사용자:Salamander724/스웨덴의 술

V&S에서 제조하는 가장 성공적인 작품, 앱솔루트 보드카.

스웨덴(스웨덴어: Alkoholdrycker i Sverige)은 서방 세계에서 매우 흔한 편에 속한다. 스웨덴은 역사적으로 보드카 벨트 지역에 속하며, 증류주 소비량이 매우 많고 폭음 문화가 보편적이었다. 하지만 20세기 후반을 거치면서 음주 문화도 보다 서유럽화되어 와인의 인기가 증가하고 주1회 음주 문화가 확산되었다.

술 종류와 상표


스웨덴의 특성주는 브렌빈(brännvin)으로, 이것은 곡류나 감자를 발효하여 증류한 리큐어를 말한다. 브렌빈 중에서 특히 독한 것이 보드카로, 앱솔루트 보드카익스플로러 보드카 등의 상표가 있다. 허브향을 가미한 브렌민을 아크바비트(akvavit)라고 한다. 이것은 주로 식사(특히 식초에 절인 청어나 가재 요리) 도중의 반주로 마신다.

맥주는 반주든 업소든 라거가 가장 흔하다. In restaurants and bars it is usually served as a stor stark (literally "large strong"), a glass usually containing 40 - 50 cL of starköl (see below). Lättöl (generally around 2% abv) is very popular in lunch restaurants as for the vast majority of people it is possible to drink one serving of it and still stay below the legal limits for drink driving.

Sweet cider is also common. As of July 1, 2005, new rules established that only fermented juice from apple or pear is allowed to be called 'cider'. Before this change, any fruit-based beverage could be called cider, meaning that what would be considered alcopop in other countries could be sold as cider in Sweden.


Sweden is traditionally part of the vodka belt.

Since prehistory, beer was the staple beverage in Sweden, drunk in extreme quantities to balance the salty food—pickled herring and (if affordable) salted pork were the major protein sources for most people.틀:Dubious Mead was a common delicacy. Distilling was introduced in the 15th century. Prohibition against production and/or sale of brännvin—distilled alcohol—has been enforced during some periods.

As Sweden was industrialized and urbanized during the 19th century, industrially produced brännvin became more available, and alcohol caused increasing health and social problems. The temperance movement rose, and since 1905, government has a monopoly on sales of liquor. The Swedish prohibition referendum in 1922 resulted in continued sales of alcohol. A rationing system, called Brattsystemet or motbok, was used until 1955. As Sweden entered the EU in 1995, drinking habits became more continental, and regulations were relaxed. Systembolaget introduced box wine and law allowed private enterprises to import and market alcohol—though the retail monopoly remained. Consumption of alcohol increased by 30% from 1995 to 2005.[1]

규제와 과세

1922년 스웨덴 금주법 국민투표 당시 포스터.
시스템볼라겟 상점.

Sweden has a government alcohol monopoly called Systembolaget for sale of all beverages stronger than 3.5% by volume. Minimum purchase age at Systembolaget is 20 years, but 18 at restaurants and bars with proper permission.

Beer is legally divided into three classes. Class I (maximum 2.25%), called lättöl ("light beer"), is sold without restrictions (although shops often set their own age restrictions). Class II (up to 3.5%), called folköl ("people's beer"), is sold in regular stores, but with the minimum purchase age of 18. Class III, starköl ("strong beer", over 3.5%) is sold only in Systembolaget stores.[2]

Beverages are taxed by content of alcohol, more heavily than in most other countries. The tax on vodka (40%) is SEK 200.56/litre, on Wine (14%) SEK 22.08/litre and on beer (4.5%) SEK 6.615/litre (2007). Beer with 2.8% alcohol or less is exempt from tax, except VAT.[3] The VAT is 12% (food tax) for beverages sold in shops having up to 3.5% alcohol, and 25% above that, and at restaurants.

The import quota from other EU countries is unlimited for personal use.[4] Due to the taxes many Swedes supply themselves in Estonia or Germany. Limited rations of duty free shopping is allowed on the ferries between Sweden and Finland, provided they dock at Åland, which is an autonomous part of Finland, and has a special treaty with the EU.

Moonshining does occur, mainly in rural areas.[5]

Restaurants and bars


Alcohol can be sold in restaurants. The age limit is 18, though many nightclubs voluntarily require a minimum age at the door above 18 (usually 20 or 23, occasionally up to 30).

Alcohol can be sold in bars and pubs if they are defined as restaurants, which means they have to offer food on location. Restaurants, bars and pubs need permission from the municipality to sell alcohol. The alcohol must be for immediate consumption, meaning that the staff has to open bottles etc. After 10 PM the kitchen is allowed to close.

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