어번 선언서(Auburn Affirmation) 은 1924년 5월에 발행된 문서로 미국장로교 소속 1274면의 목회이 서명하고 11명의 회의 위원들이 미국 장로교회의 통일성과 자유를 보호하기 위하여 작성된 선언서이다. 총회의 임원들의 권한에 도전한 것으로 총회가 전통주의로서 5개의 근본원리들을 고수하자 이에 반말하여 선언서를 만들게 되었다.

참고 문헌

  • Loetscher, Lefferts A., The Broadening Church: A Study of Theological Issues in the Presbyterian Church since 1869. University of Philadelphia Press, 1957, pp. 117–120; 134-135.
  • Longfield, Bradley J., The Presbyterian Controversy: Fundamentalists, Modernists & Moderates. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991, p. 77-103. [includes extended treatment on Henry Sloan Coffin]
  • North, Gary, Crossed Fingers: How the Liberals Captured the Presbyterian Church. Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, 1996, pp. 534–581.
  • Quirk, Charles Evans, The 'Auburn' Affirmation: A Critical Narrative of the Document Designed to Safeguard the Unity and Liberty of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America in 1924. Iowa City, IA: The University of Iowa, 1967; Ph.D. dissertation, 2 volumes, xv, 543 leaves; 28 cm.
  • __________________, "Origins of the Auburn Affirmation," Journal of Presbyterian History 53.2 (Summer 1975): 120-142.
  • __________________, "A Statistical Analysis of the Signers of The Auburn Affirmation," Journal of Presbyterian History 43.3 (September 1965): 182-196.
  • ISBN 0-934688-67-2 Rian, Edwin H., The Presbyterian Conflict. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1940, pp. 29–59.
  • Snowden, James H., "What Is The Auburn Affirmation?" The Presbyterian Banner 120.50 (14 June 1934): 2, 9-10.
  • What is the Orthodox Presbyterian Church?