시카고 대학교 신학부

시카고 대학교의 학부

시카고 대학교 신학부 (The University of Chicago Divinity School)는 미국 일리노이주 시카고에 있는 시카고 대학교 안에 있으면서 종교분야에서 학술적이며 성직자 교육에 공헌하고 있다. 침례교 배경에서 세워졌지만 오늘날 학교는 특정 교파에 소속되지 않는다. 셈족어에 전문가이며 침례교 목사였던 윌리암 레이니 하퍼가 첫번째 대학교의 총장이었다.

스위프트 홀
본드 채플

유명한 교수들

  • Daniel A. Arnold, Indian and comparative philosophy of religion
  • Hans Dieter Betz, emeritus, New Testament
  • Anne Carr, feminist theologian (deceased)
  • Arnold Davidson, philosopher and Michel Foucault specialist
  • Wendy Doniger, scholar of Hinduism and comparative mythology
  • Mircea Eliade scholar of comparative religions (deceased)
  • Jean Bethke Elshtain, political philosopher and ethicist (deceased)
  • Michael Fishbane, Semitic languages, biblical studies, and Judaica
  • Franklin I. Gamwell, emeritus, scholar of ethical and political theory
  • Dwight N. Hopkins, theology, Black theology, and liberation theologies
  • Matthew Kapstein, scholar of Tibetan religions and Buddhist philosophy
  • Hans-Josef Klauck, emeritus, New Testament
  • Bruce Lincoln, emeritus, historian of religions and Indo-Europeanist
  • Jean-Luc Marion, French phenomenologist and theologian
  • Martin E. Marty, emeritus, religion in America
  • Bernard McGinn, emeritus, medieval mysticism
  • Paul Mendes-Flohr, modern Jewish intellectual history
  • Margaret M. Mitchell, former Dean and specialist in Early Christianity
  • David Nirenberg, dean,[1] historian of religions
  • Martha C. Nussbaum, associated faculty; philosopher, legalist and public intellectual
  • Frank E. Reynolds, emeritus professor, history of religions and Buddhist studies
  • Paul Ricoeur, philosopher (deceased)
  • Martin Riesebrodt, German sociologist and specializing on Max Weber's works (deceased)
  • William Schweiker, theological ethics
  • Michael Sells, Islamic Studies and Qur'an
  • Jonathan Z. Smith, emeritus, influential historian of religions (deceased)
  • Kathryn Tanner, theologian
  • Paul Tillich, theologian (deceased)
  • Emilie Townes, christian social ethicist, womanist theologian
  • David Tracy, emeritus, Catholic theology
  • Christian K. Wedemeyer, historian of religions, Indian and Tibetan esoteric Buddhism
  • Laurie Zoloth, Dean (2017—2018), bioethics and Jewish studies


  • History of Religions (academic journal)
  • The Journal of Religion (academic journal, founded 1882)
  • Ethics (founded in 1890, no longer in publication)
  • Criterion (founded in1961 by then-dean Jerald Brauer, published twice a year).
  • Circa (founded 1992 as the dean's newsletter; alumni magazine published in the fall and spring quarters)


  1. Dembner, Spencer (2018년 4월 5일). “Nirenberg to Become Interim Divinity School Dean”. 《The Chicago Maroon》. 2018년 4월 7일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2018년 4월 6일에 확인함.