
에파크리스아과(epacris亞科, 학명: Epacridoideae 에파크리도이데아이[*])는 진달래과아과이다.[1]

Epacris longiflora
Epacris longiflora
생물 분류ℹ️
계: 식물계
(미분류): 속씨식물군
(미분류): 진정쌍떡잎식물군
(미분류): 국화군
목: 진달래목
과: 진달래과
아과: 에파크리스아과
Link, 1829
Epacris Cav.
[출처 필요]

하위 분류

리케아족(Richeeae Crayn & Quinn)[2]
  • Dracophyllum Labill.
  • Richea R.Br.
  • Sphenotoma Sweet
스티펠리아족(Styphelieae Bartl.)[3]
  • Acrothamnus Quinn
  • Acrotriche R.Br.
  • Agiortia Quinn
  • Androstoma Hook.f.
  • Astroloma R.Br.
  • Brachyloma Sond.
  • Choristemon H.B.Will.
  • Coleanthera Stschegl.
  • Conostephium Benth.
  • Croninia J.W.Powell
  • Cyathodes Labill.
  • Cyathopsis Brongn. & Gris
  • Decatoca F.Muell.
  • Leptecophylla C.M.Weiller
  • Leucopogon R.Br.
  • Lissanthe R.Br.
  • Melichrus R.Br.
  • Monotoca R.Br.
  • Montitega C.M.Weiller
  • Pentachondra R.Br.
  • Planocarpa C.M.Weiller
  • Styphelia Sm.
  • Trochocarpa R.Br.
아르케리아족(Archerieae Crayn & Quinn)[4]
  • Archeria Hook.f.
에파크리스족(Epacrideae Dumort.)[5]
  • Epacris Cav.
  • Lysinema R.Br.
  • Woollsia F.Muell.
올리가레나족(Oligarrheneae Crayn & Quinn)[6]
  • Dielsiodoxa Albr.
  • Needhamiella L.Watson
  • Oligarrhena R.Br.
코스멜리아족(Cosmelieae Crayn & Quinn)[7]
  • Andersonia R.Br.
  • Cosmelia R.Br.
  • Sprengelia Sm.
프리오노테스족(Prionoteae Drude)[8]
  • Lebetanthus Endl.
  • Prionotes R.Br.


  1. Link, Johann Heinrich Friedrich. Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse 1: 601. 1829.
  2. Crayn, Darren M. & Quinn, Christopher John. The Botanical Review, interpreting botanical progress 68(3): 412. 2002.
  3. Bartling, Friedrich Gottlieb. Ordines Naturales Plantarum 158. 1830.
  4. Crayn, Darren M. & Quinn, Christopher John. Australian Systematic Botany 11: 23. 1998.
  5. Dumortier, Barthélemy Charles Joseph. Analyse des Familles des Plantes 28. 1829.
  6. Crayn, Darren M. & Quinn, Christopher John. The Botanical Review, interpreting botanical progress 68(3): 412. 2002.
  7. Crayn, Darren M. & Quinn, Christopher John. The Botanical Review, interpreting botanical progress 68(3): 413. 2002.
  8. Drude, Carl Georg Oscar. Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien IV(1): 72. 1889.