
Revert everything-Try everything 원곡


You messed up tonight
You lost another IP
You'll still do 반달
but I'll just revert again
You'll keep making puppets
But yours will be revealed
I always get up early
To draw back vandals

Birds don't just fly
sometimes they'll be disrupted
Nobody learns
Without experiments

I won't give up,
No, I won't give in
'til I reach the end
then I'll start again
No, I won't leave
I wanna 기여 forever
I wanna contribute though
My page was vandalized

Look at how many you've made
You filled 위백 with knowledge
Baby, you've come enough
Despite your mistakes
Don't beat yourself up
Don't need to be perfect
Sometimes we miss vandals
But we do our best

독립군가 개사-지식피그님에게서 영감을 얻어



위키백과 대반달군 일천 용사야

지식의 부르심을 네가 아느냐

오십만 3천명의 위키백과를

건질 이 너와 나로다

후렴- 나가 나가 싸우러 나가*2

마지막 반달러의 항복 때까지

되돌리러 나가세


반달들이 끈질기다 겁을 낼 건가

사토가 테러되어 낙심할 건가

차단과 보호가 이어질 곳에

이길 이 너와 나로다
