
푸에르토리코 신진보당(Partido Nuevo Progresista de Puerto Rico, PNP)
이념 푸에르토리코 국가 건설, 미국으로의 병합
대표 Luis Fortuno
창당 1967년 8월
내부 조직
중앙당사 푸에르토리코 산 후안의 하토 레이

푸에르토리코 신진보당(스페인어: Partido Nuevo Progresista de Puerto Rico, PNP, 영어:New Progressive Party of Puerto Rico)는 미국의 한개 주로서의 푸에르토리코를 추구하는 정당이다. 현재 푸에르토리코의 상하원의 절대다수를 차지하고 있으며, 78명의 시장 중 42명을 당선시켰다.

신진보당의 지지자들은 penepés or estadistas라는 이름으로 불리는데, 이는 미국의 주로서의 지위를 지지하는 사람들이라는 뜻이다. 푸에르토리코 민중민주당과는 달리 미국의 공화당과 민주당 양쪽과 모두 관계를 맺고 있다.

창당 초기 신진보당의 많은 인사들은 미국 공화당 당원이기도 했다. 그러나 신진보당 출신의 총독인 카를로스 로메로 바르첼로나, 페드로 로셀로 곤살레스는 모두 미국 민주당의 당원이었다. 그 외에 현재 당 의장인 루이스 포르투노는 공화당원이자 푸에르토리코의 공화당 선거대책위원장을 지낸 바 있으며, 상원 의장인 케네쓰 맥클린탁은 푸에르토리코의 민주당 선거대책위원장을 지낸 바 있다.

현재는 루이스 포르투노가 2008년 3월 9일에 페드로 로셀로 곤살레스를 제치고 당 의장이 되었으며, 경선을 통해 선출된 신진보당의 총독 후보가 되었다.





당의 기원은 1967년에 한 스포츠 종합센터에서의 모임에서 찾을 수 있다. 1968년 1월 5일, 이들은 정당으로 정식 등록되었다. 그들은 당시 미국의 주로의 지위를 찬성했던 푸에르토리코 공화당과 뿌리가 있었는데, 1967년에 갈라서게 되었다.

초창기의 신진보당은 1967년에 있었던 국민투표에서 미국의 주로의 지위에 찬성하는 시위를 벌였다. 반면에 역사적으로 미국의 주로서의 지위를 찬성했던 푸에르토리코 공화당은 이 국민투표를 보이코트하기로 결정한다. 기존 푸에르토리코 공화당원이자 신진보당의 창립자이자 루이스 페레는 신진보당이 미국의 양대 정당과 제휴하는 정당이 아니라는 점을 분명히 선포하였다.



[[Image:Carlos Antonio Romero-Barceló.jpg|right|thumb|125 px|카를로스 로메로 바르첼로] 루이스 페레의 지도 하에 신진보당은 푸에르토리코 민중민주당을 앞설 정도로 세력을 쌓았다. 루이스 페레는 1969년부터 1973년까지 푸에르토 총독에 선출되었다. 70년대 초반에는 다시 민중민주당에게 밀렸지만, 카를로스 로메로 바르첼로의 지도 하에 신진보당은 다시 힘을 얻었다.

이런 도전 끝에 로메로 바르첼로는 1980년에 3000표 차이로 가까스로 총독에 당선되었다. 그러나

Carlos A. Romero Barceló won the governor's seat in 1980 by a narrow 3,000 vote margin. A prominent event during his term was a controversy wherein two young men, who had gone to Cerro Maravilla, a communications facility for the Island, to intercept the transmission, were shot dead (also see: Alejandro González Malavé) by state police. At first, it was reported that they had been shot because they resisted arrest, but then it became clear that they had been shot execution style while under police custody.

 The opposition PDP, in control of the legislature, orchestrated televised hearings in which they attempted to prove the whole incident was planned by the administration of Gov. Romero Barceló. Further scandals erupted when it became possible that an undercover police agent that was with the two men had actually engineered the whole episode.   This, combined with the fact that the then-mayor of San Juan, Hernán Padilla, left the party to form his own party, Partido Renovación Puertorriqueña (or PRP), allowed Hernández Colón to obtain re-election in 1984. In 1988, the NPP candidate, Baltasar Corrada del Río, the former resident commissioner (non-voting member of the U.S. House of Representatives, also known as Delegate from Puerto Rico) as well as mayor of the capital city of San Juan and member of the Puerto Rico Supreme Court (1995-2005), ran for governor but lost to Hernández Colón.

The NPP came back to power in 1992, when Pedro Rosselló González, a pediatric surgeon, became governor by defeating Luis Muñoz Marín's daughter Victoria Muñoz Mendoza, the PDP candidate, to become governor.

Rosselló launched an anti-crime campaign known as "Mano dura contra el crimen" ("Strong hand against crime") in which the Puerto Rico National Guard was used to assist state police. During Pedro J. Rosselló's term a number of large-scale infrastructure projects were undertaken, including the "Tren Urbano" (Metro Rail System), the "Superaqueduct", and the "Coliseo Puerto Rico" (Puerto Rico Coliseum). His policies also included a push toward privatization of public entities and free health care for the poor.

He led the NPP in two campaigns for Puerto Rican statehood in 1993 and 1998 in which locally-enacted plebiscites were held to consult the Puerto Rican public on the political status with the United States. He supported the proposal for a referendum in Puerto Rico to define the political status of the island. However, the bill died in committee in the Senate of the United States. Nevertheless, Rosselló carried out a non-binding plebiscite in 1998 which gave electors four options and a fifth None of the Above column. The opposing Popular Democratic Party led a campaign to boycott the plebiscite and called the electorate to vote for the None of the Above column. The boycott was successful, as the None of the Above column garnered more votes than all of the other options. Rosselló argued before Congress that statehood had won the plebiscite as he later said that the Fifth column was an invalid vote.

In the 1996 elections, the NPP candidate, Rosselló, defeated opponent Héctor Luis Acevedo (PDP), mayor of San Juan at the time, and Representative David Noriega (PIP), for a second term after obtaining more than one million votes and the largest victory margin of any candidate since 1964.

In 1998, the sale of the state-owned Puerto Rico Telephone Company (PRTC) to GTE for $1.9 billion led to a general strike organized by labor unions and backed by opposition forces. Rosselló's popularity took a hit along with the NPP's due to the backlash of the many images of protesters.

Rosselló stepped down as governor after eight years in power in 2000. His period as governor was marked by the Vieques protests and major economic growth due to the coincidence of the emerging Internet. In 2000, Carlos I. Pesquera, Secretary of Transportation under Rosselló, ran for governor. Pre-election polls had him at a considerable advantage over his PDP opponent, Sila María Calderón Cerra. As the election grew closer, Calderón closed the gap as Pesquera's image was harmed by a PDP campaign focusing on corruption under Rosselló's tenure.

It also did not help Pesquera that the Acting US District Attorney Guillermo Gil said in June 2000 (three months before the November 2000 election) "corruption has a name and it is called the New Progressive Party" while announcing a grand jury indictment. The grand jury had accused 18 people - including two mayors from Rosselló's New Progressive Party - of running an extortion scheme that skimmed $800,000 in kickbacks from a $56 million government contract. During a news conference, Gil told journalists that the extorted money had ended up in the coffers of the New Progressive Party. This and other actions by Gil were object of many ethics complaints to the US Department of Justice by NPP leaders.

In this environment, the NPP lost the 2000 election, losing the Governor's seat, the Resident Commissioner, and the state legislature. This was the first election since its creation, that the NPP suffered a vote reduction. Leo Díaz assumed the NPP Presidency, but it was short-lived as Pesquera returned to occupy the position after defeating Díaz.

Turmoil consumed the NPP during the first two years of the 2001-2005 term. The Secretary of Education, under the Rossello's administration, Victor Fajardo, was charged and convicted by federal agencies of appropriating millions of federal funds directed to the Education Department.[1] The former House Speaker and Republican National Committee Man, Edison Misla Aldarondo was also charged with extortion by the US Attorney's Office, and was forced to resign.[2] In an ironic turn of events, NPP figures charged with federal corruption crimes were also charged with corruption by the Puerto Rico Justice Department using new anti-corruption state laws that the NPP had enacted. In 2001, Calderon named a Blue Ribbon Committee that was dedicated to investigate government transactions under Rossello's two terms.

틀:Politics of Puerto Rico

2003 NPP Primaries for Governor


In July 2002, several of the party's leaders were involved in an incident at the Office of Women's Affairs. Pesquera led a phalanx of pro-statehood advocates and the press into the government office whose administrator had refused to display the American Flag alongside the flag of Puerto Rico. A jury acquitted Pesquera and other followers of any wrongdoing.

In March 2003, Rosselló, who had been living in the state of Virginia, returned to the island, responding to the many calls and visits he received from prominent citizens and politicians. Rosselló subsequently defeated Pesquera in the NPP primary for the gubernatorial nomination.

2004 general elections


The fall 2004 campaign was lively and controversial. Rosselló's prior administration was repeatedly painted as corrupt, while his PDP opponent (Calderón chose not to run for re-election) Anibal Acevedo Vila (PDP) was initially behind in the polls. In his performance in televised debates, Acevedo's campaign gained momentum, aided in part by the favorable press he received from the island media outlets. In pre-election polls, Rosselló led by double digits, but ultimately Rosselló lost by some 3,000 votes (1,200 votes went as write-in for Carlos Pesquera) proving that the PDP's strategy worked once again. Rosselló challenged the electoral results alleging that split ticket votes, which had always been counted before, were now illegal. After a lengthy court battle decided by the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit (located in Boston, MA), Acevedo Vila was certified as governor.

Senate Conflict


As 2005 began, Rosselló became a Senator for the Arecibo district after elected Senator Victor Loubriel resigned from his seat, effectively gaining a seat for which he did not run. Thus started a struggle between Senate President Kenneth McClintock and Rossello for control of the Senate Presidency . The dispute ended in a stalemate as McClintock refused to leave the position, a stance respected by the PDP minority senators and 5 other NPP senators. This led to the expulsion from the party of McClintock as well as two of the NPP senators who backed him, a matter which led McClintock to file suit in San Juan Superior Court, winning the case, which was confirmed by the Puerto Rico Supreme Court in a 5-1 ruling. The infighting ended when Rosselló was defeated in the 2008 primary and when McClintock co-chaired Sen. Hillary Clinton's Democratic primary campaign and helped lead her to a record-setting 68-32% victory in the waning days of her bid for the Democratic nomination.

2008 NPP Primaries for Governor


[[Image:LGF official photo.jpg|right|thumb|250 px| Luis G. Fortuño Burset]] On March 7, 2007, Rosselló stated that he was no longer interested in the Senate Presidency and is now focusing his attention in preventing Resident Commissioner Luis Fortuño from winning the March 2008 gubernatorial primary, and has allowed his name to be placed in nomination for the party's gubernatorial primary. McClintock and four other senators won in San Juan Superior Court a suit to nullify the sanctions and expulsions that the party leadership has levied against them. The Puerto Rico Supreme Court confirmed the lower court decision by a 5-to-1 vote. As a result, McClintock and his supporters are recognized as NPP members and free to run under the party banner.In March 9, 2008, Pedro Rosselló conceded the victory to Luis Fortuño after a large margin of votes in favor of his opponent in the NPP party primaries for the presidency of the party and gubernatorial nomination. Rosselló admitted defeat even before the votes were completely tallied claiming Fortuño as the next candidate of the PNP party. In Rosselló's conceding speech he said "Luis Fortuño has been selected by the people to be the new president of this party and the candidate for governor. I always say the people speaks and I obey, Fortuño here is your party and here is your office (signaling the party's official headquarters). Now its up to you, the loyal members of this party, to make sure that this new leadership works for the statehood for Puerto Rico"[3]. After this conceding speech it was rumored and even announced at Fortuño's headquarters that the former Governor would arrive there along with his loyal supporter and mayor of the capital city of San Juan, Jorge Santini, but after Fortuño's followers waited for hours to see their leaders united neither Rosselló or Santini arrived. After the primary was over it was heavily rumored by many that Rosselló would not be campaigning for Fortuño and that he'd resign as senator to go back to his home in Virginia. On March 10, 2008, Rosselló sent the media a written statement regarding his future in which he confirmed he will be retiring from active politics and will not be campaigning for any candidate, however he will finish his term as Senator for the Arecibo District.

Primary Backlash
파일:Sanjuan alcalde.gif
Jorge Santini

As soon as the results of the March 9, 2008 primaries were announced NPP's Second Vice President, "Doña" Miriam Ramírez de Ferrer, announced her resignation immediately "Effectively right now I am no longer the Second Vice President of this Party. You will not see me ever again involved in active politics, party reunions or party meetings, as I now plan to become a private citizen. There's a lot of things I haven't done I want to do, and I'll also do some things I have to do to help the statehood cause". Ramírez was a candidate for Resident Commissioner in the primaries and was openly supporting Rosselló. She lost to Fortuño's candidate, Pedro Pierluisi, and to another Rosselló supporter who was also defeated, Charlie Rodríguez. When Ramírez was asked by the media if she will vote for Fortuño, she replied "My vote is secret". This came as no surprise as she had commented to the media before the primaries "I'd rather cut my hand than vote for Fortuño". Another strong voice against Fortuño was NPP former President, Leo Díaz. Díaz accused Fortuño and his wife to having ties with PDP law firms and with colonialist interests. In November 4, 2007 Díaz said "In this primary the life of this party is in jeopardy. The other candidate, Fortuño, isn't a real statehood defender! He should explain why does he have ties with PDP's law firms and why do the colonialist special interests finance his campaign[...]"[4], this comments were made in a activity called Con Fuerza Para vencer. Jorge Santini, San Juan Mayor, also made strong statements against Fortuño during the primary campaign as he supported Rosselló. He said that Fortuño wasn't a "Full time leader" and that he "made arrangements with other causes"[5]. Most of Rosselló supporters were elected at the primary and have endorsed Fortuño as their candidate for Governor, including Jorge Santini, who has been accused of being hypocritical after he leveled so much criticism at the man who is now the president of his own party.


The party is strongly associated with the color blue in Puerto Rico because of its logo. Since the logo features a palm tree, many Puerto Ricans call the NPP "La Palma".

Curiously enough, the use of a palm tree as a party symbol by the NPP was suggested, indirectly, by the opposition. In the original 1967 status plebiscite, then Puerto Rico governor Roberto Sanchez Vilella asked one of his then staff members, future governor Rafael Hernandez Colon to come up with three ideas for art clips, as to identify each of the three status options in the ballot and assist illiterate voters who might not be able to read it. In his book "Vientos de Cambio", Hernandez Colón recalls that he conceived the three symbols while at the backyard of his father-in-law's house in Ponce, Puerto Rico. One of the symbols (the one which eventually represented the statehood option in the ballot) was a "palma real" (Roystonea regia), a species of palm tree that is native to the Caribbean. The group "Estadistas Unidos", the statehood supporters who broke rank with García Méndez to participate at the plebiscite, adopted the palm tree as a potential party symbol when they incorporated the NPP. Due to electoral law restrictions, however, they were forbidden to use a "palma real" as a logo because of its previous use in an election; therefore, a coconut (Cocos nucifera) palm tree was used instead. The use of the coconut palm tree as a symbol by the NPP persists to this day.

The logo's original version consisted of a light blue palm tree, partially encircled by words in a semi-circle (the exact color hue for the logo being that of the United Nations flag, as a personal request from the party founder, Luis A. Ferré. The original logo had the party's name surrounding it; eventually the words "estadidad, seguridad, progreso" ("statehood, security, progress" in English) substituted the party name. The logo later enclosed the palm tree in a blue oval and reversed its colors. The tonality of blue used in the newer logo was eventually changed to a deep navy blue, as to liken it to that of the canton of the United States' flag.

Important party leaders


Party Presidents


(Order: Previous - Present)

Party Gubernatorial nominees


Other Impotant Figures


See also



  1. Puerto Rico Herald January 24, 2002 (accessed 3 November 2006)
  2. Puerto Rico Herald January 8, 2002 (accessed 3 November 2006)
  3. Rosselló's concession speech (Spanish) March 9, 2008
  4. Leo Diaz Urbina's speech at "Con fuerza para Vencer" (Spanish) November 4, 2007
  5. Santini's speech at "Con Fuerza Para Vencer (Spanish) November 4, 2007


