
장르일인칭 슈팅 게임

헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》(혹은 《헤일로》)는 번지 스튜디오에서 개발한 일인칭 슈팅 게임이다. 2001년 11월 15일 엑스박스 콘솔과 동시발매된 게임 중 하나로[1], 플랫폼의 킬러 타이틀으로 간주되었다.[2] 세계적으로 500만장 이상이 팔려 그 후속작인 《헤일로 2》 다음으로 가장 많이 팔린 엑스박스 게임이다.[3]

《헤일로》에서 플레이어는 스파르탄 초인 병사인 마스터 치프의 역할을 하게 된다. 플레이어는 마스터 치프의 신경망 인터페이스에 거주하는 인공지능 코타나와 함께 다니며, 헤일로의 비밀을 밝히려는 다양한 외계인들과 싸우게 된다. 이 게임은 '배우기 쉽다'고 불리며[4] 그 '매력적인 이야기'로 칭찬을 받았다.[5]

《헤일로》는 일인칭 슈팅 게임 사상 최고에 가장 영향력 있는 것 중 하나로 널리 간주된다.[6][7] 예를 들어 잡지 에지는 《헤일로》에게 잡지의 12년 역사상 오직 4개만이 받았던 10점 만점을 주었다.[8] 그럼에도, 《헤일로》 역시 비판을 받았다. 게임스파이는 이 게임을 역사상 가장 과대 평가된 게임 25선의 10위에 올려놓았고, 한 리뷰어는 "당신이 하품에 눈물이 날 때까지 같은 지역을 계속 재활용하는" 게임이라 언급했다.[9]

게임의 인기는 《헤일로》와 비슷하거나 더 나을 것으로 기대되는 게임에 각각 "헤일로 짝퉁"[10]과 "헤일로 킬러" 같은 꼬리표를 붙여기에 이르렀다.[11] 더해서, 이 게임은 팬이 만든 《레드 대 블루》라는 동영상 시리즈에 영감을 주었고 그 제작에 실제 게임이 사용되기도 했다. 이 시리즈는 처음으로 큰 성공을 거둔 머시니마로 간주되고 있다.[12]



《헤일로》는 1인칭 슈팅 게임으로서, 장르의 다른 게임들과 근본적으로 유사한 게임플레이를 가지고 있다. 3D 환경에서의 전투에 초점을 맞추고, 그 전투는 거의 캐릭터의 시점으로 이루어진다. 플레이어는 주위 움직이거나 위, 아래, 혹은 양 옆을 둘러볼 수 있다.[13] 《헤일로》는 게임 콘솔 상에서의 1인칭 슈팅 게임을 위한 성공적인 조작법을 제시한 것으로 간주되고 있다.[14] 게임은 무장된 지프차 (워트호그) 부터 탱크 (스콜피온), 호버크래프트 (고스트)와 비행체(밴시)까지 여러 차량들이 등장하고, 그 모두는 플레이어가 조작할 수 있다. 게임은 차량을 사용하는 동안에는 3인칭 시점으로 전환된다.[15]

플레이어 캐릭터는 체력에 더해 충격을 흡수하는 에너지 실드를 장비하고 있다. 그 용량은 게임의 HUD 오른쪽 상단에 파란 막대로 나타난다. 실드가 완전히 고갈되면 플레이어는 공격에 충격을 받기 쉬워지고, 추가적인 충격으로 캐릭터의 체력이 감소하게 된다.[5] 하지만, 잠깐동안 추가적인 충격이 없을 경우 실드는 다시 충전된다.[16]

《헤일로》의 무기 구성은 공상 과학에서 비롯된 무기들로 구성된다. 게임은 각 무기가 독특한 목적으로 주어지는 점으로 칭찬을 받았고, 그들을 서로 다른 상황에서 유용하게 사용할 수 있다.[17] 예를 들어, 플라즈마 무기들은 너무 빠르게 연사했을 경우 식을 때까지 시간이 필요하지만, 재장전할 필요는 없다. 대신, 그 배터리가 모두 고갈되면 다시 사용할 수 없게 된다. 그와는 대조적으로, 전통적인 화기들은 과열 걱정이 없지만, 재장전과 탄약이 필요하다.[16] 모든 무기들은 적들을 타격하는 데 쓰일 수도 있다.[16] 상대를 뒤에서 가격해 조용히 죽이여 근처의 다른 적들에게 들키지 않는 것도 가능하다.[18] 플레이어는 한 번에 두 개의 무기만을 소지할 수 있다. 따라서 화기를 선택하고 사용할 때는 전략이 요구된다.[19]

플레이어는 한 번에 8개의 수류탄, 각각 네 개의 파편 수류탄과 네 개의 플라즈마 수류탄을 소지할 수 있다.[20] 게임의 다른 무기들과 마찬가지로 두 종류의 수류탄은 차이점을 보인다. 파편 수류탄은 땅에서 튀어오르고 빠르게 폭발하는 반면,[21] 플라즈마 수류탄은 목표물에 들러붙고 폭발하는 데 시간이 오래 걸린다.[22] 수류탄을 던지는 버튼은 던지기 전에 화기를 집어넣을 필요를 없애준다.[16]



게임의 주적은 코버넌트로, 외계 종족들의 동맹체이다. 그들의 병력에는 플레이어처럼 재충전되는 에너지 실드를 지닌 사나운 전사 엘리트와 엘리트의 뒤를 따르지만 위기 상황에서는 도망치는 작고 겁많은 생명체 그런트, 팔에 단단한 에너지 방패를 장비한 쟈칼, 그리고 몸의 대부분이 두꺼운 갑옷으로 뒤덮인 크고 강력한 생물체 헌터가 있다.[23]

또 다른 적으로는 외계 기생 생명체인 플러드가 있는데, 이들은 세 가지 형태로 나타난다.[24] 플러드의 본래 형태인 전염 형태는 작지만 떼로 몰려다니며 인간이나 코버넌트 엘리트를 감염시킨다. 감염된 생명체는 기괴한 모습으로 변하며 전투 형태의 플러드가 된다. 수송 형태의 플러드는 새로운 감염 형태 플러드를 배양하고 운반하는데, 충격을 받아 쓰러지거나 주위에 감염시킬 생명체가 있을 경우 스스로 폭발해 주변에 손상을 주며 감염의 씨앗을 뿌린다. 그 외에 플러드, 코너번트, 플레이어 모두에게 적대적인 무인 비행 물체 센티넬은 선지자라 불리는 종족이 설계한 것이다. 센티넬은 내구력은 모자라지만 강력한 빔 무기를 사용하며 플러드의 감염으로부터 안전하다.[24]

《헤일로》에서 사용된 인공지능은 좋은 평을 받았다.[25] 적들은 숨어서 사격하거나 수류탄을 던질 수 있고,[17] 어떤 적들은 상관이 죽으면 도망치기도 한다.[26] 플레이어는 종종 국제연합 우주사령부의 해병들로부터 도움을 받는데, 플레이어가 차량을 운전할 경우 자동으로 포탑에 배치된다.[17]



《헤일로》는 엑스박스 라이브 이전에 발매되었기 때문에 온라인 멀티플레이어 게임은 공식적으로 지원하지 않는다.[27] 대신 지역 이더넷이나 시스템 연결을 통해 최대 16명의 플레이어가 동시에 게임을 할 수 있다. 이 수는 콘솔 게임에서는 처음이었지만, 종종 비평가들로부터 불가능한 수치라고 판단된다.[18][17] 《헤일로》는 인공지능 게임 봇이 없기 때문에, 게임의 제한 인원인 16명을 채우려면 랜 파티가 필요하게 된다.[13] 다섯 개의 경쟁 멀티플레이어 모드에 더해, 두 명의 플레이어가 협동하며 게임의 캠페인을 플레이할 수 있다.[13] 《헤일로》의 멀티플레이어 구성 요소는 일반적으로 좋은 평가를 받았다.[28][8][15]

엑스박스판의 《헤일로》가 온라인 멀티플레이어에 대한 공식 지원이 없었지만, XB코넥트게임스파이의 엑스박스 코넥트 패킷 터널링 소프트웨어가 비공식적으로 지원한다.[9] 윈도와 매킨토시로 이식된 《헤일로》는 16명의 플레이어가 참가하는 온라인 매치를 지원하고 엑스박스판에서는 포함되지 않은 멀티플레이어 맵을 포함하고 있다.[29] 하지만, 협동 플레이 모드는 방대한 양의 코드를 다시 구성해야 하기 때문에 제거되었다.[30] 2004년 3월 15일, 기어박스 소프트웨어는 사용자들이 직접 맵과 모드를 만들 수 있는 《헤일로: 커스텀 에디션》을 윈도로 발매했다.[31]





Halo takes place in a science fiction universe created by Bungie Studios specifically for the game. According to the story, the overpopulation of Earth and the realization of superluminal travel have caused the human race to colonize other planets.[16] A keystone of these efforts is the planet Reach, an interstellar naval yard responsible for building starships, and a hub of scientific and military activity.[16] A secret military endeavor, dubbed the SPARTAN-II Project, was established on Reach to create an army of biologically-engineered, cyborg "super-soldiers". Thirty-two years before the beginning of the game, a technologically advanced collective of alien races, the Covenant, began to attack human settlements.[16] Declaring humanity an affront to their gods, the Covenant launched a holy war against the human race.[16] The United Nations Space Command experienced a series of crushing defeats, and, although the super-soldiers of the SPARTAN-II Project fought impressively against the Covenant, they were too few in number to turn the tides of war.[16]

To prepare for a mission to discover the location of the Covenant homeworld by boarding one of its starships, SPARTAN-II soldiers were recalled to Reach for further augmentation.[16] Two days before the mission was to begin, Covenant forces attacked Reach and destroyed the colony.[16] A starship, the Pillar of Autumn, survived the onslaught and initiated a random jump to slip space (similar to light speed),[32] hoping to lead the enemy away from Earth.[33]

The titular Halo is an enormous, ring-shaped artificial space habitat/planet, which (according to Bungie Studios) has a diameter of ten thousand kilometers.[34] Halo sits at a Lagrange point between a planet and its moon. Centrifugal force created by the rotation of the station, combined with artificial gravity generators provide the ring's gravity.[35]



The player character is "Master Chief Petty Officer John SPARTAN-117",[36] one of the few (see Halo: The Fall of Reach and its sequels for more information) surviving super-soldiers of the SPARTAN-II project, and the main character of the story. Accompanying the Master Chief is the Pillar of Autumn's feminine artificial intelligence construct, Cortana, who resides in a neural implant connected to his battle armor which is codenamed MJOLNIR Mark V. The Pillar of Autumn's captain, Jacob Keyes, is also a major character. Playing an antagonistic role in the game's events is 343 Guilty Spark, an eccentric artificial intelligence responsible for monitoring and maintaining Halo's systems.

Master Chief (left), Cortana, and Captain Keyes aboard the Pillar of Autumn.

The story is presented through an instruction manual, scripted events and conversations during the game, and in-game cut scenes. The game begins as the Pillar of Autumn exits slip-space near a mysterious ring-shaped space station, called "Halo" by the Covenant.[37] A Covenant fleet attacks and heavily damages the Pillar of Autumn. Jacob Keyes initiates "The Cole Protocol",[38] a procedure designed to prevent the Covenant from learning the location of Earth. While Keyes prepares to land the ship on Halo, the Master Chief and Cortana escape via an escape pod, which crash lands on the ring.

Captain Keyes survives the Autumn's crash landing, but is captured by the Covenant.[39] In the second and third levels of the game, the Master Chief and Cortana gather human survivors and rescue Captain Keyes, who then orders Master Chief to beat the Covenant to Halo's control center and to discover its purpose.[40] The Master Chief and Cortana travel to a map room called the Silent Cartographer, which leads them to the control room.[41] There, Cortana enters the systems and, discovering something urgent, suddenly sends the Master Chief to find Captain Keyes, while she stays behind.[42] While searching for his commander, the Master Chief learns that the Covenant have accidentally released the Flood, a parasitic alien race capable of spreading itself by overwhelming and infesting other sentient lifeforms. Keyes falls victim to them while looking for a cache of weapons. The release of the Flood prompts 343 Guilty Spark to recruit the Master Chief in retrieving the Index, a device that will activate Halo and prevent the Flood from spreading beyond the facility.

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The Master Chief discovers what is left of Captain Keyes' squad.

After the Master Chief retrieves and begins to use the Index, Cortana re-appears and warns him against the activation. She has discovered that Halo's defense system is a weapon designed to kill all sentient life in the galaxy, thus effectively starving the Flood.[43] When confronted with this information, 343 Guilty Spark states that the installation technically only has a maximum radius of twenty-five thousand light-years, but that its pulse would trigger other similar installations as well, killing all sentient life in the galaxy.[44]

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The Master Chief (left) converses with 343 Guilty Spark (right).

With Cortana's help, and while fighting the Flood, the Covenant, and Guilty Spark's Sentinels, the Master Chief attempts to destroy Halo before 343 Guilty Spark activates it. Cortana discovers that the best way to destroy Halo is to cause the crashed Pillar of Autumn to self-destruct.[45] However, Captain Keyes' authorization is required to destroy the ship.[46] By the time that they reach Keyes, he has been infested and turned into a Brain Flood. The Master Chief retrieves Keyes' neural implants directly from his brain, and Cortana activates the Autumn's self-destruct sequence. However, 343 Guilty Spark reappears and deactivates the countdown, discovering the record of human history in the process.[47] The Master Chief manually causes the Pillar of Autumn's fusion reactors to begin to melt down, giving him and Cortana only fifteen minutes to escape.[48] The Master Chief and Cortana flee in a UNSC Longsword fighter, before Halo explodes. The ending reveals that 343 Guilty Spark survives the explosion of Halo, and the story is continued in Halo 2.



Halo's soundtrack was created by Bungie Studios' audio director, Martin O'Donnell, and received enthusiastic praise from many critics.[15][14][17][19][5] O'Donnell has stated that his goal was to provide "a feeling of importance, weight, and sense of the 'ancient'."[49] He designed the music so that it "could be dissembled and remixed in such a way that would give [him] multiple, interchangeable loops that could be randomly recombined in order to keep the piece interesting as well as a variable length". Development involved the creation of "alternative middle sections that could be transitioned to if the game called for such a change (i.e. less or more intense)."[50]

O'Donnell has remarked that he "sat with the level designers and 'spotted' the level as though it was a movie, with the knowledge that the music would have to be malleable rather than static.... [T]he level designer would tell me what he hoped a player would feel at certain points or after accomplishing certain tasks". Based on this information, O'Donnell would "go back and develop appropriate music cues, then have the designer script the cues into the level, and then we'd play through it to see if it worked as desired."[50] He explained that the use of music in Halo is sparse because he believes that "[music] is best used in a game to quicken the emotional state of the player and it works best when used least", and that "[if] music is constantly playing it tends to become sonic wallpaper and loses its impact when it is needed to truly enhance some dramatic component of game play."[51]


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The first official screenshot of Halo.

1999년 7월 21일, 맥월드 컨터런스 앤 엑스포에서 스티브 잡스는 《헤일로》가 맥 OS윈도로 동시에 발매될 것이라 발표했다.[52] 이 공개 발표가 있기 전에, 게임업계 기자들은 비밀유지 서약 아래 1999년 E3의 시사에서 게임을 미리 볼 수 있었다.[53][52][53] 번지 스튜디오는 이후 초기 개발 빌드는 실시간 전략 게임에 중점을 두었으며, 기본적으로 공상 과학 세계의 《미쓰》였다고 언급했다.[54]

[[2000년]의 E3에서 상영된 《헤일로》의 첫 트레일러는 좋은 평가를 받았다.[55] 트레일러는 이전에 전시된 것과는 크게 다른 모습을 보여주었다.[56] 이 시점에서《헤일로》는 수송 우주선이 별의 궤도에 있는 고리 모양의 세계에 불시착한다는 설정을 가진 삼인칭 액션 게임이었다.[57] 초기의 코버넌트 외계인들은 엄청난 수로 나타났고 전쟁은 그들과 인간들 사이에 벌어지는 것이었다.[57] 기술적으로 앞선 외계인들과 맞서는 것은 불가능했고, 인간들은 고리의 세계에서 게릴라 전에 의지해야 했다.[57] 이 버전의 게임은 헤일로에 특화된 동물들이 등장했는데, 이후 디자인 상의 어려움과 "플러드의 극적인 출현"에 영향을 주기 때문에 없어지게 되었다.[58]

소문대로,[59] 마이크로소프트2000년 6월 19일 번지 스튜디오를 인수함을 발표했다.[60] 《헤일로》는 마이크로소프트의 엑스박스 전용 게임이 되었고, 번지 스튜디오는 게임의 엔진을 다시 써 일인칭 슈팅 게임으로 전환되었다.[61] 원래 핵심 요소였던 온라인 멀티플레이어 요소는 《헤일로》가 발매될 당시 엑스박스 라이브가 완성되지 않아 사라졌다. 게임스톡 2001에서의 시연은 좋은 평가를 받았지만,[62] 2001년의 E3에서 비평가들은 엇갈린 반응을 보였다.[63][64][65] 게임은 2001년 11월 15일 엑스박스와 동시에 북 아메리카에 발매되었다.[1]

2002년 7월 12일, 기어박스 소프트웨어가 《헤일로》의 윈도판을 개발하고 있다고 발표되었다.[66] 윈도판은 2003년의 E3에서 시사를 가졌고 몇 명의 비평가들로부터 긍정적인 반응을 얻었고,[67][68] 다른 이들로부터는 회의적인 반응을 얻었다.[69] 2003년 9월 30일 윈도판은 온라인 멀티플레이어와 향상된 그래픽을 특징으로 발매되었지만,[70] 형편없는 성능을 보여주는 호환성 문제를 보였다.[71][29] 이후 《헤일로》는 2003년 12월 11일 맥 OS X로도 발매되었다.[72]


Reviews and awards
Publication Score Comment
Famitsu 32 of 40
IGN 9.7 of 10[15] Editor's Choice,
Game of the Year 2001
Game Informer 9.5 of 10[73]
EGM 10 of 10 Platinum Award, Game of the Year
GameSpy 85 out of 100[5]
GameSpot 9.7 of 10.[17] Editor's Choice
Edge 10 out of 10 Fourth ever top score awarded.
Compilations of multiple reviews
Game Rankings 96 of 100 (based on 90 reviews)[74]
Metacritic 97 of 100 (based on 68 reviews)[1]
2002 Game Developers
Choice Awards
Excellence in Audio
5th Annual Interactive
Achievement Awards
Console and Overall Game of the Year,
Console Action / Adventure, Visual Engineering
2000 Game Critics Awards Best Action Game

Halo broke sales records; by April 8, 2002, one million units had been sold; this pace was faster than that of any previous sixth-generation console game.[75] During the first two months following Halo's release, the game sold with more than fifty percent of Xbox consoles.[76] Halo's retail price remained at US$49.99 until November 30, 2003.[77] By July 14, 2003, the game had sold three million copies worldwide,[78] and by January 28, 2004, it had reached four million copies.[79] Since its release on November 15, 2001, Halo has sold over five million copies worldwide.[3]

Halo was critically acclaimed, earning an overall score of 97% on Metacritic.[1] Electronic Gaming Monthly observed, "This game has me totally mesmerized ... [It] engages your intellect on a whole different level," and awarded the game a perfect score.[2] GameSpot claimed that "Halo's single-player game is worth picking up an Xbox for alone," commenting, "Not only is this easily the best of the Xbox launch games, but it's easily one of the best shooters ever, on any platform."[17] IGN remarked similarly, calling Halo a "can't miss, no-brainer, sure thing, five star, triple A game."[15] Edge called it "the most important launch game for any console, ever," awarding it a 10 out of 10 score.[8] The game received numerous Game of the Year awards, including those of the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences,[80] Electronic Gaming Monthly, Edge, and IGN.[81] The British Academy of Film and Television Arts awarded Halo "Best Console Game", and Rolling Stone presented it with their "Best Original Soundtrack" award.[81] According to Xbox.com, the game received a total of 48 awards.[81]

Although Halo's overall reception was positive, the game was criticized for its level design. IGN wrote that "the middle third of the game basically has ... the same level over again."[15] GameSpy placed the game tenth on its "Top 25 Most Overrated Games of All Time" list, stating that the levels often "degenerated into recycling the same areas over and over until you were bored to tears," in addition to complaining about the multiplayer's lack of online functionality.[9] Noting the level design as a problem, an article on Game Studies.org stated that the game still "triumphs in understanding the anatomy of the FPS," and is "not so much about 'combat evolved' as the subtitle suggests, but about 'genre evolved'."[82]

Halo's PC rendition was subject to mixed reactions, receiving a score of 83% on Metacritic.[70] While GameSpot claimed that it was "still an incredible action game ... [and] a true classic" while receiving a 9.0 out of 10.[71] It received a score of 8.2 out of 10 from IGN, remarking "if you've played the game on the Xbox, there's not much for you here."[29] Eurogamer called the game "a missed opportunity," but stated that the online multiplayer component was "a massive draw .. for Halo veterans."[30]



Halo's influence has been called "undeniable",[83] and its "numerous subtle innovations have been borrowed by countless other games since."[84] The game is often cited as the main reason for the Xbox's success,[85] and it began what is commonly known as the system's flagship franchise.[86] Through criteria including revenue, average review scores, commentary, spin-offs and other elements, Halo has been estimated as the top second game of the twenty-first century, behind only Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.[87] The game's popularity sparked the usage of terms like "Halo clone"[88][89][90][10] and "Halo killer".[11] Notably, the game Killzone was billed as a "Halo killer".[91][92] The Halo engine has been used for the game Stubbs the Zombie in "Rebel Without a Pulse".[93]

Halo has been featured at both Major League Gaming and the World Cyber Games.[94][95] In machinima, the game was used as the basis for the extremely popular Red vs. Blue. The game's sequel, Halo 2, made US$125 million with unit sales of 2.38 million on the first day of its release,[96] earning it the distinction of the fastest-selling United States media product in history.[97] Three years later, Halo 3 shattered that record with the biggest opening day in entertainment history, taking in US$170 million in its first 24 hours.[98]



The Halo universe has been adapted several times into novel form. The first such adaptation was Halo: The Fall of Reach, a prequel to the events of Halo: Combat Evolved. Published in October 2001, this novel was written by Eric Nylund, who reportedly finished it in seven weeks.[99] The novel eventually became a Publishers Weekly bestseller with nearly two hundred thousand copies sold.[100] The following novel, entitled Halo: The Flood, is a tie-in of Halo: Combat Evolved, describing not only the experiences of the Master Chief, but also those of other characters on Installation 04. Written by William C. Dietz, this novel appeared on the Publishers Weekly bestsellers list during May 2003.[101] Nylund returned to write the third novel, Halo: First Strike, which takes place between the events of Halo: Combat Evolved and those of Halo 2. Written in sixteen weeks,[100] it was published in December 2003.[102] Nylund also wrote the fourth novel, Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, which was released October 31, 2006.[103] The next novel, however will be written by Joseph Staten and will be called Halo: Contact Harvest.

Another adaptation is the Halo Graphic Novel, a collection of four short stories released in July 2006.[104] It was written and illustrated by well-known graphic novelists Lee Hammock, Jay Faerber, Tsutomu Nihei, Brett Lewis, Simon Bisley, Ed Lee and Jean Giraud. Bungie Studios regards Halo's adaptations as canon.[105]

Furthermore, Marvel Comics is producing a limited-run Halo monthly comic, called Halo: Uprising, that started in July, 2007.


  1. 인용 오류: <ref> 태그가 잘못되었습니다; metacritic라는 이름을 가진 주석에 텍스트가 없습니다
  2. Electronic Gaming Monthly 150 호, 224 페이지
  3. Halo 2 Anniversary Special”.  다음 글자 무시됨: ‘ 원본일자2006-02-16 ’ (도움말);
  4. “DreamStation.cc의 《헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》 리뷰” (영어). 
  5. Accardo, Sal. “《헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》의 게임스파이 리뷰” (영어). 
  6. “The 52 Most Important Video Games of All Time” (영어). 
  8. Edge 105 호, 1 페이지 (review scans)
  9. “Top 25 Most Overrated Games of All Time”. 
  10. Wiley, James. “Joystiq Interview: Peter Moore @ CES”. 
  11. Sparks, Ryan. “Making a Halo Killer”. 
  12. Tavares, José Pedro, Rui Gil, and Licino Roque. “Player as Author: conjecturing online game creation modalities and infrastructure” (영어). 8월 3일에 확인함. 
  13. “Frequently Asked Questions about Halo: Gameplay”. 
  14. Dante, Tolen. “디 암체어 엠파이어의 《헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》 리뷰”. 
  15. Boulding, Aaron. “IGN의 《헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》 리뷰”. 
  16. 《헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》 사용자 설명서
  17. Fielder, Joe. “게임스팟의 《헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》 리뷰”. 
  18. Laidlaw, Mike. “아드레날린 볼트의 《헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》 리뷰”. 
  19. “게임플래닛의 《헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》 리뷰”. 
  20. 인용 오류: <ref> 태그가 잘못되었습니다; neoseeker라는 이름을 가진 주석에 텍스트가 없습니다
  21. “Human Weapons Intro”. 
  22. “Covenant Weapons Intro”. 
  23. “The GameSpot Guide to Halo: Combat Evolved -- The Covenant”.  확인하려면 게임스팟 등록 필요.
  24. “The GameSpot Guide to Halo: Combat Evolved -- The Flood”.  확인하려면 게임스팟 등록 필요.
  25. Soboleski, Brent. Halo Review (Xbox)”. 
  26. Halo: Combat Evolved review at TalkXbox”. 
  27. “《헤일로:전쟁의 서막》 공식 FAQ” (영어). 
  28. Sanders, Shawn. “게임 레볼루션의 《헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》 리뷰” (영어). 
  29. Butts, Steve. “IGN의 PC판 《헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》 리뷰” (영어). 
  30. Reed, Kristan. “유로게이머의 PC판 《헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》 리뷰” (영어). 
  31. “IGN의 《헤일로: 커스텀 에디션》” (영어). 
  32. Keyes: [sigh] We made a blind jump. How did they... / Cortana: Get here first? Covenant ships have always been faster. As for tracking us all the way from Reach, at light speed, my maneuvering options were limited.
  33. Sergeant Johnson: Men, we led those dumb bugs out to the middle of nowhere to keep 'em from gettin' their filthy claws on Earth. But, we stumbled onto somethin' they're so hot for that they're scramblin' over each other to get it! Well, I don't care if it's God's own, personal anti-son-of-a-bitch machine, or a giant hula hoop, we're not gonna let them have it! What we will let them have is a belly full of lead, and a pool of their own blood to drown in! Am I right, Marines?
  34. Errera, Claude (2000년 1월 10일). “Interview with Matt Soell”. 《Bungie.org》. 
  35. Perry, Douglass (2000년 5월 11일). “Bungie's ambitious first-person shooter is coming...”. 《IGN》. 
  36. Halo Story”. 
  37. Keyes: While the Covenant had us locked up in here, I overheard the guards talking about this ring world. They call it... Halo.
  38. Keyes: All right then, I'm initiating Cole Protocol article two. We're abandoning the Autumn. That means you too, Cortana.
  39. Cortana: Warning: I've picked up reports that the Covenant has located and secured the Pillar of Autumn's crash site. Good news is the Captain's still alive. The bad news is that the Covenant have captured all of the surviving men. Let's hurry and find the final lifeboat so we can link up with the rest of the survivors.
  40. Cortana: According to the data in their networks, the ring has some kind of deep religious significance. If I'm analyzing this correctly, they believe that Halo is some kind of weapon—one with vast, unimaginable power. / Keyes: And it's true. The Covenant kept saying that whoever controls Halo controls the fate of the universe. / Cortana: Now I see! I have intercepted a number of messages about a Covenant search team scouting for a control room. I thought they were looking for the bridge of a cruiser that I damaged during the battle above the ring, but they must be looking for Halo's control room! / Keyes: That's bad news. If Halo is a weapon, and the Covenant gain control of it, they'll use it against us and wipe out the entire human race. Chief, Cortana, I have a new mission for you. We need to beat the Covenant to Halo's control room. Marines, let's move.
  41. Cortana: The Covenant believe that what they call the "Silent Cartographer" is somewhere under this island. The Cartographer is a map room that will lead us to Halo's control center.
  42. Master Chief: So, what sort of weapon is it? / Cortana: What are you talking about? Master Chief: Let's stay focused. Halo: how do we use it against the Covenant? / Cortana: This ring isn't a cudgel, you barbarian. It's something else. Something much more important. The Covenant were right. This ring, it's Forerunner. Give me a second to access... yes, the Forerunners built this place, what they called a fortress world, in order to-- Wait... No, that can't be! Oh, those Covenant fools! They must have known! There must have been signs! / Master Chief: Slow down. You're losing me. / Cortana: The Covenant... found something buried in this ring; something horrible. And now they're afraid. Master Chief: Something buried? Where? / Cortana: The Captain! We've got to stop the Captain! / Master Chief: Keyes? What do we... / Cortana: The weapons cache he's looking for is not really... We can't let him get inside! / Master Chief: I don't understa-- / Cortana: There's no time! Get out of here! Find Keyes. Stop him. Before it's too late!
  43. Master Chief: The Flood is spreading. If we activate Halo's defenses, we can wipe them out. / Cortana: You have no idea how this ring works, do you? Why the Forerunners built it? Halo doesn't kill Flood; it kills their food. Humans, Covenant, whatever; we're all equally edible. The only way to stop the Flood is to starve them to death, and that's exactly what Halo is designed to do—wipe the galaxy clean of all sentient life. You don't believe me? Ask him!
  44. Master Chief: Is it true? / 343 Guilty Spark: More or less. Technically, this installation's pulse has a maximum effective radius of twenty-five thousand light years, but once the others follow suit, this galaxy will be quite devoid of life, or any least any life with sufficient biomass to sustain the Flood... but you already knew that. I mean, how couldn't you?
  45. Cortana: We can't let the monitor activate Halo! We have to stop him—we have to destroy Halo. According to my analysis of the available data, I believe the best course of action is somewhat risky. An explosion of sufficient size will help destabilize the ring and will cut through a number of primary systems. We need to trigger a detonation on a large scale, however. A starship's fusion reactors going critical would do the job. I'm going to search what's left of the Covenant battle net' and see if I can locate the Pillar of Autumn's crash site. If the ship's fusion reactors are still relatively intact, we can use them to destroy Halo.
  46. Cortana: I've located the Pillar of Autumn. She put down twelve hundred kilometers upspin. Energy readings show her fusion reactors are still powered up. The systems on the Pillar of Autumn have failsafes even I can't override without authorization from the Captain. We'll need to find him, or his neural implants, to start the fusion core detonation.
  47. Cortana: This won't take long ... There. That should give us enough time to make it to a lifeboat and put some distance between ourselves and Halo before the detonation. / 343 Guilty Spark: I'm afraid that's out of the question, really. / Cortana: Oh, hell! / 343 Guilty Spark: Ridiculous—that you and a warship's AI with such a wealth of knowledge ... Weren't you worried it might be captured, or destroyed? / Cortana: He's in my data arrays—a local tap. / 343 Guilty Spark: You can't imagine how exciting this is to have a record of all our lost time. Human history is it? Fascinating. / 343 Guilty Spark: Oh, how will I enjoy every moment of its categorization. To think that you would destroy this installation, as well as this record. I am shocked. Almost too shocked for words. / Cortana: He stopped the self-destruct sequence!
  48. Cortana: That did it. The engine's gone critical. Based on the current rate of decay, you should have fifteen minutes to get off the ship. We don't have much time. We should move outside and signal for evac. Accessing schematics ... there's a service lift at the top of the engine room. It leads to a Class 7 service corridor that runs along the ship's dorsal structure. Hurry!
  49. “Just the Right Sense of "Ancient". 《Xbox.com》. 
  50. Marks, Aaron (2002년 12월 2일). “The Use and Effectiveness of Audio in Halo: Game Music Evolved”. 《Music 4 Games》. 
  51. O'Donnell, Martin (2002년 3월 24일). “Producing Audio for Halo. 《Halo.Bungie.Org》. 
  52. Lopez, Vincent. “Heavenly Halo Announced from Bungie” (영어). 
  53. 다니엘 모리스. Your first look at... Halo (전문). PC 게이머 1999년 10월호, 페이지 40.
  54. “Inside Bungie: History” (영어). 
  55. Heaslip, Stephen. “Blue's News Best of E3 2000” (영어). 
  56. “Frequently Asked Questions about Halo: Media” (영어). 
  57. Hiatt, Jesse (1999년 11월). Games That Will Change Gaming (스캔본). 컴퓨터 게이밍 월드. 2006년 8월 31일에 확인.
  58. “One Million Years B.X. (Before Xbox)” (영어). 2006년 2월 10일에 확인함. 
  59. “Rumors, Rumors Everywhere, but None to Drink” (영어). 
  60. “Microsoft to Acquire Bungie Software” (영어). 
  61. Weir, Dale. Halo (Xbox) Preview” (영어). 
  62. Lopez, Vincent. “Playable Halo at GameStock” (영어). 
  63. Toyama, Kevin. Holy Halo (스캔본). 《넥스트 제네레이션 매거진》 2001년 5월호, 페이지 1.
  64. Wojnarowicz, Jakub / Colayco, Bob. “2001 E3 Part 1” (영어). 
  65. A World Apart (스캔본). 《게임프로》 1999년 5월호, 페이지 42.
  66. Halo Officially Official for the PC!” (영어). 
  67. Accardo, Sal. Halo (PC): The Very First Look” (영어). 
  68. Parker, Sam. Halo PC Hands-On” (영어). 
  69. Sulic, Ivan. “E3 2003: Halo Hands-On” (영어). 
  70. 인용 오류: <ref> 태그가 잘못되었습니다; metacritic2라는 이름을 가진 주석에 텍스트가 없습니다
  71. Kasavin, Greg. “게임스팟의 《헤일로: 전쟁의 서막》 PC판 리뷰” (영어). 
  72. 인용 오류: <ref> 태그가 잘못되었습니다; gamespot라는 이름을 가진 주석에 텍스트가 없습니다
  73. Halo: Combat Evolved review at Game Informer. 《Game Informer》. 
  74. Halo: Combat Evolved Reviews”. 
  75. “"Halo: Combat Evolved" for Xbox Tops 1 Million Mark In Record Time: Xbox System And Games Are Off to Recording-Setting Start in Just Four Months”. 《Microsoft.com》. 2002년 4월 8일. 
  76. Patrizio, Andy (2002년 1월 8일). “Xbox Assault Only Starting”. 《Wired》. 
  77. Thorsen, Tor (2003년 11월 20일). Halo price nearly halved”. 《GameSpot》. 
  78. Parker, Sam (2003년 7월 14일). Halo reaches 3 million”. 《GameSpot》. 
  79. Halo Sells Over Four Million for Xbox”. 《GamePro》. 2004년 1월 28일. 
  80. “The Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences :: Awards”. 《The Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences》. 2002년 2월 28일. 
  81. Halo: Combat Evolved - Awards”. 《Xbox.com》. 
  82. Järvinen, Aki. Halo and the Anatomy of the FPS”. 
  83. Wiley, James (2005년 10월 4일). Halo 3 script surfaces along with multiplayer details”. 《Joystiq》. 
  84. “Best Launch Titles”. 《GameSpot》. 
  85. Hill, Jason (2004년 11월 4일). “Xbox wears a Halo of success”. 《The Age》. 
  86. “Xbox 360 games we can't wait to play”. 《CNET》. 2006년 8월 2일. 
  87. Campbell, Colin / Keiser, Joe (2006년 7월 29일). “THE TOP 100 GAMES OF THE 21st CENTURY”. 《Next Generation》. 
  88. Howarth, Robert (2006년 5월 20일). “VE3D Best of E3 2006”. 《Voodoo Extreme》. 
  89. Bedigian, Louis (2003년 5월 28일). Brute Force review at GameZone”. 《GameZone》. 
  90. Gibson, Ellie (2005년 11월 14일). “Rare on Revolution controller”. 《Eurogamer》. 
  91. Shamoon, Evan (2004년 11월 12일). Killzone review at G4”. 《X-Play》. 
  92. Gaudiosi, John (2004년 5월 4일). “Pre-E3: Killzone Hands-On”. 《GameDaily》. 
  93. Autrijve, Rainier (2004년 10월 29일). Rebel Without a Pulse Announced”. 《GameSpy》. 
  94. Olsen, Jennifer (2004년 10월 7일). “The pomp before the stomp: The World Cyber Games kicks off”. 《GameSpot》. 
  95. Calvert, Justin (2003년 9월 10일). “$10,000 in prize money for first MLG event”. 《GameSpot》. 
  96. “'Halo 2' reports $125 million in first-day sales”. 《MSNBC》. 2004년 11월 10일.  |title=에 지움 문자가 있음(위치 1) (도움말)
  97. Fahey, Rob (2004년 11월 11일). Halo 2 US sales top $125; UK retail celebrates successful launch”. 《GamesIndustry.biz》. 
  98. Blake Snow (2007-09-26). “Halo 3 shatters retail record; sells $170M in 24 hrs”. GamePro. 2007년 9월 27일에 확인함. 
  99. Longdale, Holly. “Game Worlds in Written Words”. 《Xbox.com》. 
  100. Greene, Marty. First Strike Author Eric Nylund Q&A”. 《Xbox.com》. 
  101. Klepek, Patrick (2003년 5월 5일). Halo novel cracks bestseller”. 《Gaming-Age》. 
  102. Halo: First Strike by Eric Nylund”. 《Random House.com》. 
  103. “Amazon.com: Ghosts of Onyx (Halo)”. 《Amazon.com》. 
  104. Halo Graphic Novel at IGN”. 《IGN》. 
  105. “Joe Staten Interview”. 《Halo.Bungie.Org》. October 2004. 