참고: 설정을 저장한 후에 바뀐 점을 확인하기 위해서는 브라우저의 캐시를 새로 고쳐야 합니다. 구글 크롬, 파이어폭스, 마이크로소프트 엣지, 사파리: ⇧ Shift 키를 누른 채 "새로 고침" 버튼을 클릭하십시오. 더 자세한 정보를 보려면 위키백과:캐시 무시하기 항목을 참고하십시오.

/* New color scheme for the Template: Metacaixa used to cover */
/* Default Settings in Purple
   Cell used; 1; 7050a0 2; 9070c0 3; b090e0 4; d0b0ff 5; f0d0ff */
.mbButton {
  background-color: #d0b0ff; /* 4 */
  border: 0.15em solid #000000;
  border-color: #f0d0ff #b090e0 #9070c0 #f0d0ff;  /* 5 3 3 5 */
  border-radius-topleft: .5em;
  border-radius-topright: .5em;
  -moz-border-radius: .5em .5em 0em 0em;
  display: inline;
  margin-right: 0.1em;
  padding: 0.2em 0.3em 0.2em 0.3em;
  position: relative;}
.mbButton a,
.mbButton strong {
  background: none !important;
  color:#7050a0 !important;  /* 1 */
  font-size: 90%;
  font-weight: bold;
  padding: 0 !important;
  text-decoration: none !important;}
.mbButton a:hover,
.mbButton strong:hover {
  color: black !important;
  text-decoration: underline !important;}
.mbButtonSel {
  background-color: #9070c0; /* 2 */
  border: 0.15em solid #000000;
  border-color: #b090e0 #7050a0 #9070c0 #b090e0;  /* 3 1 2 3 */
  border-radius-topleft: .5em;
  border-radius-topright: .5em;
  -moz-border-radius: .5em .5em 0em 0em;
  cursor: default;
  display: inline;
  margin-right: 0.1em;
  padding: 0.2em 0.3em 0.2em 0.3em;
  position: relative;
.mbButtonSel a {
  background: none !important;
  color:white !important;
  cursor: default;
  font-size: 90%;
  font-weight: bold;
  padding: 0 !important;
  text-decoration: none !important;}
.mbContent {
  background-color: #f8f8ff;
  border: 0.2em solid #9070c0; /* 2 */
  border-color: #9070c0 #7050a0 #7050a0 #9070c0 ; /* 2 1 1 2 */
  -moz-border-radius: 0em .5em .5em 0em;
  border-radius-topright: .5em;
  border-radius-bottomright: .5em;
  padding: 1em;
  position: static;  /* Si hi posem relative falla amb MSIE */}
.mbTab {
  background-color: #f8f8ff;
  border-color: #7050a0 #b090e0 #b090e0 #7050a0; /* 1 3 3 1 */  width: 100%;
/* Settings Green 1;60b030 2;75c045 3;90d060 4;a5e085 5;c0f090 */
.mcGreen .mbButton {
 background-color: #a5e085; /* 4 */
 border-color: #c0f090 #90d060 #75c045 #c0f090;  /* 5 3 2 5 */}
.mcGreen .mbButton a,
.mcGreen .mbButton strong {
  color:#60b030 !important;  /* 1 */
.mcGreen .mbButton a:hover,
.mcGreen .mbButton strong:hover {
  color: black !important;
  text-decoration: underline;}
.mcGreen .mbButtonSel {
  background-color: #75c045; /* 2 */
  border-color: #90d060 #60b030 #75c045 #90d060;  /* 3 1 2 3 */}
.mcGreen .mbContent {
  background-color: #f5fffa;
  border-color: #75c045 #60b030 #60b030 #75c045 ; /* 2 1 1 2 */}
.mcGreen .mbTab {
  background-color: #f5fffa;
  border-color: #60b030 #90d060 #90d060 #60b030; /* 1 3 3 1 */}
/* Settings Red 1;CC0000 2;FF0000 3;FF8888 4;FFAAAA 5;FFCCCC */
.mcRed .mbButton {
 background-color: #FFAAAA; /* 4 */
 border-color: #FFCCCC #FF8888 #FF0000 #FFCCCC;  /* 5 3 2 5 */}
.mcRed .mbButton a,
.mcRed .mbButton strong {
  color:#CC0000 !important;  /* 1 */
.mcRed .mbButton a:hover 
.mcRed .mbButton strong:hover {
  color: black !important;
  text-decoration: underline;}
.mcRed .mbButtonSel {
  background-color: #FF0000; /* 2 */
  border-color: #FF8888 #CC0000 #FF0000 #FF8888;  /* 3 1 2 3 */}
.mcRed .mbContent {
  background-color: #fffafa;
  border-color: #FF0000 #CC0000 #CC0000 #FF0000; /* 2 1 1 2 */}
.mcRed .mbTab {
  background-color: #fffafa;
  border-color: #CC0000 #FF0000 #FF0000 #CC0000; /* 1 3 3 1 */}
/* Settings Blue 1;3379de 2;5b8dd6 3;88abde 4;a7c1e6 5;c8d6e9 */
.mcBlue .mbButton {
 background-color: #a7c1e6; /* 4 */
 border-color: #c8d6e9 #88abde #5b8dd6 #c8d6e9;  /* 5 3 2 5 */}
.mcBlue .mbButton a,
.mcBlue .mbButton strong {
  color:#3379de !important;  /* 1 */
.mcBlue .mbButton a:hover 
.mcBlue .mbButton strong:hover {
  color: black !important;
  text-decoration: underline;}
.mcBlue .mbButtonSel {
  background-color: #5b8dd6; /* 2 */
  border-color: #88abde #3379de #5b8dd6 #88abde;  /* 3 1 2 3 */}
.mcBlue .mbContent {
  background-color: #f0f8ff;
  border-color: #5b8dd6 #3379de #3379de #5b8dd6; /* 2 1 1 2 */}
.mcBlue .mbTab {
  background-color: #f0f8ff;
  border-color: #3379de #88abde #88abde #3379de; /* 1 3 3 1 */}
/* Settings Yellow 1;ffd813 2;ffe147 3;ffe977 4;fff1a4 5;fef4bc */
.mcYellow .mbButton {
 background-color: #fff1a4; /* 4 */
 border-color: #fef4bc #ffe977 #ffe147 #fef4bc;  /* 5 3 2 5 */}
.mcYellow .mbButton a,
.mcYellow .mbButton strong {
  color:#ffd813 !important;  /* 1 */
.mcYellow .mbButton a:hover 
.mcYellow .mbButton strong:hover {
  color: black !important;
  text-decoration: underline;}
.mcYellow .mbButtonSel {
  background-color: #ffe147; /* 2 */
  border-color: #ffe977 #ffd813 #ffe147 #ffe977;  /* 3 1 2 3 */}
.mcYellow .mbContent {
  background-color: #fffce8;
  border-color: #ffe147 #ffd813 #ffd813 #ffe147; /* 2 1 1 2 */}
.mcYellow .mbTab {
  background-color: #fffce8;
  border-color: #ffd813 #88abde #88abde #ffd813; /* 1 3 3 1 */}
/* Settings Orange 1;ff820e 2;ff9d42 3;ffac5d 4;ffbd7f 5;ffd0a4 6;ffeedd */
.mcOrange .mbButton {
 background-color: #ffbd7f; /* 4 */
 border-color: #ffd0a4 #ffac5d #ff9d42 #ffd0a4;  /* 5 3 2 5 */}
.mcOrange .mbButton a,
.mcOrange .mbButton strong {
  color:#ff820e !important;  /* 1 */
.mcOrange .mbButton a:hover 
.mcOrange .mbButton strong:hover {
  color: black !important;
  text-decoration: underline;}
.mcOrange .mbButtonSel {
  background-color: #ff9d42; /* 2 */
  border-color: #ffac5d #ff820e #ff9d42 #ffac5d;  /* 3 1 2 3 */}
.mcOrange .mbContent {
  background-color: #ffeedd; /* 6 */
  border-color: #ff9d42 #ff820e #ff820e #ff9d42; /* 2 1 1 2 */}
.mcOrange .mbTab {
  background-color: #ffeedd; /* 6 */
  border-color: #ff820e #ffac5d #ffac5d #ff820e; /* 1 3 3 1 */}
/* Final estils of Metacaixa */