사용자:Salamander724/양들의 침묵

양들의 침묵》(The Silence of the Lambs)은 토머스 해리스가 쓴 소설이다. 해리스의 1981년 소설 《레드 드래곤》의 속편으로, 1988년에 초판이 출판되었다. 전작에 이어 식인 연쇄 살인범 한니발 렉터 박사가 등장하며, FBI 수사관 클라리스 스탈링이 처음 등장한다. 이 소설은 출간 이후 베스트셀러가 되었으며, 1991년에는 영화화되어 그 이듬해 아카데미상 여우주연, 남우주연, 감독상을 휩쓸었다.



1983년 2월에 이야기는 시작한다. 젊은 FBI 연수생 클라리스 스탈링은 FBI 과장 잭 크로포드의 심부름으로 전직 법의학자이자 소시오패스한니발 렉터 박사에게 프로파일링에 대해 자문을 구하러 간다. 렉터는 연쇄 살인 및 식인 혐의로 메릴랜드 주 정신 병원 특수 병동에 수감된 상태이다.

크로포드는 비만 여성들을 납치한 다음 그 가죽을 벗기고 강에 유기하는 연쇄 살인자 코드네임 "버팔로 빌"을 쫓고 있는데, 이 별명은 캔자스 시경에서 붙인 것이다. 클라리스는 이 범인의 정체를 알기 위해 정기적으로 렉터와 접촉하고, 그 과정에서 애매한 실마리를 주는 대신 자신의 어두웠던 과거를 털어놓으라고 요구하는 렉터와의 사이에 이상한 감정이 싹트게 된다.

웨스트버지니아 주에서 버팔로 빌의 6번째 피살자가 발견되자 클라리스는 검시에 참여했다가 시체의 목구멍에서 나방의 번데기를 발견한다. 렉터가 예측한 대로 피살자는 머릿가죽이 벗겨진 여자였고, 어깨 부분에도 마름모꼴로 가죽이 벗겨져 있었다. 이번의 피살자는 납치 4일만에 살해되었으며, 초기 범행과 비교해 납치와 살해 사이의 기간이 계속 짧아졌다. 렉터와의 대담을 통해 클라리스는 렉터가 빌의 정체를 알고 있다고 확신하게 되지만 크로포드는 렉터가 입을 열 리 없다고 단언한다.

클라리스는 스미스소니언 박물관에 번데기를 들고 가 그 번데기는 해골박각시나방으로, 피해자가 사는 곳에서는 자생하지 않는 종이라는 것을 알게 된다.

In Tennessee, Catherine Baker Martin, the daughter of Senator Ruth Martin, is kidnapped. Within six hours, her blouse is found on the roadside, slit up the back: Buffalo Bill's calling card. Crawford is advised that no less than the President of the United States has expressed "intense interest" in the case, and that a successful rescue is preferable. Crawford estimates they have three days before Catherine is killed.

After Starling leaves, Lecter reminisces on the past, recalling a conversation with Benjamin Raspail, a former patient whom he later murdered. Raspail, during that therapy session, explained the death of a sailor named Klaus at the hands of Raspail's jealous former lover, Jame Gumb, who then used Klaus's skin to make an apron. Raspail also revealed that Gumb had an epiphany upon watching a moth hatch. Lecter's pleasant ruminations are interrupted when Dr. Frederick Chilton - the asylum's administrator and Lecter's nemesis - steps in. A listening device allowed him to record Starling's conversation, and Chilton has found out that Crawford's deal is a lie. He offers one of his own: If Lecter reveals Buffalo Bill's identity, he will indeed get a transfer to another asylum, but only if Chilton gets credit for getting the information from him. Lecter insists that he'll only give the information to Senator Martin in person, in Tennessee. Chilton agrees. Unknown to Chilton, Lecter has previously hidden under his tongue a paperclip and some parts of a pen, both of which were mistakenly given to him by untrained orderlies during his stay at the asylum. He fashions the pen pieces and paperclip into an improvised lockpick, which he later uses to pick his handcuff locks.

In Tennessee, Lecter toys with Senator Martin briefly, enjoying the woman's anguish, but eventually gives her some information about Buffalo Bill: his name is William "Billy" Rubin, and he has suffered from elephant ivory anthrax, a knifemaker's disease. He also provides an accurate physical description. The information is a red herring: bilirubin is a pigment in human bile and a chief coloring agent in human feces, which the forensic lab compares to the color of Chilton's hair.

Starling tries one last time to get information from Lecter as he is about to be transferred. He offers a final clue - "we covet what we see everyday" - and demands to hear her worst memory. Starling reveals that, after her father's death, she was sent to live with a cousin on a sheep ranch. One night, she discovered the farmer slaughtering the spring lambs, and fled in terror with a lamb under her arm. The farmer caught and sent her to an orphanage, where she spent the rest of her childhood. Lecter thanks her, and the two share a brief moment of connection before Chilton shooes her out of the room. Later on, she deduces from Lecter's clue that Buffalo Bill knew his first victim.

Shortly after this, Lecter escapes by killing and eviscerating his guards, using one of their faces as a mask to fool paramedics. Starling continues her search for Buffalo Bill, eventually tracking him down and killing him and rescuing Catherine. She is made a full-fledged FBI agent, and receives a congratulatory telegram from Lecter, who hopes for her that "the lambs have stopped screaming".

등장 인물




Following the 1986 adaptation of Red Dragon (filmed as Manhunter), The Silence of the Lambs was adapted by Jonathan Demme in 1991. The Silence of the Lambs became the third film in Oscar history to win the five most prestigious Academy Awards - Actor in a leading role, Actress in a leading role, Director, Motion Picture and Screenplay. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter, Jodie Foster as Clarice Starling and Ted Levine as the serial killer Buffalo Bill. It continues to be listed among the best movies ever made to this day.[1]

