata Praslin 2015.JPG |status=LC|status_system=IUCN3.1|status_ref=[1] |genus=Phelsuma |species=astriata |authority=Tornier, 1901 |range_map = Phelsuma astriata distribution.png |synonyms= }}

Phelsuma astriata, the Seychelles (small) day gecko or stripeless day gecko is a species of lizard in the family Gekkonidae endemic to the Seychelles.

Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests, subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest, subtropical or tropical mangrove forest, subtropical or tropical dry shrubland, subtropical or tropical moist shrubland, plantations, rural gardens, and urban areas. It is threatened by habitat loss. It lives in tropical areas. it eats vegetables of almost any kind.

Phelsuma astriata. Photo taken in Praslin, Seychelles by Stewart Allen.

These geckos possess the significant ability to dramatically change in colour intensity based on the presence or absence of light on or around them. The gecko appears bright green in light, but if kept in a dark place, even for a short period of time, its appearance darkens to an extremely dark green that could easily be mistaken for black when viewed in light. If a light is then shone on the gecko, a visual change seems to occur separately in each scale-like protuberance and gradually the entire gecko changes to a bright green in the light over a period of less than 3 minutes. The tail however changes slightly slower. During the change the gecko appears as a mottled bright and dark green simultaneously. See included images taken in Praslin, Seychelles.

Phelsuma astriata showing extremely dark green colouration after being left in the dark for a short period of time. Praslin, Seychelles. Photo taken by Cheryl Allen.
Phelsuma astriata showing change in colouration after exposure to light. Praslin, Seychelles. Photo taken by Cheryl Allen.
Phelsuma astriata showing bright green colouration as is normally visible in daylight. Praslin, Seychelles. Photo taken by Cheryl Allen.



There are 3 subspecies of Phelsuma astriata.[2]


  1. Gerlach, J. & Ineich, I. 2006. Phelsuma astriata. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 28 July 2007.
  2. Phelsuma astriata - The Reptile Database
  3. (프랑스어)[Mozzi, Déso & Probst, 2005. Un nouveau gecko vert introduit à la Réunion: Le Phelsuma astriata semicarinata (Cheke, 1982). - Bulletin Phaethon 21: 1-4 http://reptilvar.free.fr/Gecko_introduit_Reunion.pdf]

4. Observations made by Cheryl Allen on Praslin Island, Seychelles.



Phelsuma astriata astriata is a subspecies of Seychelles small day gecko. It is a small, slender lizard with bright green colour that feeds primarily on insects. It is found on several islands of the Seychelles.



Its body is lime green with coloured dots and bars on the back. Those reddish dots sometimes form a mid-dorsal stripe, which can be very faint. Males often have a bluish or turquoise-coloured tail and lower back. On both sides of the snout, a reddish-brown stripe extends from the nostrils to the eyes. The undersurface of the body is off-white. These lizards reach a total length of about 14 cm.



This gecko is found on the Seychelles islands of Astove, Mahé, Praslin, Curieuse, La Digue, and Frégate.



This species is typically found on coconut palms and banana trees. It often lives near human settlements.



Phelsuma astriata astriata normally lays two 10 mm eggs. Seychelles small day geckos are not gluers; they do not stick their eggs to the sides/underside of items, but instead place them in safe, well-hidden areas. Incubation is generally 65 – 70 days at 82 degrees Fahrenheit.[1]


  • Henkel, F. W. and Schmidt, W. (1995) Amphibien und Reptilien Madagaskars, der Maskarenen, Seychellen und Komoren. Ulmer Stuttgart. ISBN 3-8001-7323-9
  • McKeown, Sean (1993) Day Geckos (General Care, Maintenance and Breeding Series). Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside CA. ISBN 1-882770-22-6
  • Phelsuma astriata - The Reptile Database


  1. Day Geckos in Captivity, Leann and Greg Christenson, Page 113 (2002)